Here’s to me. *clink*

I dreamt this one lazy afternoon. I don’t know if it will happen, but it would work for me, if I had to choose a way to go.

Like the ancient Samurai, I look for death everyday in every moment, as though looking for an old friend that I long to see again, a lover from lost years, but that is hiding from me. She is playing a game that I know she will win, and I play along as though I don’t.

I don’t want to die, but I am no longer afraid of it. It is coming for all of us and that is that. Why run from that which is faster than you?   Turn around and face it.

Anyway, I wanted to share it, so I have.  Enjoy.

Picture a moonlight night, the sun is just setting over the Sonora desert, the coyotes are yapping in the distance. You are sitting with friends, drinking wine and eating cheese. The sounds of  some soft mood music in the background, lull you into a relaxed state.  You walk away from the party, heading out to the deck.

Turning as you leave, you see everyone raising glasses in a final toast, your friends watching you leave, happy smiles on their faces. You raise your glass in return, smiling a large happy smile.  “It is good to have them here”, you think to yourself, as a happy smile plays across your face.

Outside, the desert at night is captivating. It would be chilly, except for the small fireplace that keeps you comfortable. The low roar of the flames is calming and you enjoy the feeling of sweet serenity that seems to wash over you. Peace beckons and you relax and accept its purpose. You see the last rays of the sun peaking over the low mountains in the distance and raise your glass in salute.  Setting it down on the end table, you look to the setting sun.

As it slowly sets, so do you, softly falling into an easy chair you have put here for just this purpose.  Closing your eyes for the last time, your final impressions are the sounds of the coyotes, the roar of the fire and the waning heat of the setting sun.

Serenity, at last.

Do you have a preferred way to go, if you were to choose?

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