My Current Plight

I am in a bad place and I need your help. Please read this entire (rather lengthy) blog.

I cannot give complete details at this time, but I can tell you this:  I am currently in the middle of a trial related to the car accident that I had in January. I am suspended from work and I have no income for the foreseeable future, at least until the case is settled.  I am thinning down to a Spartan (Awooo!) lifestyle and I have a little bit of savings after the initial lawyer fees, but that won’t last me past a month or two.  I will likely be selling things that I can part with, so please be prepared to help me to find buyers if you cannot donate.   This will very likely include my home, if it goes too long.

If you can spare anything so that I do not have to liquidate my life, I would appreciate it.  If you owe me anything, I am calling in those markers.  Since I tend to loan money and then forget about it, I don’t remember all of the loans I may have given out.  If I remembered, I have already sent out separate communication. If not, well this is your chance.

If all you can spare is to share a meal with me, or perhaps fill my tank so I can get around, I would love that.  If there is anything you can do, I will accept most help. Later, I will post a list of things I need the most help with (like cleaning up the house and grounds, or helping me to sell off items).  Also, if you know of anyone in the IT field that is looking for a hardworking nerd with social skills, my resume is here.

It comes at a time when I would like to make changes in my self and my lifestyle, so I guess this event is forcing my hand.  Considering the gravity of the accident, I can’t really get upset about it, so I have accepted it and I am moving forward as best I can.

Donate: If you want to donate, there is a button just over there to the right.  If it doesn’t work, or you don’t want to use paypal, email me and I will send you my address for you send to.   Any money that I don’t need, I will return after the fact.  I will keep track, and as soon as I can, I will pay each and every person back.  This is my promise and I hope that you all know what that is worth from me.

Some Requests:

In reading this, I have a few requests and I cannot be flexible in them. Please do not take offense.

I have moved into a mode that many of you have never seen before and it will likely catch you off guard.  I am surviving, pure and simple and I had to turn off certain parts of myself to get things done.  It might seem strange, but it is what I need. To quote my favorite Browncoat:

I start fighting a war, I guarantee you’ll see somethin’ new.

These requests are:

1) I am not interested in any angry retorts against my employer or anyone else that is wronging me.  I am not being wronged; there is an investigation and a trial related to a death that happened in a car accident I was in. Remember that I am going through a trial and every part of my life is under review.  Please show me that you have the character that I know you have and, if you cannot help, keep your comments positive.

2)Keep your comments non-political and non-religious. Pray if you want to, but please don’t include me in it. I am not looking for help on high or to blame anyone for what is happening here.  It is a moment in time; it will pass and I don’t really want a pep talk from anyone if I haven’t asked for it.  I am getting that from the counselors that I am talking to regularly.

3) If you stop by unannounced, please don’t be offended if I ask you to leave. Because it is very likely I will ask you to leave.  I am very busy at my house working to earn what money I can or relaxing amidst the chaos and I reserve the right to decide whether I want anyone here at any time.  It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate or like you.  It means I need to be alone.  Also, I was taken from my house to jail by a sudden knock on the door and it makes me a might twitchy when I hear it, even when I expect it.  Please call me if you are interested in stopping by.

4) Please do not be offended if I refuse to come visit or have you over as company.  I am conserving all resources and that means fuel and time.  I won’t drive anywhere that I do not have to and I may not want any company.  I am also under certain restrictions by the court, so there are places I simply can’t go right now.  Feel free to ask, as I am likely to want some company, but the majority of my time is being spent at home, looking for work, or on errands of the court.

Thank you for honoring my requests and for sticking with me in my darkest hour.  I will really need my friendships right now and for those friendships to be flexible as I deal with this.  Everyone has been wonderful so far and I expect everyone to continue doing so.

I will be strong and I will survive, albeit with less money and perhaps a little less freedom.  But, I am from a clan that does quite well at surviving, as our motto will attest. I will end this novella with that.


Walking the Path,


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