NaNoWriMo – Day Eight

I am at Mama Fu’s in Bentonville writing away.  There is an Epic Boss Battle to end Chapter 6 that I am working through now. Within the hour, I will be putting this away and going to see a movie with some pals, so I am furiously trying to write this scene before then.  Just in case I don’t get to post later, though, here is my update for today.  I am behind about 3k words, but I am off tomorrow and I will write in spurts all day.

That sounded dirty.

Anyway, back to see if my hero can kill the Bastard of a Dark Elf that is the Master of the Wail.  I will include another excerpt below, with some of the steps leading up to it.  I hope you enjoy it.


9737 Words!



As I passed the two guards just outside the Zone, I noticed once again how much power these two just casually wielded at the end of the street. I mean, the aura of a wizard is an easy thing to see if you know how to look, but it was also fairly simple to mask it or at least make it seem less than it was. The guard I was looking at was a taller Elf wearing a leather tunic and carrying a staff with a large emerald set into the top. The power from that thing alone was enough to make most men quake, but it paled next to the mage holding it. This guy could level a city block without breaking a sweat.

Then you looked to his left and there was another just like him. Battle mages the both of them and they somehow became guards of the Blood Zone. There was absolutely no way anyone was going to bring violence past these two powerhouses. They smiled a lazy smile as I walked past them and nearly startled me when he spoke.

“The Orcs are a bit frisky today. Killed 17 people this morning already.”

“Thanks, masters, but I am here for one purpose and I don’t think a few Orcs are going to slow me down.”

“Nope, I don’t suppose they will. I remember you from a few days ago. But, we decided we like you and we’d like to see you come back out alive.”

“Again, thank you. You honor me with your praise. I will do my best to live up to it.”

“See that you do. And give Faeltir our regards.”

His smile was a mile wide and yet somehow not mocking me. I stumbled over my words as I continued on.

“I…uh…will. Good day, sirs.”

They went back into their previous conversations and I saw money change hands between them. I am not sure what the bet was, but clearly one of them expected something from me. Maybe it was just because I came back. I didn’t have time to reflect on why due to the spear that flew past my head and headed at the pair of wizards. The spear dropped to the ground in front of them and they didn’t even break conversation.

I however, spun to my left and turned to face the spear thrower only to see my friend Kami surrounded by about five Orcs that seemed interested in his demise. I pulled Mana up from inside me and brought forth a bit of lightning between my fingertips. I let it build there for a moment while I watched the scene.

Kami was holding his own, but had been wounded several times and was bleeding from most of them. I now could see the five Orc that lay near his feet and a several more that were hurling spears from the nearby patio in front of Graal’s Lair. Kami took one down with a swift thrust and stepped to the side as another spear made its way to his heart. With a practiced motion, he let the sidestep turn into a spin and carry his blade into the one behind him until I could hear a loud thump from the hilt of his blade slamming into the Orc’s ribs. The missing spear made its way into a third assailant and made it scream like a beast. As it fell, I moved my gaze past Kami to the patio.

I took aim at the spear throwers past Kami and let loose my lightning. It arced over the battle and into the nearest hurler with an impact that would make Giants jealous. The monster was hurled back into the others as my electric burst followed, like a snake to the kill. Three more were burned before it was through, leaving but two still standing and able to fight.

I let them see the fire that I had replaced the lightning with and they froze and just stared at me. I used this moment to glance at Kami and saw that he finishing another one and the remaining combatant was considering running away. I let go my fireball into the patio with a casual gesture and started walking towards the last one standing by Kami, drawing my blade as I did.

The explosion on the patio made quite a bit of noise and the rest of the Orc over there were screaming in pain making the last guy in front of us very unsteady on his feet. He was Orc, though, and it was unlikely he would give up to two elves staring him down even though they had just slaughtered nearly a dozen of his kin. It was more likely he was going to fight back to die with some semblance of honor. I saw him steady himself and move into a guard position ready for our assault.

I really had respect for this one, as he didn’t run. I have seen greater beings flee from me after they know what I could do and more importantly, what I would do, but this creature stood ready and willing to fight. I almost didn’t want to kill him, but that would be far worse for him. I would give him the death he deserved.

At this moment, Kami stepped up and put his blade out to his side, blocking my way.

“This one is mine.”

“Come, Elf. Show me what you can do.”

They stared each other down for a long moment. There was no movement, no sweat, no fear. Two warriors, poised and ready, planning to end the other as soon as someone flinched. I was trying to figure out who it would be when suddenly Kami moved forward faster than I have ever seen him. The thrust was true and the Orc almost didn’t move before it hit him. He feebly parried after the blade hit home, his weak swing clanging against his killer’s blade and falling limply to the ground. He dropped to his knees, as Kami pulled the blade out.

He looked up into the Elf’s eyes and brought his blade up over his chest in a salute. A moment later, he fell forward in a heap at Kami’s feet. The Elf leaned down and wiped his blade on the fallen Orc’s tunic and sheathed it in a practiced motion. He then walked over to me with a deep smile on his face.

“So, what’s for lunch?”

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