Current Artemis Ranks – Stardate 0/2012.357

I thought to give some flavor, I would rank everyone that has played Artemis with me.  This is not including at conventions or training missions away from my house.   Video evidence will be required or the word another officer Lt rank or higher for these missions to count.

Current Ranks, In Order:

Name, Rank, Insignia,Favored Station, Mission Award
Chris Colbath,Lieutenant Commander,Lieutenant Commander, Command/Helm, ***/++
Martin Jackson, Lieutenant Commander,Lieutenant Commander ,Tactical/Command, **/+
B’Ney Landis, Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Comm/Science,++
Anders Hallstrom, Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Engineering/Science, **/++
Josie Jackson, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG, ,
Danielle Jackson, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG ,Science/Comm,+
Brian Dallman, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG,Tactical/Command,**/+
Nathan Jared, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG, Engineering/Science,+
Chris Low, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG,Tactical/Comm,++
Greg Phillips, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG,Engineering,++,
Charles Wright, Ensign,Ensign,Science,+
Jared Scott, Ensign,Ensign ,Helm/Tactical,+
Salty Fogle, Ensign,Ensign , ,+
Phil Fox, Ensign,Ensign , ,+
Devin Griffis, Ensign, Ensign, ,+

*, Have commanded at least one successful mission on any difficulty.
**, Have commanded a successful mission difficulty 5 or higher.
***, Have commanded a successful mission difficulty 8 or higher.
+, Served on a successful mission of difficulty 5 or higher.
++,Served on a successful mission difficulty 8 or higher.

If I missed anyone, please let me know.  This is assuming you have played with me and were trained with me or one of my officers.  All promotions from this point forward will be put up to a review board of your peers to be more fair.  If you feel any of these ranks are not appropriate, please feel free to argue with me.

Below is a listing of the various officer ranks we will be using, according to Star Fleet.

Additionally, if anyone would like to write mission briefings, I can add you as an author on this blog, so we can keep them in one place.

That is all.

Lt. Commander Colbath, (acting) Captain of the USS Daedalus.



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