Ark-Con 2013 – My Plans for this Con

I will be here all weekend playing, running and watching games.  You should, too.  Here is what I will be doing there.

Being Awesome. 

Eating junk food.

Playing games.

Here is what I will not be doing there:

Being boring

Getting much sleep.

Eating right.

The games I am directly involved in:

Artemis bridge simulation.

There will be at least two (2) full bridges.  I am trying to get a third online, if I can.  If anyone has any laptops that you want to donate for the weekend, I would appreciate it. The more we have, the more bridges we can assemble.  This game is a frakkin’ blast.

YOU command the bridge or run one of 5 bridge crew stations.  It isn’t just a video game; in fact, it plays more like an Live Action game, if it is played right.  We have had the most fun when everyone is in character at their station.  You MUST try this game and it is best when Tony Bates and his crew run it.

Red Alert!  General Quarters!  Raise Shields!

Go here for more information. You can download the demo and try it out on your systems, and use the vast amount of forum information to make it more fun! If you want to play a few games with the full client, the price tag makes it available to you and your entire crew, including all the updates.

Go try the Demo with several of your friends now.  That is an order!

Houses of the Blooded LARP (Live Action Roleplay):

“Thank you for joining me at this Solace Party as we celebrate the life and retreat into Solace of our dear friend Count D’Win Yvari.  It is a time of joy, as Ven that make it to the final rest are happy and free of the struggles of living and the difficulties of dealing with, well, you and your drama.

It is my sincere hope that you will enjoy my new home, inherited from the late D’win Yvarai, Count of the Eastern Reaches.   Enjoy the wine and refreshments with my compliments. Let the party begin.”


This will be the Saturday night Houses game AND an unusual Houses event. The Count has gone into Solace, which means he has joined his ancestors, the Suaven.  The Suaven can continue to communicate with you, and sometimes give you messages.  In this case, the Count’s passage into Solace has left all his lands in the hands of the Host, but not everyone agrees that the Host deserves to keep them.

Friday night, we will play a simple scenario to get folks used to the game and set the stage for the party on Saturday.  You can play just Friday or just Saturday, but I think you will enjoy playing both.

Characters will be provided, and you can drop into the game at any time.  Come out and enjoy the unique style of LARP play that John has created.  It is unlike any of the other LARPs you may have played in the past.


John’s site is here:  Although you won’t need it for this event, you can pick up a copy Houses of the Blooded & Blood and Tears (the LARP rules) and be ready for the event. They are both available in print or digital formats.

Also, any one that comes to the game in stylish noble gear (or anything that helps all of us stay in more character) will get bonus style!!!

Open Gaming:

When I am not being awesome, eating food that is bad for me, and getting no sleep, I will be playing any games I want to in the various rooms.  You should find me and play games with me.  As Kirk said to Khan,

If you want me, you are going to have to come down here!

And by here, I mean Ark-Con.  Register now! That is all.  See you at the con!

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