GenCon 2013: A long time coming

In one short week, I will be at GenCon to play games and see the greatest gaming convention in the world.  Or so I have been assured.  This will be my first time to attend.

Most of you know that I have taken an irrational dislike to Gary Gygax.  Some of you know why.  Even fewer of you know this is the reason I have never gone to GenCon.  The Mecca of gaming and I am a GenCon virgin over a stupid Vow I made as a rash young boy.

Granted, I still don’t like him.  Given what he has done for the hobby, regardless of what I think of him, I will accept him as a Founder of what I love.  I will not accept him as the great and wonderful Oz.  Oh wait, that term actually fits him, at least the character’s charlatan origins, but he was a 3rd level magician, at best.

But, that’s not what I am writing about here, even though it is related.  That story is written here, for those that are interested.    Now on to GenCon.

I am really, really, excited about going to GenCon.  It is a little overwhelming, even for a veteran congoer like me.  I have been to several *really* large conventions and the atmosphere is staggering at first.  Most conventions are a mix of many things and gaming, although usually pretty cool, gets a side seat to all of the other events.  Like screen and voice actor signings and such, HUGE raves, and cosplay.  The merchant rooms might have one or two gaming vendors, if that.  Especially at the “Comiccon” type events.  Those are largely comics (duh), artists, and writers, with general nerd culture items thrown in.  These things take over a convention and gaming is just part of the crowd.

But *this* one is all gaming, all the time.   Most of the vendor room, I am told, is gaming vendors.  All of the food groups are represented.  Here is a link to the announcements for games being premiered at Gencon. I am sure there will be more, but this is all I could find.  Assuming I can afford it, I will bring home as many as I can!

I will be playing in a Houses of the the Blooded LARP, run by Rob Justice and attended by the creator, John Wick.  I generally have a blast with this crew and am excited to see that happens.  Most of this group will also be at GlitchCon, a week later.  I expect to have a great time.

I plan to play a 2 hour Artemis mission called Ship of the Line, and I dread that they will make me Captain, even though they know not my skills. I rarely get to play any role but captain, so it might be nice to run another station.  Anything but Comms, though.  I will do it, so the mission will succeed, but I really don’t like Comms.  The new version will be out there, as well, so I will be one of the first to try it outside of the Beta Testers.  I am excited.

I will also spend time with some of my friends, although most of them have had plans for GenCon for many moons and I doubt we will spend much time together.  So, as I am wont to do, I will meet many new gamers and drink with new friends while they are about their business.  I absolutely love meeting new people.  They all have stories, as Kaylee would say.

I look forward to what is to come and I will report as soon as I can when I get back.  Expect FB updates and such, as I go.

So, wish me luck and I will see you upon my return. Play more games!

Serenity Always,


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