17 things about me

I was given the number 17. Like my status and I will NOT give you a number.  If you want a number, roll 3d6 and use that.  Click the link to get that number.

Here are 17 things most people likely don’t know about me.

  1. I still love every woman I ever fell in love with. On any given day, I am sad for the things I did to lose them. Some days, I don’t think of any of them. Those are my better days. Today, I thought of all of them, writing this.
  2. I have only slept with 11 women, no matter what you may have heard, and only a few of them more than once. I am very selective.
  3. I think about death every day. Life in every breath.
  4. I broke my nose playing soccer as a kid. I forgot I wasn’t the goalie and I moved my face in the way to prevent the goal. I played the rest of the game with a broken nose.
  5. I don’t like change, but I have learned to embrace it. I have had a lot of it in the last 5 years.
  6. If I could afford it, I would run for President. I think I can both handle it and I would do some good. And then get shot.
  7. When I was young, I wanted to be a cop, a marine, a Rockstar, a samurai and a ninja. I ended up being a little of each.
  8. I used to ride the public transport system in Phoenix looking for criminals to punish. I stopped several crimes without a fight by intimidation.
  9. I was sent to the store once to get chicken and eggs. I stopped at the door and called my wife to ask which one I should buy first. When she hung up, I called my Dad. I eventually flipped a coin.
  10. I was refused entrance into the Marine Corps when I was 20 on medical reasons.
  11. I am not a donor because I don’t want someone to harvest my organs if they find I am a compatible match.  I want to be cremated so I can’t be a zombie later.
  12. Jack Daniels makes me mean.
  13. I am scared shitless every time I am in charge. Not because I am afraid to talk in front of people or to make decisions. But because it scares me to think that people might actually feel I am a leader and I might let them down.
  14. I sometimes hit such deep levels of depression that I can’t talk to anyone. I just sit at home and watch movies until I fall asleep.  No, I am not a danger to myself.  Shut it.
  15. When I was young, I wanted to study with Bruce Lee. When I found out last year that I was in his Martial Arts family, I was humbled beyond words. RIP Bruce.
  16. My first attempt at being a father was when I was dating a girl who was Off.Her.Rocker.  I was that little girl’s father for about 9 months and we became very close.  To this day I still say “kids” when I talk about mine.  I regret not keeping in touch with that little girl. I think about her often and how she is doing. She would be 27 or 28 now.  Carrie, I miss you and I hope you are doing well.
  17. I would gladly give up my body to have an android one. I don’t really want an organic body anymore. Either that, or I’d like to be a White Court vampire. If you don’t know what that is, read the Dresden Files books.

There you go. Things about me.

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