GlitchCon 2014 Gaming Help!!!

If you are coming to GlitchCon and want to help in the game room in a serious way, please read this!

UPDATE:  6/20

I have help for the schedule!  We will have a preliminary schedule up by 7/1.  If you are wanting to run games, please use these links to get them in the system so they can be scheduled!

I have always had a passion for gaming.  More than anything I want the gamer culture to thrive in this area and I have see it grow in the last few years do to many folks efforts.  But there is more that can be done and I want Glitchcon to be a part of it.  That is why I volunteered to run gaming at GlitchCon.  But my life this year is kicking my ass and I need some help.  It has cast Overrun and Growth on me and I am not going to make it without help. I am getting seriously beat up with work and personal things and I need help with the gaming area.  I have broken out the work into several positions that will allow me to focus on doing advertising and social media, in addition to some organizing efforts outside of these.  Many of these are “during the con” responsibilities, and won’t have as much work to do early.  But some have duties that have fast approaching deadlines that I can’t do alone.  I need a commitment from some folks to help, so I can stop thinking about it. Each area will have responsibility for their area and will report regularly to me on how things are coming along.  I will give each Lieutenant a plan to execute and the autonomy to make that plan happen within the restrictions and budget I give them.  I am limited in funds, but I will have a small amount, as needed.   You will get credit for helping with the game room, as well as free all-areas passage into the convention. And and chance to bring Glory to the Empire.


The Jobs

Tabletop Room

This is the bread and butter of the event.  Most people, regardless of their specific interest in coming to the convention will see, hear and likely visit this room.  My vision is to have a game library, several demo tables from game companies, and games run especially for the con-goers by trained gamers whose purpose in the room is to show folks how to play games. In addition, this Lieutenant will have responsibility of the gaming schedule and coordinating all of the GMs and other volunteers for this room, making sure the schedule is published by July 1st.  They will also coordinating special events and/or tournaments that will take place in this room.  I will get a 2nd Lieutenant for this room to assist, as needed.

Demo Tables/Tournaments

The Lieutenant in this area will be given the job of taking care of these folks at the con and hunting for people to attend in this area as well.  We have some folks signed up already, but we have room for more.  Based on space available, we will have several game demos and events for this room.  We should have some tournaments this year and depending on the costs, we should announce them in advance.  I will share the names of the folks I have now and those that were here last year for you to contact.

Game Sponsor/Guest Liaison

Although I will be involved in negotiations and such with our Game Sponsor and guests, once they arrive at the con, I will have someone whose core function will be to support them.  This will include troubleshooting any issues and providing any help they need as the con progresses. The game sponsor should be able to set up shop in the game room and sell their wares in addition sponsoring the Game Library.  They will provide staff to man the game library; we will staff the room to show folks how to play and to help run any events or tournaments.

Game Central

This will be a general purpose area for all coordination of anything gaming.  I will spend time here, along with each of the Lieutenants in turn to make sure we can answer any gaming related questions.  It will likely be just outside or just inside the tabletop game room, depending on space.  This will be staffed all day and likely with flyers overnight to guide folks to things still going on.  Still in flux.


John Wick will have his LARP this year, and the Vampire folks will have a LARP.  None have asked, but we will include boffer LARP folks, as they were wanted and missed at GC’13.  There is a gentleman that I met that wants to do a Steampunk LARP and I want to let him. Artemis will have two bridges (possibly more) this year and I will staff this room with folks that are knowledgeable of the game and can sit in to play with smaller groups to make sure there are always full bridges. I need someone to coordinate this both before and during the convention.

I plan to see if they can get into uniform this year to help add to the feeling of being on a ship.  I have the plans available for uniforms, but the cost is too high to provide them, so I will see if anyone is willing to get them on their own.  If not, I have ideas for a lower cost uniform that might still work and be more receptive to them.  Sashes for each player position will be provided, as well, if I can get them made in time. If you can fill one of these positions, or have questions, please let me know at as soon as possible. Help me gaming friends, you are my only hope! Thank you.

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