The Beginning of the World and the Age of Strife

In the beginning, there was only Resurgo and He felt alone.

He created all of the universe and then the Umbra, within which He lived in an elaborate floating Citadel. He looked upon His work and pondered. It all worked according to His plan and He was satisfied with what He had made.

But still He was alone. There were no others in the universe that He could talk to except His contemptible brother, Scratch, and he would not speak to Resurgo except to taunt and jeer at His creation. And so, Scratch was sealed out of the world.

Elves, Resurgo created first, and gave to them the love of Magic. The teacher of magic, they called Him and revered He was by them all. They were immortal, and could not forget their beginnings. As such, all of their songs, poems, and stories were of His glory and not their own. They were afraid to make things not honoring their creator, and as they could not grow old, they could not forget him.

Resurgo tried to show them that the creation itself should be honored, not He. But the Elves were blind in their faith and grateful to the Creator. They would not change.

Next came the Dwarves, and to them He gave the love of Craft, for He wished to have a people who would build wondrous things and He wished for them to build for their own sake, and not his. They, too, built in homage to their creator and built wondrous halls devoted to Him, while they themselves lived in caves and huts around the Great temples of Resurgo.

Many centuries passed, and Resurgo became uneasy with His creation. All of the creatures worshipped Him. They sacrificed many riches to Him and honored Him with many holidays, yet they took no solace in their own power. Only when it somehow reflected Resurgos image or would house things created for Him would it be built. He loved His creatures, but He was saddened by their desire to only make things if He was honored. He wanted the peoples of the world to excel in all areas of science, not just art to honor him.

He then created Man, and gave them a short lifespan, so they could forget their original creation and they would eventually create for arts sake and not just for Him, as the memory of Him would only be in stories and songs.

He appeared before them in an attempt to inspire their work in other areas, but this only made their homage to Him increase tenfold. He was at a loss for what to do. And so, in great sadness, Resurgo slept.

It was then that the Great Silence began. Resurgo stopped answering the calls to him. Offers to Him were not received and rotted in the temples. Sickness went to his people and was not healed. Resurgo was gone, it seemed, and the people began to feel His sadness.

It was during this time that Resurgos brother appeared. He found his way into the universe while his brother was sleeping and began to usurp the rulers. Scratch adopted a persona on the world of Horin (the pride of Resurgo) as a priest of the God Imaginus. No one had heard of Imaginus, but he was listening to their worries and helping.

Many began to follow Imaginus and denounce Resurgo as their God. Resurgo had deserted them: why should they continue to follow Him when Imaginus was here and willing to help?

When Resurgo awoke from his slumber, many years had passed. Only the Chanellers had stayed true to Resurgo, now calling him Res to avoid persecution and secretly holding ceremonies. For although they knew he wasnt listening, they were not willing to question Resurgos motives. He was, after all, their creator. Who were they to question his silence? They were determined to learn the meaning of the silence and correct whatever wrong they had done.

Imaginus had begun a major movement subverting the minds of the people into religious slavery. The slow change had taken centuries. Resurgo found that his power had diminished to the point that He could no longer appear except to His most devout followers or as a lesser creature only, Imaginus power had increased too much over the centuries of silence Resurgo had undergone. He had to work secretly to get his power built up again.

Again, centuries passed. Resurgo revealed certain mysteries to an elite few to increase His power: Rune Magic to nine immortal Elven practitioners, so the art would not die; Gate Magic to His few devout Chanellers; and Magick to his remaining four great dragon mages, divine servants who would follow his purpose without guidance.

When Imaginus found that Resurgo had indeed awakened, he began the long struggle to completely remove Him from the world.

Thus began the Third Age of the World — The age of strife.

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