My Opinion on Spoilers

I am not sure my opinion is popular, but I feel that there is that the limit for spoilers is in the eye of the spoilee. Let me explain.

If you don’t want a show to be spoiled, it is up to you to remain unspoiled. However, it is still recommended to those who can spoil things to avoid it if they can. That’s just common courtesy.

There are really two places to encounter spoilers; in the media (social, news, trailers, etc.) and in person (that dick, Jim*, who won’t stop talking). In the latter case, it is simple. Jim just needs to shut the fuck up. Getting Jim to do that is an exercise for the reader.

Online, it gets trickier. As you will encounter spoilers in the media, you can either shut yourself down from it until you can watch said show. Or you can accept you might see some spoilers and surf carefully. The real trick is educating folks not to post them in the first place, but that is nigh impossible.

Here is how I post spoilers, if I do at all (in order of preference).

  1. If the site I am posting on as a “spoiler” tag, like some sites provide (like BBG, and reddit), I use that.
  2. If they do not, I use ROT13 encryption for the spoiler text and provide a link to decrypt. There are others, but this one is simple. For some history on why I use this, check the Wikipedia article on ROT13.
  3. I post a huge “SPOILER ALERT” and then many newlines to scroll the actual spoiler out of view.
  4. I obfuscate the spoiler so that only someone who as seen the show will understand it.

And that is my take on spoilers. I hope it helps.


* I don’t know any Jim’s that are dicks like this, currently. It was just the first name out of my head. Sorry, Jim.

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