Aaaaaaaaand Scene.

I am officially out of spoons and am focused on recharging. As usual, it is complicated enough that I have no one to talk about it to but my therapist. /sigh

Without any warnings that I picked up on, my brain turned on the Empty light and I suddenly thought, “Fuck Societal Standards!” That led to “Fuck Capitalism!” and then “Fuck Male Toxicity!” and also “Fuck Greed!

This spiraled to the point I am at now, which can be summed up as, “Fuck Everything.” I will let you know when I am back from this dark fucking place.

And, No Thank You, I don’t need anything from anyone. I appreciate the thought. I can deal with this.

Also? If anyone knows where I can swap it out, I want a new brain.

Any way, have a nice day, y’all. Try to be better today, than yesterday. That’s all I got for you.

In this one of many possible worlds
All for the best or some bizarre test?
It is what it is and whatever
Time is still the infinite jest

The Garden, Clockwork Angels, Rush

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

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