Day 2: Thirsty Sword Lesbians

The Character

Olli Milmot is a Beast. She likes to go get wild, dresses comfortably and carries a sword made of the teeth of things she was forced to fight. She would much rather wrestle, cuddle and kiss, but if you push her, she will fight you on your terms. Then, the Beast takes over and she adds teeth to her sword. Oh, and if you run? She is an expert Tracker. You made your choice; hide if you can.

The Experience

I decided Ollie’s beast form was that of an Owlbear because Owlbears are cool. Fight me. I think this one would have been much more fun to create in a session 0 with a group, but there you go.

I was in a hurry, so no picture today. Working on Day three!

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