Day 3: Mutant Year Zero

I am a little behind, as I had several days of previous commitments I had to prioritize first and I am pooped. I am hoping to catch up by Day 5 and keep it consistent from there, still using the Day the character should have been done. This is hard for my ADHD/PTSD brain, y’all, but I have a gym buddy/body double keeping me on track. It is very helpful.

Now on to Karl, another Enforcer character. I am starting to see a theme in my choices. 🙂

The Character

Karl grew up in the wastes and survived competing with the various creatures. His mutated carapace instead of skin and immense size (even as a child) allowed him to survive with only emotional damage to show for it. Most things just leave him alone as he walks about the waste. Despite his large size and intimidating manner, he is a big softie if you aren’t hostile to him. He only kills what he has to, and taking advantage of his kindness is cause for it. Good info to know, just in case you meet him in the wild.

Karl’s Character sheet on GDrive

The Experience

Once again, I made a character I want to play and I enjoyed the process, but the lack of a group to play off of for better backgrounds was definitely noticed. I would like to actually play this game at least once and maybe remake Karl when I do. I only had the starter set for this one, so I would like to do more with this game.

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