Today’s running code:

So, I decided to write out some of my thoughts in code, to see if they make sense. I was struggling to get things done today, and had to prioritize things that had to be done vs. things I want to get done. The writing below is pretty much what went through my brain. I have run it, reached FuckIt(), and am currently regenerating. I am not asleep, so I had enough spoons to get this written.

NOTE: This is pseudocode from several of the various languages I know. I am choosing various syntax purely for readability of my message. I know it won’t compile and I don’t need to be told. If you need it to compile, feel free to rewrite it and let me know. I am happy with it as it is, since it runs on ChrisOS just fine. 🙂

Today’s Code:

#> cat DoStuff.exe
#> #/bin/chrish -w

//start of Code
spoons = GetSpoonCount(); // do I have the energy?
fucks  = GetFuckCount();  // can I give a fuck?
spoons = spoons -1; // evaluating counts costs spoons.

// If I don't give a fuck, we are done.
if (fucks < 1) { 
    FuckIt(); // if we are here, go look at FuckIt subroutine below.

// Otherwise, let's try to get something done! 
// if we have positive spoons, then let's go

// loop over plans and start doing them
for plan in plansForToday {
    // check to see if you still care
    if ( spoons > 0 AND fucks > 0 ) {	
        effort = GetEffort(plan);
        if ( effort > spoons OR effort > fucks) {

        // if we got here, we are doing shit!		
        fucks  = (fucks  - effort);
        spoons  = (spoons - effort);
    // because sometimes I just randomly lost more spoons
    // for no fucking reason
    spoons = spoons - rand(0-2) ;    

if ( fucks < 1 ) { 

// subroutines
sub FuckIt() {
    print "Fuck It.";
	if (spoons < 1) {
		print "I am done.";


//End of Code
#> exit

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Thank you for coming to my ChrisTalk.

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