Day 6: 7th Sea

I had completely forgotten until this morning (and after I already started a character in another game) that I was going to be making a character tonight for the 7th Sea game we had planned. doh!

So, I am using the character from there, a Montaigne Sorcerer by the name of René Jean-Luc Lievremont.

The Character

René was the son of a farmer who lost his mind when René first Pulled. He sent René to a Sorcerer to be “trained” but he knew it was to get rid of him. His father did not want a Sorcerer in the family – some sort of superstition. It didn’t matter, as René went anyway and learned the basics of the Art. Eventually, he left to pursue Fortune and Glorious Fame to work its way back to his father’s ears. He took his dad’s musket, as a reminder of why he left. René loves to hit people with it or throw it at things, imagining its his dad. He rarely fires it anymore.

René is a thief, but one who doesn’t like the risks that normally come with it. Second Story work is for the amateur; Privateering was the way to go. He hooked up with a Captain who valued his talents, became the Quartermaster on a ship called – no shit – the Otter Nonsense. There is no doubt that this is an Omen for the future that René might get rich, but it will definitely cost him his sanity.

Still, there are worse places to be than being followed and fired upon by a Vodacce Galleon because he has their daughter on board. The daughter who he found at sea in a dinghy clutching a note, along with a dead Knight of the Rose and Cross. Said dinghy was floating next to a flaming ship that would not allow itself to extinguish, regardless of the sand and water used. Oh, and she doesn’t remember anything and she’s a Fate Witch.

So, yeah. The flaming ship was sunk, the daughter was picked up and the Otter Nonsense carried on its way. A little drama — and fire — later, he found himself here, pursued by the family because he want to help this girl.

The Character Sheet

The Experience

There was more to the story of René, but that is the overview of what happened to him. The rest of the crew had some fun experiences along the way. One was even in love with the villain and let her shoot him in the chest! Pretty cool.

Swashbuckling was definitely had, and I had fun. The experience was enjoyable and I think the character will be fun to play should we play again.

But, I built a generalist in a game that kinda works best with specialties. I have a lot of options, but without hero points being spent, I don’t have a lot of dice to roll. I built a sidekick and a plot twist, but I DO think its fun to be called René and I love his backstory, I just decided. I have always loved the French. 🙂

If I play again, I am playing a duelist, or an Knight of the Rose and Cross. I think I would enjoy that much more in this game.

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