Day 16: Caveliers of Mars

John and I made characters today. You can watch his video and then come back for my take on it.

A simple system for a simple mind today. I’m at a whiskey tasting and I’m trying to get this published quickly before I start drinking.

My character today is a caravan trader named Mau.

The Character

Mau is a merchant and physician, having worked off his indenture as a servant to the caravan doctor. He has known his friend from Vance, a merchant princess, for most of his life. When she approached him about running goods between Vance and Anger, he jumped at the chance.

If it wasn’t for the notorious bandit, Bori, it would be there easiest job ever. That bastard has robbed him more times than he can count.

The Experience

Other than some indexing issues in the book (that I hear is corrected in the next addition) it’s a pretty simple and easy process to make a character. Seems like a fun world to play a game in.

Off to taste whiskey!

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