Edge of Greatness

This is my blog.  There are many blogs, but this one is mine.

In these pages, I will talk about life and the things in life that interest me.  Hopefully, they will interest you as well.

Please register if you want to be heard.  In general, outside of Spam, all comments will be allowed to stand on this blog.  If you are interested in insulting me, I would ask you now to just stop reading my blog rather than publicly stating that you don’t like what I like.

If you think I am wrong, please state how I am wrong and, where possible, please show me something that backs up what you say.  I will try to do the same, where possible, unless what I am writing is just an opinion based on experience.  In both your and my case, that opinion is really all you can state, so it must stand. If you tell me where you got your information from, perhaps I can learn something and update my understanding.

I want interactive discussion here, not just people to agree with me.  If I wanted that, I would go to church.

Oh, and one last thing.  I might say something that insults you.  It is not intended to be personal against anyone and I am usually not talking about an individual.  I am talking about general experiences.  So, I would appreciate if you would follow the general guidelines for discussions above.

Thank you.  Welcome to my blog, Standing on the Edge of Greatness.


Chris Colbath

Edge of Greatness

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