End of an era

Have you ever noticed how things are generally over before you’re ready for them to be? I think I know why, and the answer is fairly straight forward.

We don’t pay enough attention.

Really, that is the long and the short of it. Well, that’s the short. Here’s the long.

I can only talk by way of examples in my life, as can any of us, but this reality – that you don’t know if this is the last experience – has driven me for many years.  Recently, it again let me know that things are changing.  I…cannot be more specific at this time, or I would.

You see, once more, my life is nearing a crossroads, one that I have planned for many years.  Certain things that I have grown accustomed to will no longer be there.  An energy…pulls me…elsewhere.

I have long felt as though I have been in exile, trapped in this place for crimes unknown.  I have done the best I can to understand it, and in that struggle, I think I have.  And I remember what drives me.

What I am trying to say was said best by Brandon Lee in his last interview on the set of “The Crow.”  It has stuck with me for many years.  I will do my best to never forget it, for I expect that if I do, I will be lost.  Again.

I encourage you to listen.

How many more times will you be with those you love?

Are there things that you planned to do that you have not?

Why Not?

One thought on “End of an era”

  1. Chris, I spent considerable time meditating on this topic just today. Specifically, for me, I basically have five more years with my child. I’ll have more time with him after that, sure, but he will no longer be a child and who knows where his life path will take him. Like you, I’ve also felt stuck and part of me longs for the freedom to roam at my own will again. In the mean time, I want to make very certain I don’t squander away the things that hold me here. It’s easy to get caught on in the daily misery of life. It’s also not so hard to savor the moments. It’s really just a matter of deciding… and remembering. Thanks for sharing this. I love when the universe aligns in such a way as to help me cement my convictions!

    p.s. Thanks for fixing the comment feature. It was driving the OCD in me c-r-a-z-y!!

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