Glitchcon 2015 Gaming Update – July


Updates to the gaming schedule! Highlights are below:

The LARP Room has added Vampire the Masquerade, as a late night option on Saturday!

There are several play to win games, such as Castle Panic, and Machi Koro. Fireside games has donated several prizes, including Bears, Castle Panic, Zombie Panic, and Munchkin Panic. Come by the game room to check out what you can get!

We have Dennis McDonald running a game he wrote called “Adventure Maximum” and several D&D 5th edition games, including Tomb of Horrors. If you are familiar with this one, I am sure you are happy he is providing pre-gens! There are several other RPGs being run, including Achtung!, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, and a whole lot of Pathfinder!

Howling Moon will be back to run werewolf, Katie Fitch will have Krosmaster Arena, and Tortured Earth will running their RPG throughout the weekend! So much gaming!

We also have the Bentonville Public Library at our Game Library with games to check out all weekend long. And last, but not least, we can’t forget that Gear Gaming Store will be in the room for your gaming needs all weekend long!

And, of course, we will have Artemis!!!


The great folks at Free Geek Arkansas, and several fine friends (who I will list below) have come together to create a fantastic bridge setup for the weekend. We will have two (2) functioning bridges on a closed network running version 2.20. This version has space sharks, bugs, whales and dragons to confound the players! Some information about these new changes are on

Big thank you to the Bridge Builders:

Martin Jackson

Chris Williams

Casey T.

Scott Kammerzell

Zac Slade (Free Geek)

Brian Dallman

Nathan Jared

Josephine Jackson

Danielle Jackson

And of course, Evil Xander.


That’s all for now! Come to GlitchCon and PLAY MORE GAMES!

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