Freeport, Free City of Thane

Located on the Jonin continent, Freeport has but one law. “No killing without a contract outside of the Blood Zone.”

This has created a truly free city that is run by thieves.  You can get anything, have anything, and steal anything as long as you don’t kill anyone. For that, you need a contract with the Assassin’s Guild. If someone steals from you, find them and take it back.

The guards answer to the White Wing (the Thieve’s guild) and will not arrest anyone, but will act as impartial negotiators to help resolve issues that arise. They will stop any currently active violence, but will not take sides.  Everyone involved will be put down and then they will start a conversation – when you wake up.

For example, if someone steals a thing from you and won’t give it back you can a) beat them up and take it, b) offer a trade of money/items for it or c) live with the loss. You can also hire someone else to do any of these things for you, including kill them.  But for that, you must talk to the Black Wing – the Assassin’s Guild.

Here is my first map of Freeport. Enjoy.

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