NaNoWriMo – Day 7

So, I am officially behind now.  I took some time this weekend to get some things done and now there is makeup writing to do.  These things were necessary, as no matter what goals I set for myself, I will not abandon friends.  So, the important events I couldn’t miss.

Sadly, that leaves over a day behind schedule from a word count perspective.  I will be content to finish the novel and I will not constrain my self completely to these arbitrary dates.  I will, however, strive to meet them anyway just because.


Thank you, to those that are following my journey, for following my journey.  I will endeavor to make it worth your while.

Right.  Back to it.  3000 words before bed!  Cry Havoc and Release the Dogs of War!

Or, rather, shut up and start writing.

Chapter 5:  And back again

“In times like these it is good to remember that there have always been times like these.”

–          Paul Harvey

The morning was met with some rather creepy animal sounds coming from the woods.   They sounded like the kind of thing that would peck at you in your sleep and be happier for it.  Luckily, the group was largely unpecked and healthy when they awoke. The creatures seemed happy with staying in the woods.

Damon did remember hearing the sounds of wolfen during the night, and that gave him a less than restful sleep.  He would awaken from dreams of battle, saving his party from certain death by single handedly taken on a score of wolfen.  He would sit up, sword in hand, and be greeted only by the guard on duty looking slightly puzzled and suddenly alert again.

He would explain that it was a dream to the watchman, and lie back down to attempt sleep once more, although it was difficult.

Thus, he rather sluggishly walked to the pot of hot java over the fire.  It would be needed to get through the woods, as there are sure to be foes to fight today.  As he poured his cup, he looked over at Invictus. Meditation seemed to be his morning fare, as Damon watched him sit there unmoving facing the woods.  It was a skill that he had never learned, sitting still and focusing his power for an action ahead.  He could it for that short burst of energy for a fight, but not like Invictus did.

He could sit and meditate for hours and then he’d be able to cast spells all damn day.  I mean, he had studied so hard because of my brother’s torment, that he had quite the arsenal of magic at his command.  He was even getting good at the improvisational magic that Master wouldn’t teach to anyone until they were absurdly good at everything else.  I only knew of two others that had learned it – Marcos and my mother — and they were nowhere near Invictus skill.  He was a true magic man for certain.

Damon, however, knew only a handful of spells, and those were enhancement magics and simple light and heat, as all the new wizards were taught.  He could make his muscles react faster or enable super feats of strength, but the idea of finding something that he lost was beyond him.  That is what Invictus was good at.  And, making things burst into flame.  He was real good at that.

After this little adventure, he decided to put a little more time into magic studies, at least to learn how to find things.  He was really tired of asking his friend to hunt things down.  Maybe he’d even get better at that meditation thing.  Just a few more hours a week and he’d start getting good at it.

Who am I fooling?  I’m no wizard.  I’d probably make about a week and I’d be back in the training yard. 

Damon walked over to his sword and began his daily meditation – Sword drills.  The guardsmen joined him after a few minutes and soon the entire camp was moving in unison with the drills they had all learned from Oren.  He went through it in his mind, even though the movements were rote.

Shift weight forward and thrust. Step back into overhead block, sword pointing down, arm outstretched. Shift balance and spin around, striking downward across the body. Cut up across the chest, ducking off to the left to avoid the counter blow. A backhand slash straight into the neck, taking off the head. Step back again to the overhead block.

They repeated this and several other patterns for about 30 minutes until their bodies were warm and ready for action.  Throughout the exercise, Invictus hadn’t moved.  He sat in his posture staring at the woods.  When they broke up and starting breaking camp, he stood from his trance and strode over to Damon.  Without looking up, he started in on his friend.

“Morning, Princess.  Sleep well?”

A small lick of flame appearing in his hand he replied, “Please. Stop. Calling. Me. Princess.”

“Alright. Alright.  Don’t set me on fire again.  I only brought two shirts.”  He laughed and continued packing.  The flames died out, and Invictus’ voice became less serious.

“I know where he is now and he knows we are coming.  I sensed it during my trance.”

“Since we are trying meet with him to talk about coming home, I think that will be ok.  Why does it trouble you?”

Invictus stood and walked away for a moment, as if considering his response carefully.  Then he turned with purpose to speak.  Perhaps he just wanted distance for these next words.

“He tried to kill us at our last meeting.  I suspect he may try that again.”

“He will not.  Once I have talked to him, apologized for my behavior …”

“Apologize!  Why in the name of Res do you need to apologize?  For not dying when the fireball was stopped?  By my hand, if you remember!”

He moved closer to Damon, and continued, enraged.

“He is an evil little brat and will not behave with the grace and compassion that you imagine in your head!  If you confront him, he is likely to capture or kill you for your trouble.”

“If this is what you believe, then why are you even here? You could have told my father and I would have been unable to come on this little journey.”

Pointing his finger at Damon, his voice became softer and focused, “You need me, and you know it. I would not let you face danger alone, not after all these years you have been there for me.

I may not agree with you.  I may even think you are stupid, sometimes, but I will be damned if I will let you go get yourself killed when I can be there to stop it.”

Damon walked closer and put his hand on Invictus’ shoulder.

“And that is why I have always been there for you.  No one shows more courage or loyalty than you. You are as much a part of my family as Marcos.  And if it were you who had left, I would do the same.”

They stood together for a moment, with the guardsmen looking on, all activity in the camp halted for a moment.  Invictus spoke to break the silence.

“Let’s do this.”

The laughter from Damon was loud enough to make the nearby birds in the Wood take flight and make the weird creepy noises that birds of the Wood make.  The guardsmen, startled for a second, got back to work breaking camp grumbling things about crazy teenagers getting them killed.


After a short while, the party mounted up and headed towards the road leading into the woods a short distance away.  They began the quick jaunt to the trees and prepared to head into the wood when Damon heard the distinct twang of a bow firing.  Before he could react, an arrow with a red fletching landed in the path ahead of them.  That was a warning arrow of the border guards of the realm.

Damon held up one hand to signal the stop of the party and continued to ride forward to the arrow.  Dismounting, he walked up to the arrow and stood on this side of it.

He called out to the Woods, “I am Damon, Son of Lord Ambrosias.  Show yourselves and explain this warning.”

As he spoke, Invictus rode up to Damon and less than graciously dismounted his horse to stand by Damon, his hands at his sides with palms towards the Wood.

As if they had always been there, about 20 elven warriors armed with bows were standing about 40 paces off in an a semi-circle around the party.  They had their weapons trained on the group and were prepared to fire. One straight ahead broke the circle and walked forward, lowering his bow.  When he was a few horse lengths from Damon, he stopped keeping an arrow nocked and at his side.

“You must go home, Damon, son of Ambrosias.  These woods are not safe for you.”

“We are looking for my brother, Marcos, whom we know came this way and is in the Wood.  Please let us pass, so we may meet with him.”

“Your brother has not come this way, as we would have seen him and turned him away, as we are you.   Now, go.  Before we make you go.”

Damon stood there, trying to determine what to do next.  Meanwhile, Invictus scanned the archers before him, settling on the spokesman before them.  He leaned in to Damon, and whispered to him.

“These men are under an enchantment.  They are not of their own mind.  We should go.”

“Bide a moment. Let me talk to them.”

Damon walked forward, passing the arrow in the ground.  As he did, the archer raised his bow and aimed it at Damon’s head, drawing back to fire.  Damon stopped, raising his hands, and started to speak.  He was cut off before he could start.

“Another step, half-elf, and I will put this arrow in your eye.  Go.  Now.”

Damon stood there for a moment, lowered his arms to his side, and started walking backward to where Invictus stood, never looking away from the elf.

“You are right, Vic.  Time to go.”

With that, he signaled to men to move out, and turned to mount his horse.  Invictus lingered a moment, considering the group.  When the leader turned his arrow towards him, Invictus turned and went to his horse to mount up.  As he did, he turned back to the elf and stared.  Soon after, he turned and galloped off.

Damon and the others did the same.  As he rode off, he turned back to look at the elves one more time.  They were gone.

“Now, we must tell father.  He will not like hearing that the border guards have been ensorcelled, possibly by his son.  And, he will certainly have words for the son that went against his wishes to discover it.”

“He will certainly want to hear this, Damon.  I can tell him it was my idea, and he will be angry at me.”

“No, Vic.  He will be angry at me, regardless.  I would save you the pain of his wrath.  I will tell him.”

They rode all day in silence all the way to the castle.




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