NaNoWriMo – Day 7, still

Chapter 6, complete!  I think I have a little more in me.  Chapter 7, here I come!

With barely any adieu, I give you…

Chapter 6:  To face the music

“You made the cat angry.”

–  Puss in Boots

“What were you thinking?”

Ambrosias stood before his son with a look that would wake the dead.  And make them run.  Far away.  Damon was wishing he was back getting beaten by Oren again, rather than facing this look.  It was the kind of look that made people who were really good at bad looks get scared.

Seriously, it was a really bad look.  Damon answered slowly, so as to not make that look any worse.

“I wasn’t, father.  I just wanted to find my brother.  I was worried about him and…”

“You were worried about him,” He let the words hang in the air for a second, while he paced to once end of the room and then back.  When he returned to his former place, he continued.

“So worried, in fact, that you felt that you could take off with six of my guardsmen and an untested wizard out into the Great Wood?”

There was another pause, as Damon determined what he should say next.   He failed at this task, as all that came out was, “Yes, Father.”

“And what, exactly did you find there?”

“Father, the border guards are under a spell and would not let us pass.  Also, they lied about Marcos passing through there.  When they threatened us, we returned to tell you.”

“Threatened you?  They have been friends of our family, ever since your mother moved here.  That is strange,”  The big man paced another time, end where he started once more, “Strange indeed.

How did you know Marcos had gone through?”

Striding forward from the doorway, the soft voice of Invictus pierced the air, “My spell was tracking him, sir.  He had gone that way.”

“And your spell is infallible?”

“Yes, sir, it is.”

“Confidence.  Courage.  In a wizard.  Most extraordinary.”

“Your sons taught me, sir.”

Ambrosias turned from another attempt at pacing, and faced the young wizard.

“Excuse me?”

“Your sons, sir, are the finest example of confidence and courage.  And persistence, I might add.  I watched and I strived to be like them.  That is what you see before you now.  A product of your sons’ teachings.”
Ambrosias strode over and looked down on the boy for a second.  After a moment, his voice softened.

“Perhaps you can teach them some humility, if it will take.  Thank you.”

“My pleasure, sir.”

Ambrosias turned and walked quickly to the mantle and pulled down his sword.  As he strapped it in, Damon looked at him and then at Invictus.  He had a puzzled look that eventually became words.

“What just happened?”

Both father and friend turned to look at the confused boy before them.  And then they laughed at him.  It lasted for a few moments, when Damon found words again.

“No, really.  What is going on?  Father, why are you donning Pathfinder?  What is happening?”

                His voice rose to levels one does not use to your father.  Especially one that is strapping on a Great Weapon.

“My son.  Invictus and I are going to get your brother.  Would you care to join us?”

He and Invictus shared another laugh, as Damon stood bewildered at the severe lack of punishment he was receiving.   He stood bewildered for a moment and then finally joined them in mirth.

“Well, then what are we waiting for?”

The father put his arm around the two boys and they strode out of the hall into the courtyard.


                “I really hate these things.”

Invictus was clearly not happy with his 3rd six hour ride in 2 days, but held it back with as much grace as he could muster until now.

The party made good time, with Ambrosias in the lead, his personal guard close behind and around the boys.  There were 10 warriors and a wizard riding down Centaur Road to the Great Wood.  They passed the trolley a few hours ago, stopping long enough to ask the centaur Bran if she had seen Marcos on the road.  The fiery redhead had indeed seen him a few days ago as she was leaving the wood.  He voice was flirty and playful, and it was clear she knew the Warrior before her.

“He was talking to the border guard as I approached and attempted to hide in the woods as I passed.  I learned long ago not to get involved with Human and Elven royals unless there were coins involved, so I just passed on by.  The guard pretended they didn’t know he was there, and so did I.”

“That is all you know?”

“That is all you paid for, yes,” came the sultry voice, “Now if you don’t mind, I have a fare to return to Korlann City and it will be dark soon.

Fare they well, Wielder.  If I can be of further service, you know where to find me.”

And with that, she gave Ambrosias a wink, as though there was something private between them, and galloped off with her carriage.  Ambrosias watched her leave and reluctantly turned his horse back to the road.

“Wielder, father?”

“The Centaur see many things, and recognize a Great Weapon when they see it.  Wielder is a sign of respect for one that can manage to control one, rather than letting it control them.”

“How well do you know this…creature?”

“Well enough,” came the reply, “As I said, the Centaur know a great many things.

Let’s ride in silence awhile, shall we?”

And that was that.  When father was done, father was done.




The wolfen were on them before they knew it, perhaps thirty of them.  They were pack creatures, like the wolves they resembles, but stood like men.  They carried cruel swords of blackened steel, and howled as they came in.  Hitting and fleeing, they would make small wounds in a man and then be gone before he could return the blow.

Recovering from the first blow, Invictus regained his composure and began an incantation that Damon was familiar with. He and his Father maneuvered the men behind the wizard, while remaining next to him to fend off the wolfen that were advancing. With a sudden rise in his tone, Invictus finished the spell, commanding a small gust of fire to emerge from his outstretched hand.

It flew at the largest cluster of wolfen and exploded in their midst, sending them flying.  At least seven were taken out by the blast, and several more where on fire and running around trying to put it out by rolling about in the dirt.

From off to the left, three of the beast came at Invictus with claws bared.  Damon was on them first, getting between the animals and the wizard.  His elven blade shone in the dim light of evening, and the attackers made attempts to keep away from it.  Damon made sure they failed, leaving a pile of bodies before him.  He looked behind him to see the Red Guard holding their own at the rear, letting no wolfen get through, while Damon and his father controlled the front.

As Invictus began another spell, a few of the wolfen charged at the wizard again, hurling small knives at him.  He abandoned the spell and threw up a shield like the one that had knocked Damon on his ass a few days before.  Damon couldn’t help a small smile as he headed towards the wolfen that approached.  His father was there before him, and he saw a beautiful sight.

Ambrosias had Pathfinder before him and in just a few graceful strokes beheaded the three wolfen that threatened Invictus.  It was almost as though the sword was wielding the man, or perhaps the two were dancing, trading the lead as needed to win the fight.  It was a sight to behold.

Turning about him to view the scene, Damon realized that those were the last few animals that were living and not on fire.   He signaled the Guard to deal with burning ones and the set upon them, making sure they were no longer living.  Damon turned to Invictus, looking at him with concern.

“Are you well, friend?  This was really your first battle, was it not?”

“If you don’t count fending off Marcos, then yes, this is the first.  Quite unsettling.  I don’t think I want to do many more of them.  At least not this close.”

“You did excellent, especially with that fireball.  Took a third of the force in one blow!”

“Yes, I suppose.  Now why do you think they attacked us?  We had a fire and eleven people in an enclosed encampment.  This was suicide.”

“Perhaps they hadn’t eaten in a while, or they were mentally unwell?”

“Invictus is correct,” injected Ambrosias, “these creatures were compelled to fight.  The odds were against them and wolfen are smart enough to know that.  Someone made them fight.  Can you tell who?”

Invictus squatted down over one of the corpses at his feet and started his chanting again.  After a few moments, he stood again and looked at Ambrosias with a solemn look.

“Well, there is good news and bad news.  These were definitely not made to do this by Marcos hand.  I know his work and his imprint was not present in the enchantment.”

“And the bad news?  Who made them fight?”

Damon was not sure what it could be, but was extremely curious to know.  He waited for Invictus to be ready to tell him, which took a lot longer than he wanted.

“Something much darker.  It was powerful and evil and it masked its imprint.  I do not know who – or what – made these things attack us.”

The camp was silent except for the sounds of a fire being set upon the gathered bodies of the slain or the moans of the wounded men being tended by the healers.  Ambrosias broke the quiet.

“We will enter the Wood in the morning and find the meaning in all of this.  Set a watch, and rotate every 3 hours.  Everyone else rest now.  You will need your strength tomorrow.”

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