Day 8: Star Trek Adventures

I am feeling a little low today, so I decided on something easier for me to make.

Today’s character is One of Five (known as Juan to most people). He is a liberated Borg. I made the character with this online character creator made by Modiphious, the maker of the game.

Character Sheet

The Character

Juan was raised on a frontier colony of artists and philosophers. He tended to not be interested in the art and culture until the day the Borg came. Everything he knew was taken from him, and because they were not warriors, they were quickly assimilated. Many years went by until a Federation starship attacked and disabled his Cube. He was liberated from the collective and through rehabilitation, remembered who he was before the Borg.

He joined Star Fleet and went to the academy to become a Security officer, intent on destroying the Borg. Over time, he learned that it was more important to protect his new family, than it was to focus on a pointless vendetta. He eventually became the First Officer on a ship that he now calls home.

If Star Fleet felt he was worth it, then he would dedicate his new life to helping others get that chance as well. He would liberate everyone he could, Borg or not.

The Experience

This is a simple system to make a character, although you need to think about your values carefully. They have a mechanical effect in the game and it is a significant one.

Other than that, I was mostly looking for an easy completion to this challenge today, as I am not well. I feel a bit better completing it, however, so there you are.

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