Day 9: The Forbidden Lands

Still feeling a little low today, but I managed to get this one done. Had several appointments that I had to keep, but I got this done.

This game is also by Free League (Twilight 2000,Mutant Zero), so I guess its safe to say I am a fan? Anyway, I chose to use the Legends and Adventures book, which has a more life path oriented character creation. About halfway through, I realized I was making Willow Ufgood. lol.

I named my Halfling Sorcerer Brollo Bright, as I like alliteration. Fight me.

Character Sheet

The Character

Brollo grew up as a the Baker’s son and learned all about the process as her apprentice. When he was younger, the village Elders approached his parents to share that he had the Sorcerer’s Mark and was destined to be a great one. Brollo began training with the Sorcerers at once, but still made sure he did his work at the store. He did not want to let his mother do all the work alone.

Eventually, his mother suggested he leave to make his fortune. She had saved a map that his absent father had left her to buried treasure he had left behind in his adventuring days. Brollo found and dug it up to find quite a few silver’s worth of jewels and coins. This was enough to outfit himself to do something bigger.

As the magic he had learned required him to be in mountains or caves (Path of the Stone), he headed out to the nearby mountains to seek out adventure.

The Experience

This system is, as more modern ones are, severely lacking in the solo character generation area. There are several cool random events to help tie the players together, in addition to writing relationships with each other. I would have worked that part into this write-up, but alas, I was alone today. I mean, finding your adventuring party while plundering the same old ruins sounds like a fun way to meet!

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