My Current Plight, part deux

It seems that when it rains it pours.  My spirits are still high, but I am now accustomed to things just not working out.  I am looking forward to the time when all of this is over, but I am also trying to learn any new things I can get away with from this situation.  Here is a summary of some of the things I learned, in brain dump fashion.  Ready, GO!

  • I have been watching Big Think(on Youtube) and found out:
    • There are multiple infinities.  Who knew?
    • Numbers can be big.  According to the Brits, like stupid big.
    • Education is the answer to most of our issues.  An educated voting populace will do less harm than an ignorant one, according to Henry Rollins.
    • One can make their dreams come true with only a high school education, but it is frakkin’ hard. Editor’s note:  I already knew this one.
    • Nearly all of our current technological advancements game from theoretical physics and the space program, at least according to the theoretical physicists and NASA.
    • Isaac Newton created Calculus at age 26 because he didn’t have the right equations to figure out the things he wanted to figure out.
    • Don’t bitch about Calculus being hard to learn.  Try creating it from scratch.  Then you can bitch.  Editor’s note:  This is more of a personal observation
  • I watched the entire Alphas series up to date.  I like it.  Better than Heroes.  I want more.  I was sick for two days this week on my ass and watched it all.
  • I get a lot more done listening to soundtracks with no words than I do watching TV or listening to music with words.
  • Things in my house were waiting for me to have no money to break.  OK, just my favorite chair.  And I am pissed about it.
  • Also, the best Kickstarters and new things I want on Thinkgeek had to just pop up while I am broke.  FUCK!
  • I have a non-standard faucet head and I had to buy the wrong side water filter to find out.   Editor’s note:  Use the Pur brand.  It has like a thousand adapters. Ok, well, maybe 4.  But it works!
  • I don’t like it quiet.   Editor’s note:  I am listening to the Skyrim soundtrack as I write this.
  • I can’t pee when Law Enforcement is present, even though it feels like I need to pee.  I had to try twice.  Editor’s note:  Don’t ask.
  • I am absolutely terrified of driving. Still.
  • I edit the shit out of things I write and still can’t find all of my mistakes.  This one you are reading is take 7.
  • I really don’t like being out of work.  I feel like I have no purpose.
  • I fucking hate Ramen noodles.  Editor’s note:  I was homeless once and had to eat them because it was all I could afford.  I blamed it on the Ramen, so I could forget about it.
  • Some days are much, much, harder than others. This one was OK, except for having to pee in front of Law Enforcement.   Editor’s note:  Srsly, don’t ask.
  • I like to write, but I have an attention issue.  So, you are lucky if you are reading this at all, as it means I got past both my ADD and my incessant need to edit.
  • I am pretty sure Bill Burr and I would really like hanging out together.  He is so cynical and sarcastic, I am certain we would get along.  Editor’s note:  I am pretty sure some of you will hate him.  I don’t care.
  • I have an editor in my head, constantly telling me where I fail.  Editor’s note:  Stop talking about me.  You’re such an idiot.
  • I find things to do to avoid working on my house.  Like watching TV, or re-arranging papers.  Or writing blogs.

So, as you can see, I am perfectly fine, if not scattered and unfocused.  Life has kicked me in the nuts, but the pain is getting bearable.  I just wanted everyone to have an idea what is it like in my life.  I haven’t been going anywhere and most of my life goals have been taken out back, shot in the head, and buried down in the gully next to the house.  I may one day resurrect them, when I can extricate myself from this steaming pile of shit, but until then it is Ramen noodles, job hunting and Netflix for this guy.

Oh, and some work around the house.  And gaming when I can get it in.

Editor’s note:  Since this dumbass forgot, thanks for all the donations and stuff.

Oh, yeah, thanks.  About the donations.  Thank you!  The total that I received so far is nearly $2000!  That will keep me in house and home for another month.  Also, I want to thank folks for the various rides, meals, phone calls and email/text messages.  Your support for me in this tough time is welcome and appreciated.

Well, I need to actually go clean things in the house now.  I can’t really put it off any longer, so off I go.  Editor’s note:  Yes, he can.  But I am watching.

Live long and prosper, friends.

Serenity Always,


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