NaNoWriMo – Day Five

I might keep writing tonight, but for now I wanted to post this in case I don’t. I had a sad moment in my first story and had to write my way out of it. It was a very difficult moment for me, but I enjoyed getting through it. I am going to share a little bit of the story, after the standard graphic of my progress, so you can get a glimpse of what I am writing.  But only a snippet.  I would like to reveal it as a whole when it is done this year, so we all have something to hope for.

Also realized, it is unedited, as I don’t want to edit just yet. That is a problem to solved by a novelist, which I am not yet.


7047 Words!



“The Master of the Wail requests your presence at his table and this complimentary glass of his finest Elven wine.”

She held it there in front of me for a time, until she realized I was neither intimidated or even interested in the offer or the wine. A moment more passed, with us just staring at each other. A bead of sweat formed on the side of her head and began slowly running down her cheek. Her eyes showed pure terror, as she leaned in a bit closer.

“Please, sir. If you don’t come, he will…make me dance. And that would be the end of me.”

Her deep green eyes invaded mine with the kind of terror that I have only seen on people that realize why I have come to see them, that I am a Grey Guard. Although none of this fear was for me, but for Faeltir, the Master of the Wail. She was going to be killed if I did not have this drink and sit at his table.

“Please sir, he will call for me soon. You can’t just let me die over a glass of wine.”

“In fact, my dear, I can.”

I let that sink in for just a moment, as I locked gazes with her and let her see the depth of my troubled soul. Her eyes widened and her will was nearly destroyed, as she realized she was undone.

You see, I have what they call an iron will and I can resist any torture, any pain, any intimidation. For I follow Omni and my purpose is clear. Do his bidding and I will be rewarded in his domains after my death. I have had nearly all my bones broken and my blood spilled and still I gave up no secrets or relinquished ground in a debate.

“I will not, however, let that happen. Let your Master know I will be there in a moment.”

As she walked away, I watched her leave. She was not trying to hurt me. She was simply trying to live under the rule of a tyrant, who would threaten her life to get to me. I knew I was capable of letting her die, and still, my heart stirred. After a hundred years of service, the people I met recently had changed me. I still worked for the Church, but they had given me things to ponder that forced me to suspend my mission to kill them and walk with them for a spell to see if what they said was correct.

That my God was not my God. That my God was an usurper and my true God would return if I helped them.

It was a hard concept to handle and I was still working it through. I spend far too much time in the field to be easily swayed and I had skills that could pierce lies and flesh to complete my goals. But in my time I have let many innocents die, under the guise that they were unbelievers and didn’t deserve my mercy.

Could I turn away from this quest? If they were correct and I killed them, I would be preventing any chance of the True God returning. But if I helped them, then the Usurper the Church told me they worshipped would return and take control of all that I have fought for over a century now. I had nearly lost count of the years.

What to do now?

“Drink the wine.”


Back to it.  Chau, friends.

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