On the Road again…

Just like the song says, I just couldn’t wait to get on the road again. Until I am on the road, it seems, and then I realize the cost of the trip. Not in dollars, but in lost time.

The closer it got ready to leave, the more I didn’t want to go. Don’t get me wrong; this is the opportunity of a lifetime. I won’t get the opportunity to travel like this again until I buy my boat and retire on it. On a side note, I should probably start studying about sailboats, or make friends with a genius mechanic before I leave…


Aurianna and I began hugging more and more as the time to leave got closer and closer until this morning, when we were pretty much clinging to each other. Our relationship is a great one, and it is something I will treasure forever. We both know the things I am doing will be better for us in the long run. But right now, the goodbyes are tough.

So, we will talk over Skype every night we can, and use emails and Facebook updates to stay connected while I am gone. She has friends that will make sure she is taken care of and I will be busy with work. This is not a play trip, by the way, even if I do get a little time for sight seeing. This one will be hard for me, requiring me to be on my game the entire time. Luckily I will have some great people there to work with.

Which brings me to my point. Great people. I seem to encounter them everywhere I go. There comes a point when I began to see that part of the reason I continually have similar experiences is because I am consistent in my behavior.

For example, Walmart has a 10-foot rule that every associate is supposed to follow. This means, that whenever a customer gets within 10 feet of you, you are supposed to smile and greet them. It is part of the guiding principles of the company; Respect for the individual, Strive for Excellence, and Service to the customer. This rule hits all three to me and so I practice it a little stronger than most people, although I think it is the way Sam would have wanted it to be practiced. I never met him, but all the evidence points to this.

To me, everyone is my customer. This means, as often as I can, I smile and greet people. I also try to get in a short conversation with almost everyone I meet. I am what you might call a people person, although I am rather shy and I have to make myself talk to people! Most people do not believe that, but inside I see it happening. Thinking about what I can say to appeal to the person to open up and be friendly. Because no one wants to talk to an asshole. Seriously.

I was once told, when I was feeling a bit worthless, that I had a special gift. The statement was, “You can make people feel good about themselves when they don’t want to.” That phrase stuck with me, along with many others, and has driven me to strive for it in my everyday life.

As I travel, this becomes harder, as I meet other cultures and I have to adjust to their way of thinking to make that initial appeal to start friendly conversation. It is something that I love and something that I am good at, even though I am shy. Despite wanting to sit alone in the dark most of the time, I make myself get out there – even in other countries – and talk to people. Make them feel better about themselves if I can, or let them share wonderful stories about their culture with me. I find it incredibly fulfilling.

I was put here to serve. To help others as much as possible. To make this world a better place than the one that was thrust upon me. For those that understand, I personally love the taste of vinegar.

And so, I want to close with this thought to my daughter, as we are apart. Remember when I said everything I do, I do for you? Well, that seems slightly wrong and martyr-like, so let me rephrase.  I hope you will understand, from a father to a daughter, my full meaning.

As you wish.

I’ll see you again soon.  😀

One thought on “On the Road again…”

  1. Very nice. I think I might have to start blogging from time to time, myself. I’m about to retake the ACT, hoping to hit my old score of 30, and maybe start at the U of A next year. Trying to better find that writing voice inside my head, and not just for my own amusement or for gaming with my friends…that might actually be a decent first blog. Enjoy your stay, even though it’s not simply pleasure.

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