Houses LARP – October 2013

Houses of the Blooded LARP!!!

Based on feedback from the GlitchCon LARPs, we will be starting a local Houses of the Blooded LARP at Galaxy Games on the first Saturday of every month.  It will last from 6 PM until midnight (or until we all decide to stop).  Chris has graciously offered us the space, so we would love it if you would all come out and play!

The plan:

We would like to have a simple, sit down dinner and start the LARP during the meal.  We’d like  everyone to gather by 6 PM to get characters made and get into character by 7 PM when we sit down to dinner.  The initial game will be a party at the end of the Season, given by the Leader of the House of the Serpent, played by Jordan Vickers. We will be providing a small amount of food, most likely roasted chicken, some cheese and crackers, and perhaps other snacks.  We love it if someone would make more food, sort of potluck.  In lieu of making food, please bring a few dollars to help us pay for the food we bring.

We will need (and will award style for it!):

You!  Preferably in costume.

  • If you wear any costume, you will get 2 extra style.
  • If your costume is complete, you will get 3 style.
  • If you have a fully accessorized, complete costume that everyone thinks is fabulous, you will get 5 style.

Food! Beyond what we bring

  • If you bring extra snacks/drinks or plates/napkins/utensils, I will give you 2 extra style.  
  • If you bring an entree to share , you will get 3 style.
  • If you bring enough food for everyone, you will get 5 style!

Extra Costuming!

  • If you bring extra costuming materials for others to share, you will get a flat 3 style for helping.
  • We like prop swords and daggers (non-sharpened, preferably plastic or resin),  costume jewelry, general male/female clothing.

The schedule will be as follows:

  • 5:00 PM    GMs/Helpers arrive to setup/prepare for game.
  • 6:00 PM    Gather for conversation and character building/set up dinner/get into costume
  • 7:00 PM    Serve Dinner and LARP begins
  • 11:o0 PM   (At latest) start LARP wrap up and bookeeping
  • 12:00 PM  Site Closed

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