All posts by Chris Colbath

NaNoWriMo – Day 3

I am struggling with various and sundry emotional issues and I just can’t seem to write anymore.  I am getting a few words here and there but it is really hard today.  I will try again later, but I have got to get out of this house, if I can make it happen. It is unlikely.

So, here is today’s count, without any further adieu.  Chau.

4775 Words!

NaNoWriMo – Day One

I am trying again this year, and like Willow, I look for the confidence to finish.  I decided this year not to post as I go, but to just post progress.  Last year, while I loved the praise on the story as it progressed, it some how made it harder to finish.  So, I will now just post periodic counts on my progress so you know what is happening, but very little substance until the end.  Then, I will post the entire thing.

This year, I am focusing on the town of Freeport and goings on in and about the people of the Blood Zone.  Some stories will leave the city and return, and others will stay in the zone.  It is hard to write about the Zone itself without mentioning that there will be mature themes and no one is safe there.  For in the City of Thieve’s, only in the Blood Zone is violence permitted without a contract.  For the streets themselves are red from the spilled blood over the years, giving it the name.

And with that, I am headed to bed.  I hope you will enjoy the story in just 29 short days.  Thank you for your support!

3545 Words!

Death, the essay.

It is hard enough to grieve.  Even harder, to accept that someone is gone and then move on.   That moment when you blow out the candle for that last time, to know that you will never see them again, is profound.  I have only had to do it a few times that are significant, but I have.  What brings this to the front of my mind is an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  The episode is about a quelled rebellion on the surface, but it begins and ends with a candle.

Kira is remembering a lost loved one by chanting over a candle.  She is called away to do a mission, and ends up helping a former rebel proclaim he is running for Prime Minister after nearly entering a Civil War.  All ends well for them, as most Star Trek episodes go, but at the end she did something that was moving.  For 3 months she chanted over that candle; three months of grieving.  After this event, she quietly walked over to the candle, smiled in fond memory and blew it out.  Acceptance.

I have come to realize lately that I very likely have fewer days ahead than I have behind. I have been spending so very many days in exile in a job I don’t like in a place I don’t like.  And with my current plight, I don’t think I will be leaving it for a while.  I will likely be forced to downsize my life and live a more modest, Spartan lifestyle in service to others for a tragic mistake.  I am not angry and I understand what is happening.  I am making the best of it.

For very good reasons I made the sacrifice to move here and I don’t regret it.  I have met a large number of great people and have had wonderful experiences. But I still feel as though I am not home, like I should be somewhere else doing other things.  Like I missed a calling that I can’t understand.

And so I ponder what that might be and where that might lead me, before I enter the great expanse of time as a memory.  Before I Die.

I was once told by my dear friend Heather near my 22nd birthday (I need to find that letter) that I should write an essay about Death so that I could understand it.  Until that candle went out, I didn’t really think I could, as I have been afraid of it for years and still am, to some degree. I think it is why I walked away from organized religion and why I abhor fixed beliefs.  It is why I have taken some of the chances I have and some that I haven’t.  It is why I play games and why I spend time in social circles.  I crave experience and social interaction, but I don’t know if I am being honest with everyone.  Especially myself.  Because time is running out, as they say.

But I digress.

Death comes for us all, King and Pauper alike.  No favorites, no social standing is immune. One day we will all take our Last Breath and find out what is next.  And we can never know what that will be until we are done. This is uncomfortable to some of you, I am sure, as I very much doubt I am alone in being afraid of the unknown.  This fact has caused more wars than almost any other thing. It has spawned religions, as our fear of the unknown sparked us to invent myths and legends that solved the problem.

Heaven.  Limbo.  Nirvana. The World Tree.  Axis Mundi.  Brahmāloka. Tian. Firdaus. The Elysium Fields.

All places to go when we are done toiling here, to live an eternal life in peace or to prepare to return to another life and do it again.  All substitutes for accepting death as a reality, in my humble opinion, as it is easier to be unafraid of death when you belief you won’t actually die; that you will continue on in another form or another place.  That is not acceptance.  That is transference, a form of risk management.

It is like buying an insurance policy.  I pay you premiums now and when I encounter the risk I am insuring against, you take all of the responsibility.  I have transferred responsibility for my death to you and now I can live free and without fear.

I personally think that this is the coward’s way out, but I if you can’t continue to live and prosper without putting it out of your mind, then so be it.  I have many things that I won’t face, and so that makes me a coward as well.  I suppose that puts us back on even ground.  I just won’t do it with this, as it is far too important.  Some examples.

People will accept a God into their life and then go about their days with this sense of security about things, like there is a shield around them to protect them and then get disillusioned when it doesn’t actually happen that way.  Like trying to ask for changes in a divine plan with prayer.  If you accept this being as omnipotent and omniscient, then all things happen when they happen as they should happen, regardless of your involvement.  Why even try? What is worse, is that many of the True Believers want to force others to believe the same way in some otherworldly Shanghai movement. Everyone on the boat, or else.

Then, there are those that just let the plan happen and step apart from the world, accepting the good with the bad with no real emotional attachment to it.  How can one be friends with someone like that?  If you live this way, you may find that you build no real relationships, as you don’t feel that this life is even relevant.  It is an illusion or a transitory moment in the cosmic scheme of things. Lonely to say the least, but they aren’t usually militant.

There are atheists who think we are done when we die and many feel that all other religions should be purged, as they hold us back.  I sometimes agree, but I don’t get militant.  I think that is wrong.  They have no acceptance and tolerance for others who are struggling with the same thing they are.   The most certain knowledge that they will Die.

There are still other variations on this theme that I have not yet encountered — and likely won’t — but they are all attempting to deal with one simple fact.

We will all take our Last Breath and we don’t know when.

Maybe next week.  Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe while you are reading this.  You don’t know when and you don’t know how, unless you have a terminal condition or something that will likely be the cause. In the face of that knowledge, knowing you have only so much time to live, are you going to waste it on a borrowed belief system?

I am not saying that any of the viewpoints about Death are wrong. I am saying you should face it head on, not like a coward running from something you fear, but as a friend that is motivating you to be your best.  Know for yourself that the reason you believe is to give you some Solace about the knowledge of Death, not for any other reason.  I give you this for free, and I hope it will help you.

You are dealing with the unknown in the best way you know how and that is ok.  Face it.  Live it.  Accept it. Be one with that knowledge and live with intention for the rest of the days you are given.

I will leave you with another Star Trek moment before I blow the candle out to help lighten the mood. One of my favorite things that Picard said was in response to a madman killing stars to find a kind of Heaven called the Nexus.  Picard was sifting through rubble to find a photo album, talking to his First Officer and grieving the recent destruction of the Enterprise.  I will leave you with this, and I hope I have brought some insight into a difficult topic.

RIKER: I’m going to miss this ship. She went before her time.

PICARD: Someone once told me that time is a predator that stalks us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment …because they’ll never come again.

What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived. …After all, Number One, we’re only mortal.

RIKER: Speak for yourself, sir. I plan to live forever.

Oh, and Heather:  It is finally done.

Walking the Path,


The one that got away…

So, every once in a while, I search for people I knew when I was younger. In particular, a woman I once knew as a young man. Most days, I lose an hour searching and I don’t find her. Until today.

The most interesting thing about it is that as soon as I saw her, my heart leapt out of my chest and I was that young boy again. I wanted to talk to her, to just hear her voice again as I used to.  Such a deep connection we had, like soulmates, or at least it seemed that way.   Youth can delude you into thinking things are different until they are tempered with age.  And as I thought those feelings through, my mouse poised over the “Friend Request” button, I stopped.

I mean, she won’t feel that way anymore, as it was 27 years ago.  I looks like she is married, has children, a life.  Without me.  And even if I contacted her and I drummed all those old feelings in her, it is no different than last time.  We couldn’t be together now, any more than then.  I live here, she lives there.  She has things that will prevent it, as do I.  We were a moment in time, when things were not right for us to be together and it seems we always will be.

The memories are powerful and strong, as though I walked out of her life yesterday.   I seems like I was just running in the rain with her last week and going to dance all night just this weekend.  Playing on the swings and just talking all night long until we had to sleep so we could work the next day.  I mean, I even remember her fucking birthday.

And so, for just a moment, I was young again and in love with someone I had to walk away from because…it was the right thing to do.  Its like I just shut the door again and I have to get over her again.  It won’t take long this time, I am sure, but I will need to address it and why I am continuously drawn to her.

Wait.  I know why.  I remember why. And the mixture of pleasure and pain from that realization is exquisite.

I mean, I can’t even be angry at anyone but myself, as I should have known I would eventually find her again and the result would be this. It is at times like these when I really wish I was Data, so I could just shut off my emotion chip and get back to something productive. I will be ok, but I need to be offline for awhile, as I need to deal with this emotional cocktail I have mixed up for myself.


Tragedy, on the rocks, please.  And the tab.  I am done.

Walking the Path,


Notes on Stagnation, from the Chapter on Discipline

Editor’s Note: Originally written on 8/21/1995, found in my notes while cleaning.  

I used to write as a character of mine (from an older AD&D campaign) who was a monk from an order that revered Cows, the Royal Order of Moo.  We started the campaign after we had formed the Order (a story or later) and thought it would be fun to play as the Priests of Minos, the Renewer.  We played several games that were far more comical than serious as these characters.  

I know, it is odd, but I spent time writing as this character and I found that my younger self had a small amount of wisdom when he wrote as Brother Fred. I have often wished I could speak to him and give him advice about his future. It seems, however, that it will be the other way.  I only hope I can understand and listen to that man as he speaks to me now.

I hope you enjoy this series of writings by Brother Fred, Priest of Minos.  They are verbatim from the handwritten text, with minor grammar or spelling fixes.  

Things are not always fun, new, or even in motion.  Sometimes things are stagnating.  Stagnation makes it difficult to grow and change for the better. When you experience stagnation, you begin to wonder whether life is worth it and whether you should even go on living, and so on.  It becomes difficult to get up in the morning because you don’t have anywhere you want to go. You can see a long drawn-out boring existence ahead of you with no where to go and nothing to do.  Ever.  Life just sucks.

It can take a lot to break free from a hellhole existence like that.  Chains with a foot thick links and in industrial strength winch can’t move the one who doesn’t care to live.

But there is a universal motivator that is always hidden from view.  It takes a unique event to show its light.  A nice dinner with a friend.  A sentence in a book you’ve read a hundred times.  Your spouse says something that you suddenly hear for the first time.  You see a child playing with her toys.

And then you know that in order for you to end the stagnation you have to  do something. Drain the swamp. Don’t just sit there feeling sorry for yourself,  Because the hole you dug for yourself is deep enough now that you will have to climb.  And if you must keep digging, dig footholds and get out.

All you have to do is move, and the stagnation ends.

Brother Fred.


My Current Plight, part deux

It seems that when it rains it pours.  My spirits are still high, but I am now accustomed to things just not working out.  I am looking forward to the time when all of this is over, but I am also trying to learn any new things I can get away with from this situation.  Here is a summary of some of the things I learned, in brain dump fashion.  Ready, GO!

  • I have been watching Big Think(on Youtube) and found out:
    • There are multiple infinities.  Who knew?
    • Numbers can be big.  According to the Brits, like stupid big.
    • Education is the answer to most of our issues.  An educated voting populace will do less harm than an ignorant one, according to Henry Rollins.
    • One can make their dreams come true with only a high school education, but it is frakkin’ hard. Editor’s note:  I already knew this one.
    • Nearly all of our current technological advancements game from theoretical physics and the space program, at least according to the theoretical physicists and NASA.
    • Isaac Newton created Calculus at age 26 because he didn’t have the right equations to figure out the things he wanted to figure out.
    • Don’t bitch about Calculus being hard to learn.  Try creating it from scratch.  Then you can bitch.  Editor’s note:  This is more of a personal observation
  • I watched the entire Alphas series up to date.  I like it.  Better than Heroes.  I want more.  I was sick for two days this week on my ass and watched it all.
  • I get a lot more done listening to soundtracks with no words than I do watching TV or listening to music with words.
  • Things in my house were waiting for me to have no money to break.  OK, just my favorite chair.  And I am pissed about it.
  • Also, the best Kickstarters and new things I want on Thinkgeek had to just pop up while I am broke.  FUCK!
  • I have a non-standard faucet head and I had to buy the wrong side water filter to find out.   Editor’s note:  Use the Pur brand.  It has like a thousand adapters. Ok, well, maybe 4.  But it works!
  • I don’t like it quiet.   Editor’s note:  I am listening to the Skyrim soundtrack as I write this.
  • I can’t pee when Law Enforcement is present, even though it feels like I need to pee.  I had to try twice.  Editor’s note:  Don’t ask.
  • I am absolutely terrified of driving. Still.
  • I edit the shit out of things I write and still can’t find all of my mistakes.  This one you are reading is take 7.
  • I really don’t like being out of work.  I feel like I have no purpose.
  • I fucking hate Ramen noodles.  Editor’s note:  I was homeless once and had to eat them because it was all I could afford.  I blamed it on the Ramen, so I could forget about it.
  • Some days are much, much, harder than others. This one was OK, except for having to pee in front of Law Enforcement.   Editor’s note:  Srsly, don’t ask.
  • I like to write, but I have an attention issue.  So, you are lucky if you are reading this at all, as it means I got past both my ADD and my incessant need to edit.
  • I am pretty sure Bill Burr and I would really like hanging out together.  He is so cynical and sarcastic, I am certain we would get along.  Editor’s note:  I am pretty sure some of you will hate him.  I don’t care.
  • I have an editor in my head, constantly telling me where I fail.  Editor’s note:  Stop talking about me.  You’re such an idiot.
  • I find things to do to avoid working on my house.  Like watching TV, or re-arranging papers.  Or writing blogs.

So, as you can see, I am perfectly fine, if not scattered and unfocused.  Life has kicked me in the nuts, but the pain is getting bearable.  I just wanted everyone to have an idea what is it like in my life.  I haven’t been going anywhere and most of my life goals have been taken out back, shot in the head, and buried down in the gully next to the house.  I may one day resurrect them, when I can extricate myself from this steaming pile of shit, but until then it is Ramen noodles, job hunting and Netflix for this guy.

Oh, and some work around the house.  And gaming when I can get it in.

Editor’s note:  Since this dumbass forgot, thanks for all the donations and stuff.

Oh, yeah, thanks.  About the donations.  Thank you!  The total that I received so far is nearly $2000!  That will keep me in house and home for another month.  Also, I want to thank folks for the various rides, meals, phone calls and email/text messages.  Your support for me in this tough time is welcome and appreciated.

Well, I need to actually go clean things in the house now.  I can’t really put it off any longer, so off I go.  Editor’s note:  Yes, he can.  But I am watching.

Live long and prosper, friends.

Serenity Always,


My Current Plight

I am in a bad place and I need your help. Please read this entire (rather lengthy) blog.

I cannot give complete details at this time, but I can tell you this:  I am currently in the middle of a trial related to the car accident that I had in January. I am suspended from work and I have no income for the foreseeable future, at least until the case is settled.  I am thinning down to a Spartan (Awooo!) lifestyle and I have a little bit of savings after the initial lawyer fees, but that won’t last me past a month or two.  I will likely be selling things that I can part with, so please be prepared to help me to find buyers if you cannot donate.   This will very likely include my home, if it goes too long.

If you can spare anything so that I do not have to liquidate my life, I would appreciate it.  If you owe me anything, I am calling in those markers.  Since I tend to loan money and then forget about it, I don’t remember all of the loans I may have given out.  If I remembered, I have already sent out separate communication. If not, well this is your chance.

If all you can spare is to share a meal with me, or perhaps fill my tank so I can get around, I would love that.  If there is anything you can do, I will accept most help. Later, I will post a list of things I need the most help with (like cleaning up the house and grounds, or helping me to sell off items).  Also, if you know of anyone in the IT field that is looking for a hardworking nerd with social skills, my resume is here.

It comes at a time when I would like to make changes in my self and my lifestyle, so I guess this event is forcing my hand.  Considering the gravity of the accident, I can’t really get upset about it, so I have accepted it and I am moving forward as best I can.

Donate: If you want to donate, there is a button just over there to the right.  If it doesn’t work, or you don’t want to use paypal, email me and I will send you my address for you send to.   Any money that I don’t need, I will return after the fact.  I will keep track, and as soon as I can, I will pay each and every person back.  This is my promise and I hope that you all know what that is worth from me.

Some Requests:

In reading this, I have a few requests and I cannot be flexible in them. Please do not take offense.

I have moved into a mode that many of you have never seen before and it will likely catch you off guard.  I am surviving, pure and simple and I had to turn off certain parts of myself to get things done.  It might seem strange, but it is what I need. To quote my favorite Browncoat:

I start fighting a war, I guarantee you’ll see somethin’ new.

These requests are:

1) I am not interested in any angry retorts against my employer or anyone else that is wronging me.  I am not being wronged; there is an investigation and a trial related to a death that happened in a car accident I was in. Remember that I am going through a trial and every part of my life is under review.  Please show me that you have the character that I know you have and, if you cannot help, keep your comments positive.

2)Keep your comments non-political and non-religious. Pray if you want to, but please don’t include me in it. I am not looking for help on high or to blame anyone for what is happening here.  It is a moment in time; it will pass and I don’t really want a pep talk from anyone if I haven’t asked for it.  I am getting that from the counselors that I am talking to regularly.

3) If you stop by unannounced, please don’t be offended if I ask you to leave. Because it is very likely I will ask you to leave.  I am very busy at my house working to earn what money I can or relaxing amidst the chaos and I reserve the right to decide whether I want anyone here at any time.  It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate or like you.  It means I need to be alone.  Also, I was taken from my house to jail by a sudden knock on the door and it makes me a might twitchy when I hear it, even when I expect it.  Please call me if you are interested in stopping by.

4) Please do not be offended if I refuse to come visit or have you over as company.  I am conserving all resources and that means fuel and time.  I won’t drive anywhere that I do not have to and I may not want any company.  I am also under certain restrictions by the court, so there are places I simply can’t go right now.  Feel free to ask, as I am likely to want some company, but the majority of my time is being spent at home, looking for work, or on errands of the court.

Thank you for honoring my requests and for sticking with me in my darkest hour.  I will really need my friendships right now and for those friendships to be flexible as I deal with this.  Everyone has been wonderful so far and I expect everyone to continue doing so.

I will be strong and I will survive, albeit with less money and perhaps a little less freedom.  But, I am from a clan that does quite well at surviving, as our motto will attest. I will end this novella with that.


Walking the Path,



We are largely a product of the choices we make.  Things that we did when we were young have made other choices before us irrelevant or unavailable.  Also, certain other choices are only available to us because of those same choices.

For example:  I sometimes go to taverns alone and saddle up to the bar to talk to the bartender on duty.  There are times when this is all that happens; I have a conversation and sometimes a few drinks.

There are other times when people arrive and I also talk to them.   In certain cases,  those people really needed someone to listen and by making the choice to be there,  I made a difference in thier lives.  I know this because they gave me the feedback later when I saw them again.

And so,  I still go to taverns.   The downside of this is that I spend too much money sometimes.   But,  getting the real opportunity to help others *and* have fun with friends is worth almost any price.   For it is in these places that people with tough issues tend to hide or escape.  And for those of us with a Knight complex,  where we go to battle dragons and save the damsel in distress.

But other choices are more subtle.   Like not going to college. Or having a child at 16.  Not all of the choices you can no longer make are apparent to you when you make one of these  choices,  and they might never be.   There is a social stigma with some choices and some hefty consequences tied to them.  Like income potential or availability to pursue certain dreams.   They are sometimes just off the table and you generally won’t know it unless it is pointed out to you.  They don’t have to hold you back, but they likely will if you aren’t paying attention.

The most important thing I tried to teach my daughter was to own her choices and take accountability for them,  even if no one else demands it.   She has a great sense of honor and justice.  Some would say overdeveloped, but its hard to know when mine is the same way.

I tried to show her what this meant rather than just tell her.  I attempted to act with honor; I did my best and I failed sometimes.   The latter was hopefully as good of a lesson as the former, but only she can tell you that.

Ultimately, we are the sum of the choices we make, whether we are aware of all of them or not.  Many are made for us, by people we hand them over to; parents, employers, spouses, friends and sometimes even criminals.  It is hard to forget when you are faced with the choice of giving in or making a stand that you have a mortgage to pay or a kid in school.

Sometimes it is worth the risk, but many times, it is not.  Remember that most of these times the one forcing a choice from you knows that you have to take a risk and is counting on it influencing your final choice.  Thus, we trap ourselves by the things we buy and the choices we make into giving others our power.

I leave you with this:  The only true power you have in this world is your choice.  

If you saddle yourself with debt to buy that huge house or you have children before finishing college, understand that these things can be used against you to take your choices away.  And most likely, they will. That is the way of the world.

Live free. Choose well. Go forth and do great things.

Walking the Path,
