Tag Archives: She’s Not You

She’s not you

Style: Rock/Country

She’s not what I wanted,
Just the one that still wants me
The moments spent together
seem to be missing something

But, she takes me up
And let’s me fall awhile
And from the ground she’s there
Looking up to smile

But, I can’t take the middle ground
I want shallow, I want deep
And this is what works for now
Because she’s everything I need [pause]
But she’s not you

I have a silly tendency
I fall in love too fast
The feeling is so strong
as if a spell is cast

And I run like a child
with a kite upon a string
I always find myself standing
with it wound around a tree.



I must abandon you forever, a faithless unbeliever
and the days will fuse together, cause I know I’ll never

[Chorus, modified]
Never take the middle ground
Don’t want shallow, only deep
And this is what works for now
Because she’s everything I need [pause, slower]
But she’s not you

She’s not you… [fade with guitar]

(c) 2015 Chris Colbath, All rights reserved.

If you want to record this, and want my permission, contact me below.  I would prefer to sing it, but we can work out another arrangement.

[contact-form to=’writing@blackcitadel.com’ subject=’Request to Record – She%26#039;s Not You’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]