Sometimes, this is me

I was going through drafts I was afraid to send.  This is one of them, it is referencing the events shortly after my hospital stay.  I have started dealing with this now, but I want everyone to know what I am going through.  If it helps even one other person to get help, then it is worth the pain of sharing it publicly.  You have my permission to share.


Watch this, then read this, if you will.

I watched this video and knew it was clearly staged to make me emotional.  My cynical mind shut off parts of me that didn’t want to deal with what I knew was coming.  My mouse hovered over the tab, ready to close it. And yet, it worked.  And not because of the obvious reasons; that we should pity the man.  I don’t.  I want to get to know him and help him, surely, but I don’t pity him.

It worked because there are days that I can’t see it, either.  I sometimes don’t see it because I am blind in another way.  I am suffering from guilt and depression deep enough that I sometimes feel blind.  My emotions shut off and suddenly burst forth like a dam breaking, flooding the town below me.  And that I probably need medication to deal with it.

A long time ago, someone suggested I could benefit from it, and I flatly refused.  They responded in a way that reverberated inside me and has come to a head recently due to a few unforeseen circumstances.  Here is how it went.

“You could likely benefit from a low dose of medication to level your moods.”

“I don’t want to medicate myself; It would stifle who I am.”

“Really?  You already self-medicate with alcohol.  What’s the difference?”

At the time, I dismissed it, but like a .223 round, it tumbled around, doing the maximum damage until I found myself here.  I am forced to be sober, I have a form of PTSD from my car accident, and I find myself forced to face everything I have been pushing back to the back.  I feel like the Alliance has put me through the River treatment, because now I seem to feel everything.  I can’t not.

And so, I will likely seek help.  I am not sure what form that help would take, but the best emotional week I have had in the last 3 years happened when the doctor prescribed me a week’s worth of anti-anxiety medication after my hospital stay.

I was level.  I accomplished more, although I wasn’t allowed to do much exercise. I felt…ok, for the first time in years, like I could actually handle what I was dealing with.  And then I ran out.

A few days later, I was back to sobbing uncontrollably while watching videos like this.  Why?

Because I need help.

Thank you for all of my friends that have dealt with this for the years that you have, silently – or not so silently – trying to get me to get help.  I am not sure how strong I actually am, but at least I can see it now.


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