Surgery – October 2015

For those that don’t know, I will be having a minor surgery Friday to fix an umbilical hernia I have had for many years.  Shortly thereafter, once I recover a bit, I will be getting a vasectomy.  Both of these are long overdue.

As it is getting close to the end of my Walmart insurance AND since I have met my deductible, I am getting these things taken care of so it won’t be as expensive later or if I am forced to use COBRA for awhile.  I will be down for the count most of Friday, but I will see if I can get some one to post on my wall the results of Friday’s surgery so folks won’t have to worry.

Thank you all for everything you have done, in case something happens. I intend for everything I own to go to my daughter, if anything *does* happen.  I don’t expect it to, but one never knows how long they have.

Once again, I am reminded of a few things that I will share.  Make sure you watch all three for the full effect. Please don’t think me morbid; I am just weird.  🙂

Walking the Path,


And finally, my favorite:

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