On the Edge of Greatness

Just waiting for the world to change…

Mayo Clinic Adventures – Jun26

A few days of travelling and we are in a hotel near the Mall of America.  I will have an entry in a few days about that adventure, but for now the minor Trek Adventure.

If was not nearly as interesting as I thought.  A small town, made famous by a cult TV show because its (arguably) most iconic character will be born there in a few hundred years.  I learned that it was specifically requested to be the birthplace in ’83 of Roddenberry, and was added into canon.

We wandered through town, but not much was happening yet. We stopped at the birthplace and took a bunch of pictures AND signed the Geocache that Princess found.  It was pretty cool. The actual birthplace is marked by a monument, thus:

I got some pictures in the Voyage Home Museum, and I will close out the blog with those.  The museum was cool, and I got a hat, T-shirt, coin, and a refrigerator magnet.  We passed on the Vulcan ears.  Cow did manage to sneak into a few pictures.  I have had massive shoulder pain for a week or so, and with all the driving, I overslept the next morning and missed the parade.  🙁

So, on that depressing note, I leave you with a few of the pictures that I did get. On to the Mall of America!

Live Long and Prosper.

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