Day 1: Bunkers and Badasses

The Character

I made Kevin! the Psycho Enforcer who loves to Dance! And to Break Shit! With Explosions! Also, he likes YELLING. My Opinion (that you didn’t ask for): Seems like a simple system, with a leveling system very much like Borderlands! The random gun tables were fun also. I rolled one up for fun. It is a Torgue weapon called the One (Red Text: Gravity’s Rainbow). You can only shoot it once a day, but it does maximum damage x10! A One Shot Kill so I can go on with my Rage in peace!

The Experience

Making Kevin! was a lot of fun and I actually wanted to play him. Otherwise, sounds like a beer and pretzels kinda game that would be fun to fill in between session when folks can’t make it or to run at a con.

Let’s see if I can make it 31 days!

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