All posts by Chris Colbath

Ark-Con 2013 – My Plans for this Con

I will be here all weekend playing, running and watching games.  You should, too.  Here is what I will be doing there.

Being Awesome. 

Eating junk food.

Playing games.

Here is what I will not be doing there:

Being boring

Getting much sleep.

Eating right.

The games I am directly involved in:

Artemis bridge simulation.

There will be at least two (2) full bridges.  I am trying to get a third online, if I can.  If anyone has any laptops that you want to donate for the weekend, I would appreciate it. The more we have, the more bridges we can assemble.  This game is a frakkin’ blast.

YOU command the bridge or run one of 5 bridge crew stations.  It isn’t just a video game; in fact, it plays more like an Live Action game, if it is played right.  We have had the most fun when everyone is in character at their station.  You MUST try this game and it is best when Tony Bates and his crew run it.

Red Alert!  General Quarters!  Raise Shields!

Go here for more information. You can download the demo and try it out on your systems, and use the vast amount of forum information to make it more fun! If you want to play a few games with the full client, the price tag makes it available to you and your entire crew, including all the updates.

Go try the Demo with several of your friends now.  That is an order!

Houses of the Blooded LARP (Live Action Roleplay):

“Thank you for joining me at this Solace Party as we celebrate the life and retreat into Solace of our dear friend Count D’Win Yvari.  It is a time of joy, as Ven that make it to the final rest are happy and free of the struggles of living and the difficulties of dealing with, well, you and your drama.

It is my sincere hope that you will enjoy my new home, inherited from the late D’win Yvarai, Count of the Eastern Reaches.   Enjoy the wine and refreshments with my compliments. Let the party begin.”


This will be the Saturday night Houses game AND an unusual Houses event. The Count has gone into Solace, which means he has joined his ancestors, the Suaven.  The Suaven can continue to communicate with you, and sometimes give you messages.  In this case, the Count’s passage into Solace has left all his lands in the hands of the Host, but not everyone agrees that the Host deserves to keep them.

Friday night, we will play a simple scenario to get folks used to the game and set the stage for the party on Saturday.  You can play just Friday or just Saturday, but I think you will enjoy playing both.

Characters will be provided, and you can drop into the game at any time.  Come out and enjoy the unique style of LARP play that John has created.  It is unlike any of the other LARPs you may have played in the past.


John’s site is here:  Although you won’t need it for this event, you can pick up a copy Houses of the Blooded & Blood and Tears (the LARP rules) and be ready for the event. They are both available in print or digital formats.

Also, any one that comes to the game in stylish noble gear (or anything that helps all of us stay in more character) will get bonus style!!!

Open Gaming:

When I am not being awesome, eating food that is bad for me, and getting no sleep, I will be playing any games I want to in the various rooms.  You should find me and play games with me.  As Kirk said to Khan,

If you want me, you are going to have to come down here!

And by here, I mean Ark-Con.  Register now! That is all.  See you at the con!

Three and Four Make Seven, Carry the One

I was chatting with a friend recently and discovered something…interesting.  But first, read the caveat about bitching about Walmart on my blog here.  Go ahead, I will be right here.  Waiting.

Done?  Good.  Here goes nothing.

I follow the Walmart Three Core Beliefs to help me deal with ethical dilemmas and other issues I face.  I follow The Four Agreements when things get difficult.  I have a 7 Step conflict resolution system when it gets worse.  I never noticed the relationship until I tried to explain them to someone else.

I treat everyone I meet with respect and try not to make assumptions about who they are or how they live.  I may not want to spend time with them once I know who they are, but I don’t fault them or consider them lesser people.  Just people I don’t want to build a lasting connection with.  Everyone does it; I just defined a system for handling it, as many do.  Later, I found that it was connected to these things that far smarter people had already written down.

As for The Four Agreements, it is one of the best books for dealing with other people.  They are listed below, but I want to bring up one of them – Don’t Make Assumptions.  I used to make so many assumptions about people that it led to all sorts of issues that I created by “filling in the blanks” when folks talk to me.  I still hear the assumptions in my head when I don’t have the information to complete the circle, as it were, but I can now separate the “filled in” parts and the actual parts to ensure I don’t treat anyone badly. Most of the time, I don’t (treat folks badly).  When I do, I work to make amends as quickly as possible.

Also, I now ask questions to find out what is really happening in someone’s life to make sure I am acting on the correct information.  I am not a fan of living under false pretenses, so now I ask questions and act on the answers, not on the things that my very creative mind will add into the story to give me a complete view.  As a Game Master of RPGs for many years, I know how to see most of the possible scenarios that could happen in a given situation and it is difficult, at best, to not just choose the most likely scenario and go with it.  Asking questions has helped tremendously to remain humble and respectful to others.

I have been in very few fights in my life, outside of mock battles or martial training.  I see combat as a mistake rather than a goal.  If I am getting physical with you, I have failed somewhere along the way.  We should have been able to talk through whatever it is that got us to fight.  Whether you are just a criminal bringing violence, a drunken brawler with a misunderstanding, or just a friend with whom things went too far, it should NEVER get to violence.

So far, I have been able to use this system to avoid violence in most of the situations I just described, and I have not had to hit anyone.  Except that one time, as my daughter would tell you, I have never gotten past the 5th step in the conflict resolution steps (shown at the end), and even then only once. It is the only time I have ever punched someone and, as they say in Texas, they had it comin’.

In most cases, I usually can manage to avoid conflict using nothing more than the 3rd step, occasionally going to the 4th.  It is a good system and very helpful to avoid violence and permanent injury, either physical, mental or social, in any part of my life.

That means I have three core beliefs, with four agreements to deal with issues that conflict with them, leading to seven steps for resolving them if they get ugly.  These carry the weight of life making me one whole person.

Cheesy, but true.  Thanks for listening.  Here are the sets for your review.

The Three Core Beliefs of Walmart:

Respect for the Individual

Strive for Excellence

Service to Our Customer

The Four Agreements

Be Impeccable with Your Word

Don’t Take Anything Personally

Don’t Make Assumptions

Always Do You Best

7 Steps for Conflict Resolution

Use your creativity as your first means to avoid danger.

If you cannot, then confuse them.  

If conflict persists, persuade your foe.

If you cannot persuade them, they need to be threatened.  

If you are still beset with danger, you must now injure them.  

If they persist, they should be maimed.  

And finally, only if the scheme of totality demands you be its messenger, should you kill. 

That’s all.  I hope it helps someone.

Walking the Path,



The Riddle of the Gun

At the risk of calling out the trolls, I will post this anyway. I just wish you to read this well thought out response to the question of gun control on many people’s minds.

I read it all the way through and I agree with nearly all of it. It has made me reconsider several stances I had on guns. I encourage you to read it and consider carefully what it says.

Here is the link.  I hope it will help you.  The Riddle of the Gun, by Sam Harris

NOTE: I will not respond to questions or comments, as I don’t need to defend Sam’s words, nor do I have the interest in the emotions it brings up. It is not an attack nor is it an endorsement. I am *sharing* this to help educate my friends on guns and to help them make informed choices should they be involved with any legislation regarding it.

I reserve the right to delete angry or hateful comments that people feel compelled to post as soon as I see them, either here or on any other forum where I link to this post.  That is what your feed/blog is for, so go post them there. I am non-tolerant in this regard.

Serenity Always,


What we leave behind…

Who knows where the cold wind blows?
I asked my friends but nobody knows.
Who am I to believe in love?
Love ain’t no stranger.

I am not going to lie to you:  this year, as a whole, sucked.  It was a colossal waste of my life.  I spent it in fear and pain, in loss and grieving for someone I never met, and have been left at the end with a fairly bleak financial future and more weight than I would like.   If I ever could have a year to live over, this would be the one, as long I had the knowledge of how one moment would go.

But, would something else have happened to make it happen this way regardless?  It is likely many of you would offer opinions based on your faith, but not one of you would have any fact to back it up.  I will remain firmly entrenched in I don’t care, since I can’t know.  That is my faith and, as nihilistic as it may sound, it serves me.

Just as your faith serves you.  I certainly hope I am understood.

As I ponder the end of this largely pathetic year, I once again must take stock in what I am leaving behind and what I want to do going forward.  I will lay it out, as best I can, and I will try not to make you cry.  Too much.

Continue reading What we leave behind…

To Tree or Not to Tree, Reprised

I was cleaning my hard drive today and found this from many years ago when I had an…accident.  It should speak for itself, but I really enjoyed writing it.  I edited only the obvious spelling errors.  It is otherwise left as I wrote it years ago, recent head injury and all.


– Chris


Well, I had a fun day yesterday.

It was a rather drizzly day, I had just arrived at my wife’s Grandmother’s house to help my Bro-in-law cut down a tree. We had everything we needed; two men, a ladder, some rope and a chainsaw. Already to go. We were only missing one thing.

Our BRAINS! What were we thinking?

To our credit, we did spend time trying to determine the best way to cut the tree down. We would begin by cutting the higher branches down and then work our way down so we could avoid the tree falling into the trailer or the power lines.

The first limb came down well. Right where we told it too.

The second limb, however, had mal intent. It struck back against it’s oppressors. Actually, it fell on my head from about 20-25′. Having just averted my eyes to clear sawdust (you will note that safety glasses were missing from the inventory list) and so was not directly in line with the bulk of the tree limb. I grazed by the tree and knocked away from the tree.

I felt like a familiar Led Zeppelin Song for a bit, but then I heard Ray screaming,” Get me down!” So of course, I ran to help. I am sure now it was somewhat of a stagger, however, as I was rather weak from the blow. I tried to free Ray from the tree where he had fallen, but the tree had snatched him by his ankle and help suspended upside down with a grip to rival the Hulk.

Or, very possibly, I was weak from the blow to the head. Ray again yelled, but this time a sensible order.

“Call 911!”

I decided to forgo the cell phone in my pocket and run (again, read stagger) to the house to use the phone in there. By the time I arrived, I could not quite remember what I was doing in the house and dizziness began to take a shot at control of my brain. I am happy to say that it failed and I remembered that I needed to call someone. Who though?

911! Yes! I remembered! I then began the search for the phone. I passed it 3 times, until Grandma said, “The phone is on the table!” Right, there it is.

Well I called 911, but things get fuzzy from here. They talked to me until they arrived so that I would stay awake. I realized that she was doing this, but it was annoying all he same. I felt like sleep would have been a good thing right then. The Paramedics that surrounded me did not feel that I was correct, as also kept me awake.

They asked me what day it was many times, oddly, and I began to wonder if they knew. They seemed satisfied with my answers, and proceeded to strap my head and body to a hard plastic board and then lift me up to take me to the ambulance.

I tried to entertain them during the ride with my rapier wit, and I got about a 50% laugh response. Now the most fun about the ride was having an IV put in while the ambulance was bump-bump-bumping along the road to the hospital. I think either the Governor needs to spend more of my tax money on roads, or the ambulance needs better shocks. Or perhaps both.

So, we arrived at the hospital and they asked me what day it was again, what happened, etc. I think they already knew and just wanted to know if I knew. All I knew was that I was rather uncomfortable and strapped to a plastic board.

During this time that I was strapped down and could only view the lights, someone that loved me came in and stood to my right (I could barely see them, but I could feel them), and looked at me. They made me feel that I would be ok. Oddly enough, no one that came to visit me had come in yet, they tell me. I thought it was Paula, but she said she that had come in until later.

Guardian angel? Random caring hospital worker? Who knows? Not me, that’s for sure.

I began to feel somewhat like Hannibal Lector, all strapped and reviewed, and I remember asking someone if there was any there named Clarice that I could talk to. That got a laugh, so I continued with the jokes. Everyone left at that point and I was visited by my family briefly before I was sent off to get a CAT scan.

The CAT scan was delivered by a guy that could have been George Carlin’s un-funny brother. He really didn’t know how to laugh, either. All business.

Ok now back to the room to wait for X-rays. My head strapped to a board was almost too much to bear at this time and the trip was a little less fun. I began hoping that soon the x-rays would come and go so that I could get of this board. I thought about crying, but they were a tough crowd and I don’t think it would have convinced them that they should let me go.

In the X-ray room, I met a pair of sadistic ladies who took great pleasure in moving the parts of me that were in pain to get pictures of the inside of them. I told them they should consider being interrogators, as I would have told them anything…

They left me for about 10-15 minutes on the board in a very dull room, still strapped to that board, until they determined that my neck was not broken and I could get off the board. The only thing I can say was Thank the Maker! That board sucked.

Of course, now that I could move my neck, I realized that it really hurt!!! I was contorted a few more times for more pictures and then wheeled back to my room. I wanted to walk, but I think they like pushing people around, as we traveled rather fast.

In case you were wondering, Ray was going through a rather more difficult time. All of his clothing had to be cut from him and he was subjected to a catheter. OW!!! I had one once before and I do not wish this pain on anyone. Well, ok, there are a few I might name, but that is another story.

Anyway, I was now in my room, sans board, and happily surrounded by family. I was release shortly after that by a real nice doctor, and I went to join Ray. He was about to be released as well, so we took clothes from whoever had spares and Ray got dressed.

From here we ended up and Denny’s. We ate, reviewed the event a few more times and then went home to go to bed.

The moral to this story is that you should not cut down trees. Just leave them be, so to speak.

Glad to still be with you,


Current Artemis Ranks – Stardate 0/2012.357

I thought to give some flavor, I would rank everyone that has played Artemis with me.  This is not including at conventions or training missions away from my house.   Video evidence will be required or the word another officer Lt rank or higher for these missions to count.

Current Ranks, In Order:

Name, Rank, Insignia,Favored Station, Mission Award
Chris Colbath,Lieutenant Commander,Lieutenant Commander, Command/Helm, ***/++
Martin Jackson, Lieutenant Commander,Lieutenant Commander ,Tactical/Command, **/+
B’Ney Landis, Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Comm/Science,++
Anders Hallstrom, Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Engineering/Science, **/++
Josie Jackson, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG, ,
Danielle Jackson, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG ,Science/Comm,+
Brian Dallman, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG,Tactical/Command,**/+
Nathan Jared, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG, Engineering/Science,+
Chris Low, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG,Tactical/Comm,++
Greg Phillips, Lieutenant (Junior Grade),Lieutenant JG,Engineering,++,
Charles Wright, Ensign,Ensign,Science,+
Jared Scott, Ensign,Ensign ,Helm/Tactical,+
Salty Fogle, Ensign,Ensign , ,+
Phil Fox, Ensign,Ensign , ,+
Devin Griffis, Ensign, Ensign, ,+

*, Have commanded at least one successful mission on any difficulty.
**, Have commanded a successful mission difficulty 5 or higher.
***, Have commanded a successful mission difficulty 8 or higher.
+, Served on a successful mission of difficulty 5 or higher.
++,Served on a successful mission difficulty 8 or higher.

If I missed anyone, please let me know.  This is assuming you have played with me and were trained with me or one of my officers.  All promotions from this point forward will be put up to a review board of your peers to be more fair.  If you feel any of these ranks are not appropriate, please feel free to argue with me.

Below is a listing of the various officer ranks we will be using, according to Star Fleet.

Additionally, if anyone would like to write mission briefings, I can add you as an author on this blog, so we can keep them in one place.

That is all.

Lt. Commander Colbath, (acting) Captain of the USS Daedalus.



A moment of sober reflection

“Do you believe, a man can change his destiny?”

“I believe a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed.”

I have had much time to think lately, as I have been stuck at home a lot since I am not currently allowed to drive.  I have notices that I have lived a good life with many chances to do great things.  I have failed at most of them.

*I will pause here for people to deny it*

Are you done?  Well, then.  I will continue.  Where was I? Ah yes.  Failure.  Me.  My collection of them.

I have been told I am a good Father and as it came from my daughter, I will not argue.  She is the only one that really matters on that score.  I feel that I could have done much better and that I don’t really deserve the praise I get for it, but I understand why.  Because so many fathers fail that I look good by comparison.

Don’t get me wrong, I did everything I felt I should have, but there was so much more I could have done.  The reason that I won’t argue is because it is the only goal I never quit. I keep trying to improve, which is why she thinks I have done a good job.

But not a great job, in my opinion. I don’t think myself a bad person, however, just not a motivated one.

I have failed twice to write a novel, failed to gain a black belt in at least 4 martial arts, dropped out of college, and was a miserable husband.  I have let every women who loved me slip out of my life and most of them for very stupid reasons.  Hell, only my ex-wife had a good one and I fought to keep her for far too long.  The failure list goes on and on, and if I felt like recounting it, I could.

They say you should have one thing and be good at it. And so, at this one thing, I am a master.

But this is actually a positive note.  You see, even as the failure I am, I have managed a few successes that I felt it important to express.

  • My daughter loves me.
  • I have more friends that I can manage – I only wish I could spend more time with them.
  • I have truly enjoyed my life, even with all the problems and failures I have encountered.
  • I am mostly healthy.
  • I have enough to live comfortably, although I can’t live to excess any longer.
  • My daughter loves me, in case I missed that above.

But it seems that I am on hold, waiting for something, like Captain Algren. I have always needed something to fight for, to drive me forward.  I am looking for my destiny to be revealed, for someone to need me again.

And I sincerely hope she’s a redhead.


A time for thanks

I hear everyone talking about Black Thursday and staying home on that day rather than shopping. While I agree that it is best to be with those you love at every opportunity, I also feel it is important to allow people to make their own choices. People have motives for what they say, and affiliations that seek to protect.

Some are with unions, some are for the corporations.  Some are bitter at having to work on those days, rather than being home.  Some are afraid of loved ones being injured in the bustle or not proud of their own actions of years past.  Everyone has a reason to go or stay home and they are all valid, even if they are rooted in misperception.  Not all are, but most are coloured by experiences rather than facts.

But, I digress.

If you must leave your family to shop or work tomorrow, please be certain to afford everyone you meet the highest level of courtesy. If you want that shiny new *object* by all means want it and strive to acquire it. However, assure that you do so with as much grace and kindness as you can.

For there is no price higher than the harming of another to achieve a goal. Be careful and cautious and shop with joy and abandon, not with anger and jealousy. If you miss out on the aforementioned object, then accept it. If you are in a tie for that wonderful treasure, imagine the gift you give another by being gracious enough to let them have it.

Do it as a favor to me, if you cannot think of another reason.  And please, pass this along.  Share it far and wide.

I make no claim to your freedom and I have no intention of asking you to stay home or go out tomorrow. I only ask that you make an attempt to do either with intention and excitement.  Nothing out there is worth your dignity or another’s well being.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I hope you all enjoy the season ahead and may you all have the best of lives.

Thank you.

NaNoWriMo – Day Eight

I am at Mama Fu’s in Bentonville writing away.  There is an Epic Boss Battle to end Chapter 6 that I am working through now. Within the hour, I will be putting this away and going to see a movie with some pals, so I am furiously trying to write this scene before then.  Just in case I don’t get to post later, though, here is my update for today.  I am behind about 3k words, but I am off tomorrow and I will write in spurts all day.

That sounded dirty.

Anyway, back to see if my hero can kill the Bastard of a Dark Elf that is the Master of the Wail.  I will include another excerpt below, with some of the steps leading up to it.  I hope you enjoy it.


9737 Words!



As I passed the two guards just outside the Zone, I noticed once again how much power these two just casually wielded at the end of the street. I mean, the aura of a wizard is an easy thing to see if you know how to look, but it was also fairly simple to mask it or at least make it seem less than it was. The guard I was looking at was a taller Elf wearing a leather tunic and carrying a staff with a large emerald set into the top. The power from that thing alone was enough to make most men quake, but it paled next to the mage holding it. This guy could level a city block without breaking a sweat.

Then you looked to his left and there was another just like him. Battle mages the both of them and they somehow became guards of the Blood Zone. There was absolutely no way anyone was going to bring violence past these two powerhouses. They smiled a lazy smile as I walked past them and nearly startled me when he spoke.

“The Orcs are a bit frisky today. Killed 17 people this morning already.”

“Thanks, masters, but I am here for one purpose and I don’t think a few Orcs are going to slow me down.”

“Nope, I don’t suppose they will. I remember you from a few days ago. But, we decided we like you and we’d like to see you come back out alive.”

“Again, thank you. You honor me with your praise. I will do my best to live up to it.”

“See that you do. And give Faeltir our regards.”

His smile was a mile wide and yet somehow not mocking me. I stumbled over my words as I continued on.

“I…uh…will. Good day, sirs.”

They went back into their previous conversations and I saw money change hands between them. I am not sure what the bet was, but clearly one of them expected something from me. Maybe it was just because I came back. I didn’t have time to reflect on why due to the spear that flew past my head and headed at the pair of wizards. The spear dropped to the ground in front of them and they didn’t even break conversation.

I however, spun to my left and turned to face the spear thrower only to see my friend Kami surrounded by about five Orcs that seemed interested in his demise. I pulled Mana up from inside me and brought forth a bit of lightning between my fingertips. I let it build there for a moment while I watched the scene.

Kami was holding his own, but had been wounded several times and was bleeding from most of them. I now could see the five Orc that lay near his feet and a several more that were hurling spears from the nearby patio in front of Graal’s Lair. Kami took one down with a swift thrust and stepped to the side as another spear made its way to his heart. With a practiced motion, he let the sidestep turn into a spin and carry his blade into the one behind him until I could hear a loud thump from the hilt of his blade slamming into the Orc’s ribs. The missing spear made its way into a third assailant and made it scream like a beast. As it fell, I moved my gaze past Kami to the patio.

I took aim at the spear throwers past Kami and let loose my lightning. It arced over the battle and into the nearest hurler with an impact that would make Giants jealous. The monster was hurled back into the others as my electric burst followed, like a snake to the kill. Three more were burned before it was through, leaving but two still standing and able to fight.

I let them see the fire that I had replaced the lightning with and they froze and just stared at me. I used this moment to glance at Kami and saw that he finishing another one and the remaining combatant was considering running away. I let go my fireball into the patio with a casual gesture and started walking towards the last one standing by Kami, drawing my blade as I did.

The explosion on the patio made quite a bit of noise and the rest of the Orc over there were screaming in pain making the last guy in front of us very unsteady on his feet. He was Orc, though, and it was unlikely he would give up to two elves staring him down even though they had just slaughtered nearly a dozen of his kin. It was more likely he was going to fight back to die with some semblance of honor. I saw him steady himself and move into a guard position ready for our assault.

I really had respect for this one, as he didn’t run. I have seen greater beings flee from me after they know what I could do and more importantly, what I would do, but this creature stood ready and willing to fight. I almost didn’t want to kill him, but that would be far worse for him. I would give him the death he deserved.

At this moment, Kami stepped up and put his blade out to his side, blocking my way.

“This one is mine.”

“Come, Elf. Show me what you can do.”

They stared each other down for a long moment. There was no movement, no sweat, no fear. Two warriors, poised and ready, planning to end the other as soon as someone flinched. I was trying to figure out who it would be when suddenly Kami moved forward faster than I have ever seen him. The thrust was true and the Orc almost didn’t move before it hit him. He feebly parried after the blade hit home, his weak swing clanging against his killer’s blade and falling limply to the ground. He dropped to his knees, as Kami pulled the blade out.

He looked up into the Elf’s eyes and brought his blade up over his chest in a salute. A moment later, he fell forward in a heap at Kami’s feet. The Elf leaned down and wiped his blade on the fallen Orc’s tunic and sheathed it in a practiced motion. He then walked over to me with a deep smile on his face.

“So, what’s for lunch?”

NaNoWriMo – Day Five

I might keep writing tonight, but for now I wanted to post this in case I don’t. I had a sad moment in my first story and had to write my way out of it. It was a very difficult moment for me, but I enjoyed getting through it. I am going to share a little bit of the story, after the standard graphic of my progress, so you can get a glimpse of what I am writing.  But only a snippet.  I would like to reveal it as a whole when it is done this year, so we all have something to hope for.

Also realized, it is unedited, as I don’t want to edit just yet. That is a problem to solved by a novelist, which I am not yet.


7047 Words!



“The Master of the Wail requests your presence at his table and this complimentary glass of his finest Elven wine.”

She held it there in front of me for a time, until she realized I was neither intimidated or even interested in the offer or the wine. A moment more passed, with us just staring at each other. A bead of sweat formed on the side of her head and began slowly running down her cheek. Her eyes showed pure terror, as she leaned in a bit closer.

“Please, sir. If you don’t come, he will…make me dance. And that would be the end of me.”

Her deep green eyes invaded mine with the kind of terror that I have only seen on people that realize why I have come to see them, that I am a Grey Guard. Although none of this fear was for me, but for Faeltir, the Master of the Wail. She was going to be killed if I did not have this drink and sit at his table.

“Please sir, he will call for me soon. You can’t just let me die over a glass of wine.”

“In fact, my dear, I can.”

I let that sink in for just a moment, as I locked gazes with her and let her see the depth of my troubled soul. Her eyes widened and her will was nearly destroyed, as she realized she was undone.

You see, I have what they call an iron will and I can resist any torture, any pain, any intimidation. For I follow Omni and my purpose is clear. Do his bidding and I will be rewarded in his domains after my death. I have had nearly all my bones broken and my blood spilled and still I gave up no secrets or relinquished ground in a debate.

“I will not, however, let that happen. Let your Master know I will be there in a moment.”

As she walked away, I watched her leave. She was not trying to hurt me. She was simply trying to live under the rule of a tyrant, who would threaten her life to get to me. I knew I was capable of letting her die, and still, my heart stirred. After a hundred years of service, the people I met recently had changed me. I still worked for the Church, but they had given me things to ponder that forced me to suspend my mission to kill them and walk with them for a spell to see if what they said was correct.

That my God was not my God. That my God was an usurper and my true God would return if I helped them.

It was a hard concept to handle and I was still working it through. I spend far too much time in the field to be easily swayed and I had skills that could pierce lies and flesh to complete my goals. But in my time I have let many innocents die, under the guise that they were unbelievers and didn’t deserve my mercy.

Could I turn away from this quest? If they were correct and I killed them, I would be preventing any chance of the True God returning. But if I helped them, then the Usurper the Church told me they worshipped would return and take control of all that I have fought for over a century now. I had nearly lost count of the years.

What to do now?

“Drink the wine.”


Back to it.  Chau, friends.