Category Archives: Notification

Announcements of any sorts.

Heading back home…

…or at least where I live now. I’ll miss my friends and family and I’m certainly not interested in working, but it must be done. 

Until next time Phoenix, I’ll miss you.

Walking the path,



…incoming transmission…

My schedule while I am here, as I am pressed for time and won’t be able to answer individual questions:

Sunday: Working and seeing my parents and the Foster family
Monday – Wednesday: Working in Dallas. A weird alignment of planets has made this week’s schedule strange. If you care about this, ask me at PCC. Which leads me to…
Thursday – Sunday: PCC! This will be when most of you will see me. I will be trying to connect with people as much as I can, walking the dealer’s room floor, maybe see a celeb or two, and play some games.  I will spend down time in the gaming area, most likely.
Monday: Travelling back to Arkansas.

Thank you.  That is all.


Closing the Facebook for a time

It’s been a rough few years for me, with a fatal car crash, jail, losing my job, starting a new job, my first poly relationship, my girlfriend’s health issues and largely not living where and how I want to.  On top of that, the Interweb is unbearable with the election, religious/sexist/racist crap and outright murder in the streets.  I am done.

tl;dr I’m broken, but I appear to be fixable. I’m dropping out of sight for awhile and I’ll be back. I don’t know when.

For those that want more, read on.

It’s time for some changes and the first step is to reduce the inputs that are plaguing my life. To this end. I have unfollowed everyone on Facebook. I will still use it for event planning and communicator via messenger, but I won’t be checking it and if I do, I am not likely to see anyone’s posts. If you need me to see something, you can tag me and I’ll see it, but if its political, religious, or capable of inciting intense emotion, I’d appreciate you leaving me off the list for now.  I will remove the tag, and I will not look at it.  Uplifting, non-religious things are fine, as are nerdy things.  Bring those on.

I will be cataloging the experiences somewhat, as I work through the issues, but I’m not responding to personal requests for clarification, as I Just Don’t Have The Strength. I’m seeing a counselor and I’m on medication, so I expect I’ll get through it. I sincerely tried to just deal with it all, but I need a break. I am not on the verge of a breakdown yet, and I’d like to keep it that way.

I love you folks, and I know you want to help. If I need it from you, I’ll reach out to you. If I don’t, please don’t be offended. I’m in my cocoon and I’ll need specific things to get through it. You might not be one of them right now, but you can do your part by giving me space. If this changes, I will let you know.  I sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding.

I will be back. See ya later, ‘bookers.

Serenity Always,


The Annual Gift and Guilt Giving Ritual

I have adopted a new Holiday tradition and I wanted to share it with you.

But first, tl;dr.

If you want something for Christmas, go buy it yourself and say it was from me. I will do the same. No guilt!

And now the part you aren’t going to read. I will try to make it entertaining for those that do.

I was chatting with my gal yesterday, relating my frustration with the Holiday season, mostly around the guilt. The topic went all over the place, but the gist of it gave us an idea. Why should we feel guilty about giving gifts and go broke at the end of the year trying to buy for everyone? I mean, I want to make everyone happy, but to be made to feel obligated to do it? That’s ridiculous.

I related that I used to make these elaborate spreadsheets to track everyone I was buying for (and everyone I wasn’t because I didn’t have the money). I knew exactly how much I was spending against how much I had budgeted to spend, and had adjusted amounts of money that I could spend on each person. It took hours to plan out exactly what I was going to spend to avoid going broke, but make sure everyone on the list got something. Sometimes, the list would get culled and I would feel horrible. Something had to be done.

This is supposed to be a happy time of year and I felt miserable! I came upon a few easy words that I said out loud that really made the guilt reduce, as well as the workload. It was an elegant solution, once I figured it out. It went like so:

Fuck this.

Ahhhhhh. For a moment all of the guilt and pain went away, as I had decided to just not buy anyone anything one year. I was struggling with money, my PC was starting to crap out, and I had around 20 people that I was supposed to buy for. Those two little words made me realize that the obligation was imposed by folks that really just wanted my money and they had successfully made me feel like I had no choice. But I did have a choice.

That year, I bought myself a new PC and didn’t get anything for anyone else except my daughter. I told folks I had budget issues and left it at that. The guilt didn’t go away, but it was lessened, and I still enjoyed the holidays. I started telling folks not to get me anything, as I was likely not going to buy presents this year. It mostly worked, but I got a few and realized I was feeling guilty. Still.

This went on for years, where I had a hybrid of the two methods. I bought something for someone when I thought they would like it and when it was fun to buy it. If I couldn’t think of anything, I just didn’t buy anything for someone. And I always bought myself something. Always.

When I was discussing this yesterday, I learned that she and a friend would each buy themselves a gift and then reciprocally say that it was bought from the friend. They both got what they wanted and everyone was happy. Guilt absolved!

This made me realize the perfect Gift Giving solution. And it was summarized above. If you want a gift from me this year, go get something and then say it was from me. If you would like me to do the same, I will. It might be a nice dinner, or even a Coke from a vending machine. Spend what you want and don’t worry about it. And then thank me for it, either privately or publicly and I will do the same. No guilt! Everyone is happy!

I hope this writing finds you well and that you really enjoy the gift I got for you. I want you to know that I thought long and hard on it and I that I appreciate the gift you gave me in return (as soon as I go get it).

Happy Holidays!

Surgery – October 2015

For those that don’t know, I will be having a minor surgery Friday to fix an umbilical hernia I have had for many years.  Shortly thereafter, once I recover a bit, I will be getting a vasectomy.  Both of these are long overdue.

As it is getting close to the end of my Walmart insurance AND since I have met my deductible, I am getting these things taken care of so it won’t be as expensive later or if I am forced to use COBRA for awhile.  I will be down for the count most of Friday, but I will see if I can get some one to post on my wall the results of Friday’s surgery so folks won’t have to worry.

Thank you all for everything you have done, in case something happens. I intend for everything I own to go to my daughter, if anything *does* happen.  I don’t expect it to, but one never knows how long they have.

Once again, I am reminded of a few things that I will share.  Make sure you watch all three for the full effect. Please don’t think me morbid; I am just weird.  🙂

Walking the Path,


And finally, my favorite:

Glitchcon 2015 Gaming Update – July


Updates to the gaming schedule! Highlights are below:

The LARP Room has added Vampire the Masquerade, as a late night option on Saturday!

There are several play to win games, such as Castle Panic, and Machi Koro. Fireside games has donated several prizes, including Bears, Castle Panic, Zombie Panic, and Munchkin Panic. Come by the game room to check out what you can get!

We have Dennis McDonald running a game he wrote called “Adventure Maximum” and several D&D 5th edition games, including Tomb of Horrors. If you are familiar with this one, I am sure you are happy he is providing pre-gens! There are several other RPGs being run, including Achtung!, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, and a whole lot of Pathfinder!

Howling Moon will be back to run werewolf, Katie Fitch will have Krosmaster Arena, and Tortured Earth will running their RPG throughout the weekend! So much gaming!

We also have the Bentonville Public Library at our Game Library with games to check out all weekend long. And last, but not least, we can’t forget that Gear Gaming Store will be in the room for your gaming needs all weekend long!

And, of course, we will have Artemis!!!


The great folks at Free Geek Arkansas, and several fine friends (who I will list below) have come together to create a fantastic bridge setup for the weekend. We will have two (2) functioning bridges on a closed network running version 2.20. This version has space sharks, bugs, whales and dragons to confound the players! Some information about these new changes are on

Big thank you to the Bridge Builders:

Martin Jackson

Chris Williams

Casey T.

Scott Kammerzell

Zac Slade (Free Geek)

Brian Dallman

Nathan Jared

Josephine Jackson

Danielle Jackson

And of course, Evil Xander.


That’s all for now! Come to GlitchCon and PLAY MORE GAMES!

Glitchcon Updates – June 2015

Updates to the Game Room!

Gaming Schedule

Gaming Request Form (for adding more games to the schedule!)

The schedule is filling up. The LARP Room is completely full from 6pm Friday until 4pm Sunday! I have additional LARP requests I am trying to find space for, but I don’t think I can fit them! John Wick and Rob Justice will be teaming up to bring Wasteland Bazaar for our evening fun, while the day will be filled with LARPcraft Myth & Legends play. Search “LARP Room” on the schedule for more details on LARPing goodness!

The Tabletop Room will be in the main convention center and will be sponsored by Gear Gaming in Fayetteville. They are bring the Pathfinder Society with them hosting D20 fun all weekend long. It starts early on Friday and runs all the way through Sunday, so come down early to get started! Search “PFS” or “Pathfinder” to find them on the schedule.

The Star League will be there hosting various miniature wargames and board games, including Battletech, Star Fleet, and Twilight Imperium! Search “Star League” on the schedule for details.

Several vendors are adding prize support this year, so get ready for some SWAG! Make sure to sign into the schedule and confirm your spot in a game you are interested in and create your own Gaming Schedule for the weekend. Share the schedule with your friends!

More updates later!

Gaming Schedule

Gaming Request Form (for adding more games to the schedule!)

A mixed bag (of dicks) – 2013

I have to say, that this year was a mixed bag for me. As I write this,  I considered one of these statements to open with:

I have to say, this year sucked. It can eat a bad of dicks.
I think this was a pretty decent year, despite the setbacks.
I think this year was rather Meh.

None of those captured it.  So, I think I will go with this opener.

This year was pretty much a wash. I think it only needs to nibble on a bag of dicks, but it still needs the bag. I really does.

I did some fun stuff this year, and had some changes that just sucked. Still, I am physically ok, even though I am challenged by body maintenance due to a profound of NOT taking care of it for awhile. So, let’s get that out of the way, shall we?

The Bad Stuff


I was in the hospital twice and called 911 several times to deal with an atrial flutter ( I was in the hospital for four (4) days and was eventually rebooted* and discharged. That was an ok experience, as I was coached by my doctor in front of my manager, saw some damn sexy nurses – I was not able to do anything about it. Mixed bag, right? – and had decent food for a hospital. I then had to lie on my ass for a week to recover from the reboot*.

* re·boot [v. ree-boot; n. ree-boot, ree-boot]
verb (used with object)
1. to restart (a computer) by loading the operating system; boot again.
verb (used without object)
2. (of a computer) to be restarted.
3. an act or instance of restarting a computer.

In this case, I, or rather, my heart, was the computer.  They gave love a bad name, and hit me with 70 Jules, and then with 150 Jules right in the kicker.  I would tell you what it was like, but the last thing I remember after they got set up was saying, “I think the Demorol is kicking in…”  I woke up some time later in my bed with my CPAP machine on.  They insist that I was hilarious through the process, and I am sure they weren’t lying.  One of the nurses told me when she came in when I asked what happened while I was out,  “Congratulations on your engagement!  I think you will love the kids!”  I didn’t bite on that, because marriage and me aren’t even friends on Myspace, no what I mean?

Anyway, that was the highlight of that experience until I read the discharge notes.  I was to stop drinking alcohol and start on a low sodium diet.  I keep it under around 1200-1500 mg per day and I will tell you this is one of the hardest things I have ever done.  But, I am discovering how to cook again and an amazing amount of new foods.  I am not going to be that guy, so I will just go to whatever restaurant folks want to go to and order low sodium stuff – like water – and make it through.  In fact, I have been for over a month and I think I am doing ok.  I will get better over time.  My heart is strong, but the reboot takes some recovery time.

The downside of all this was getting hit with hospital bills


I couldn’t drive all year, which made most of the year difficult at best.  I missed out on lots of things and it put certain plans I had so far on the back burner, I had to turn it off.  I am hoping, now that I can get my license back (just coordinating to get the logistics done, as I still can’t drive – the irony), that I will be getting some traction on plans that I have been putting off for a long while. I will keep you posted.

The Passing of Friends

I had several friends pass along this year.  Cheryl O’Connor, Steve Bue, and Ricky Lindroos.  Although I was not close with them recently, I knew them long ago and they will be missed.

The Good Stuff


I was able to attend/work Gencon, Glitchcon, and Arkcon this year.  I will be attending DarkCon in the next few weeks, as well.  I missed Dragon*Con, which I am mildly sad about, but I *might* hit it next year.

Gencon was overwhelming.  I enjoyed it immensely, as I was able to see some great friends there, and meet some new ones.  I spent much of my time in the gaming and vendor rooms, and then just chilling with those friends at night.  It was a great time.

Glitchcon was a lot of work (not nearly enough, though – this year will better), as I tried to do to much of the work alone.  I will be forming a team for this year, so that won’t be an issue, but this year was not up to my standards for work.  Still, people had fun, I was party to a really fun game that was written there, and it was a success. Lots of fun was had.

Arkcon:  Drunken Artemis.  ‘Nuff said.  Ok, not really.  It was a really well run game room and I hope it will be the same this coming year.  I am really looking forward to it.


I met some really cool people this year and will hopefully have the opportunity to do some really cool things.  We shall see.  I also plan to reconnect with folks with the license obtaining thing happening soon.  Now just to deal with the fear of driving…


I spent too much money on games this year, as I was spending too much time at home alone.  So, games.  I have been playing some fun ones, but I am not used to spending this much time with them, and I feel guilty I haven’t been writing enough.


I took a class on writing and it has helped me to understand some of the ways to frame a story.  I am hoping to more writing in this next year, as I think I will do a much better job.  I have 3 or 4 books I started writing, but without a good outline, I never finished.  Now that know how to create an outline for a novel, I am hoping to get them done this year.  So, less games/TV and more writing.  Wish me luck!


I am in the Walmart Associate Choir.  We perform at various company events throughout the year and it has given me the opportunity to get my singing muscles back in shape.  I have recorded a few songs this year, just to see how my voice sounded on them, but due to the copyright laws, I am not supposed to share them.   /sadface

Next year, I want to record some of my original songs, and I am looking for folks to help.  I tried learning guitar this year, but I have come to the realization that I just suck at it.  I bought a bass guitar, as I seem to be forever stuck in bass clef.  I will let you know how it goes.  Being a singer/bass player/drummer can’t hurt my chances in the long run.

This is the end

And so, as I close out the year – and this blog – I just have to say it wasn’t a great year, but I have certainly had far worse ones.  I hope your Holiday Season has been fabulous and that you made it through as well.  Hears to a better 2014!

I will leave you with the immortal words of Barry Manilow, as performed by John Barrowman, Captain Jack Harkness himself:

I made it through the rain, I kept my world protected
I made it throught the rain, I kept my point of view
I made it through the rain, And found myself respected
By the others who got rained on too
And made it through

Walking the Path,


Bitching about my posts

Please don’t bitch about Walmart (or anything else) on my posts.  If you don’t like Walmart or something else I am writing about, keep it to yourself unless it is relevant to the intent of that post.   If it is, I will let it go.  Simple bitching or ranting will not be tolerated.

Walmart has done great things by me, in many ways.  It is likely they have done the same for you, whether you realize it or not.  If you have ever taken your child to a CMN Hospital (or know someone who does), then Walmart was involved in your child’s care.  They beat FEMA to the Katrina disaster by 3 days and were waiting with truckloads of supplies.

I personally have seen and been involved in more charity work that was endorsed, encouraged and matched by Walmart than any other company I have been involved with.  They paid my wage for an entire week to record a CD with the Walmart Associate Choir for CMN Charities.  The Entire Proceeds will go to that charity.  These are the important things in life and my company supports them.  Nay, they pay for it.

Bitch about my posts on your own posts.  I will refrain from bitching there.  Attack me, and I will prepare a defense, but it won’t be bitching.   That is the beautiful thing about the internet.    I don’t have to tolerate bitching, and neither do you.  You don’t like it?  Take off, as Geddy would say.  Guilty or Innocent, I will feed useless bitching and rants to the Sharkticons here.

So, keep to the intent of the writing, please.  I appreciate it.


Ark-Con 2013 – My Plans for this Con

I will be here all weekend playing, running and watching games.  You should, too.  Here is what I will be doing there.

Being Awesome. 

Eating junk food.

Playing games.

Here is what I will not be doing there:

Being boring

Getting much sleep.

Eating right.

The games I am directly involved in:

Artemis bridge simulation.

There will be at least two (2) full bridges.  I am trying to get a third online, if I can.  If anyone has any laptops that you want to donate for the weekend, I would appreciate it. The more we have, the more bridges we can assemble.  This game is a frakkin’ blast.

YOU command the bridge or run one of 5 bridge crew stations.  It isn’t just a video game; in fact, it plays more like an Live Action game, if it is played right.  We have had the most fun when everyone is in character at their station.  You MUST try this game and it is best when Tony Bates and his crew run it.

Red Alert!  General Quarters!  Raise Shields!

Go here for more information. You can download the demo and try it out on your systems, and use the vast amount of forum information to make it more fun! If you want to play a few games with the full client, the price tag makes it available to you and your entire crew, including all the updates.

Go try the Demo with several of your friends now.  That is an order!

Houses of the Blooded LARP (Live Action Roleplay):

“Thank you for joining me at this Solace Party as we celebrate the life and retreat into Solace of our dear friend Count D’Win Yvari.  It is a time of joy, as Ven that make it to the final rest are happy and free of the struggles of living and the difficulties of dealing with, well, you and your drama.

It is my sincere hope that you will enjoy my new home, inherited from the late D’win Yvarai, Count of the Eastern Reaches.   Enjoy the wine and refreshments with my compliments. Let the party begin.”


This will be the Saturday night Houses game AND an unusual Houses event. The Count has gone into Solace, which means he has joined his ancestors, the Suaven.  The Suaven can continue to communicate with you, and sometimes give you messages.  In this case, the Count’s passage into Solace has left all his lands in the hands of the Host, but not everyone agrees that the Host deserves to keep them.

Friday night, we will play a simple scenario to get folks used to the game and set the stage for the party on Saturday.  You can play just Friday or just Saturday, but I think you will enjoy playing both.

Characters will be provided, and you can drop into the game at any time.  Come out and enjoy the unique style of LARP play that John has created.  It is unlike any of the other LARPs you may have played in the past.


John’s site is here:  Although you won’t need it for this event, you can pick up a copy Houses of the Blooded & Blood and Tears (the LARP rules) and be ready for the event. They are both available in print or digital formats.

Also, any one that comes to the game in stylish noble gear (or anything that helps all of us stay in more character) will get bonus style!!!

Open Gaming:

When I am not being awesome, eating food that is bad for me, and getting no sleep, I will be playing any games I want to in the various rooms.  You should find me and play games with me.  As Kirk said to Khan,

If you want me, you are going to have to come down here!

And by here, I mean Ark-Con.  Register now! That is all.  See you at the con!