Category Archives: Music

Don’t give up on you

TLDR: Don’t give up on you. Also, I blather on about myself.  Listen to the song at the end if you don’t care about that. Srsly.

Giving up on myself has always been pretty easy, but I started working on selfishness for the most recent chapter of my life to get my head right. It has taken more than a year to get the fuzz out and start to actually make progress, as I have shared a little of.  It has cost me…a lot. People, Things, and places are gone to me that were very important to me at one point. And they all had to go before I drove myself to death and madness. I was pretty far gone during the Panini.

I barely remember the conversations and tribulations it took to get out of Arkansas, as I didn’t believe it could happen. Even now, I sometimes wonder just how big of a mistake I made fixing my mind, but time will tell. And on the dark days, I feel like they are juxtaposed, and I don’t know where or who I am.  I have tools now to come back without as much artificial help and so I have been plugging along, day by day, taking care of myself.

Still, there is always the danger of going too far to one side or the other, so one needs to prepare for it in advance. Once I discovered I could set a monitor on that balance and fix it when it strays, it made focusing on other things easier. When this song hit, it got me thinking about moving back to a balance, specifically when I heard this: 

If you’ve been lost and lonely, ashamed to be alone with only you

With no one left to lose, if it’s the last thing that you do, Don’t give up on you.

Powerful stuff.  It just clicked.  I need to start rebuilding now.  Gotta get back up to full fighting weight, and it’s a long fucking climb.  

So, I still need to practice self-care and remove some of the things on my schedule where possible so I can – with more hate than I can express – focus on money-making and my future.  I must once again engage with the capitalist hellscape and earn some cash. I am bound by certain oaths that limit my money-making options, but I am sure I can earn again. The big question is: how do I do it without burning myself out again? 

To start, I need to be ruthless in my negotiations to get the accommodations I will need to do the best job possible without hurting any individuals.  I won’t make the mistake of giving loyalty to a company again, as I plan to only invest in people. And, to only give them access to the time I am being paid for – nothing else.  Salary is just implicit, government-sanctioned slavery.

Ahem.  Sorry.

While I do this, I also need to make sure I am still serving others as much as I can.  That is where I get the biggest dopamine hit – feeling gratitude for having served.  I don’t want credit or fame.  I would love to have others’ gratitude where it is deserved, but serving is the purpose, not what others can give me for it.  

I previously had an issue with over-committing and being seen as unreliable to some and amazing to the few that I actually got things completed for.  Now I know it is the ADHD that made that happen, I can adjust and hopefully correct those issues.  I will be trying to complete as many commitments as I can remember, but I am sure some are forgotten.  If you read this far and I have promised you something that you feel I have missed, please let me know and I will do my best to complete it.

Enough rambling.  Thanks for the few of you still listening.  Enjoy the song, if you haven’t already. 

Live Long and Prosper.

Say something…

You should start listening to the song until the both come in together, then start reading below for full effect.

Fuck. This simultaneously expresses both sides of my relationships. I’ve both seen this in someone’s eyes as they left me, and as I’ve left others.

I was just looking for a slow song to sing for my A Cappella class, and came across this one. And it pushed me down and said,

Shut up and listen.

So I did, as I felt the wave of emotion building in the background of my being. and physically say down to listen. Just in case. That piano…

And then… The wave hits me at, “And I.. ” and then I react to the wave in the usual way.

I’m not crying, you’re…ok, fine, I’m crying. No more toxic male shit.

I don’t care what the doctor says, I’m no genius. I’ll prove it. This is what it looks inside in my big dumb Monster brain that I attempted to translate for you above:

Big Feels. Monster Sad. Sit with Feels, ’cause therapist asked me.
Cry. Learn.
Song over.

Ok now, Monster do next thing.
Until next Big Feels.

This is how my brain works. I’m not a genius; I’m just a good translator.

Aaaaaand scene. I’m off to bed. Thanks to whoever reads this. It helps me to write it

Aaaaaaaaand Scene.

I am officially out of spoons and am focused on recharging. As usual, it is complicated enough that I have no one to talk about it to but my therapist. /sigh

Without any warnings that I picked up on, my brain turned on the Empty light and I suddenly thought, “Fuck Societal Standards!” That led to “Fuck Capitalism!” and then “Fuck Male Toxicity!” and also “Fuck Greed!

This spiraled to the point I am at now, which can be summed up as, “Fuck Everything.” I will let you know when I am back from this dark fucking place.

And, No Thank You, I don’t need anything from anyone. I appreciate the thought. I can deal with this.

Also? If anyone knows where I can swap it out, I want a new brain.

Any way, have a nice day, y’all. Try to be better today, than yesterday. That’s all I got for you.

In this one of many possible worlds
All for the best or some bizarre test?
It is what it is and whatever
Time is still the infinite jest

The Garden, Clockwork Angels, Rush

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Memory Catalogue: Maybe it's time to let the old ways die

This song from this movie hits me. I am not 100% sure it is even possible to do it, but I know I want to change. I recommend listening to the song while you read this, if you can.

I have had my brain re-programmed against my will, as if ransomware took over processing and said, “The price is more than you will give.”

Everyone knows where my life went south. Since then, I have been continuously failing at everything I do. Father, Lover, Worker, just everything. I am just fucking lost and the path is dark ahead.

Still, I watch something like this and the fire is lit again, for just a moment. When they perform on stage, I remember the feeling of singing in front of many people. I have had the privilege of singing in front of large and small audiences – I think my largest is about 3000 at a company event – and I absolutely ate it up.

There is no high like singing for me. The excitement, the fear, the orgasmic delight of entertaining other people is just the highest I think I have ever felt. Granted some of the performances, I actually was high or drunk, but most of them I wasn’t because they were at work.

I have been in quartets, rock bands, sung karaoke, and just in the shower. When I feel low, the urge to sing just hits me.

This song, in particular makes me wonder, though. What old ways do I let go of? What direction should I head in? I am at a crossroads and I seem to have been standing here for ages.

So, other than gaming, it seems music is the only thing that has been with me longer than anything else.

Maybe it’s time to let the New Ways die and get back to the old. I don’t know.

I guess time will tell.

Thanks for listening,


That’s all I have to tell you

I officiated a wedding recently, and it always requires me to reflect on my own life and experience with life. Let me start by saying I am not unhappy with the life I lead, at least not more than one would expect living in a Corporate capitalist society, right?

To distract from the nervousness I feel about officiating weddings, I will unerringly start to reflect on my own failed marriage, and all the failed relationships I have been in — and those that I wished I had been in. It inevitably leaves me with pain and sadness. Even though the relationship I am in is the best I have ever had.

This, in turn, leads to listening to sad songs and/or watching sad movies or TV. This time it led me to watching an episode of The Orville, “Lasting Impressions,” in which Gordon falls in love with a simulation he created from a cell phone left in a time capsule.

There are spoilers forthcoming. It is necessary to illustrate what I am feeling at this time. I recommend either 1) go watch the episode, or 2) stop reading now. 🙂

I don’t have a ton of capacity to stop myself from feeling emotions – I never really have. They come, I experience them as near 100% as I can, and then they go. Sometimes, I really don’t want to experience them, but here comes the E-Train any way, so I get to choose to be run over or get off the tracks. Most often, its the former, as I struggle with depression.

But sometimes, once in a while, y’all get the privilege of seeing what I am feeling on the page as I record it for posterity. The words just come out and I can stop them or write them down. I am told it is good for me to do this, and I do when I can manage to get off the tracks early enough to sit and watch the train go by more relaxed. Here is that vision.

I started singing along to a song that I really like and I could hear the train a comin’ ’round the bend. I stopped working on the wedding script and just listened for a moment, enjoying the beauty in his voice, the simplicity of the music.

I began to cry.

I realized, that I wasn’t going to get any more done for the moment until I processed these emotions, so I went full on into them. I pulled up the Episode of the Orville I mentioned and watched it all the way through.

More crying.

I found the video of just the song that someone had cut together from the earlier and later performances in the show so that I could just get lost in it for a moment. I recommend you do the same. I’ll wait.

That’s all I’ve got to say

NOTE: I managed to NOT watch The Last Unicorn after this, which I think is a personal accomplishment.

So, there I was, no longer crying, but completely full of feels. I was not doing anything; I was fully into that moment of doing nothing but hearing, seeing, feeling everything that was going on.

Although I was sad, I was also at peace, which is a rare thing. I found myself smiling.

And then I remembered the most important moment from the show and decided to share that with you.

“People have been living and dying for as long as humans have existed. Most are forgotten. But not this one. This one reached across four centuries and made a guy fall in love.

We should all be so rare.”

Commander Grayson, The Orville, “Lasting Impressions”

I don’t expect anyone to understand why it meant so much to me, as it was my moment. My enlightenment, as it were. But for that moment, I was ok. For just a moment.

I believe we are all capable of this peace, but it may require learning to see the train coming, jumping off the tracks, and just enjoying the rush of feeling as it zooms by. That is what therapy (and medications) can help with.

Everyone is different in how they get to peace, but we are all capable of it if we can get help. I did, and I am slowly coming back from the edge.

I hope this sparks something good in everyone that managed to read this far.

Anyway, I love you. That’s all I have to tell you.

Walking the Path,


Memory Catalogue: Who wants to live forever?

I never felt that I would have a reason to cry and have this song apply to me.  Alas, as so many things I never dreamed would come to pass, it has.

To spend time with perfection and have to let her go is maddening.  It frequently makes me sad, and yet there is that part of me that relishes the moments we have and still will have together before I am away.

She is the most amazing creature, eyeballs to entrails, as Spike would say, and I will miss her.  Still, as the song says…

Who wants to live forever?


Memory Catalogue: I am beautiful with you

This song speaks to me. I have felt myself recently in a few magical moments with someone I am now close to. I have mostly hid the relationship from everyone, largely to protect her, but it is hard not to talk about it.

She has helped me to see who I am; a protector, a lover, a monster. These are good things, even if it might not seem like it. I am all of these things and more, but it was not something I could see. Until I met her.

A casual brush on the thigh in an excited moment at a party and I was hooked. The funniest part of it is, I didn’t really notice her before that. I was singing along with the song she was singing, and she was surprised that I knew it. She came over to me and the look she gave me was penetrating. Aaaand Scene.

Seven months later, we are living together and doing things together and exploring who we are. And, also, sharing our pain together. It is rather amazing what is happening to me, but I can’t really share it with everyone at this time.

I can say this; I am beautiful with her.

Memory Catalogue: Never Surrender

Just a little more time is all we’re asking for.

I heard this phrase and it reminded me of this song.  It then reminded me of a time long ago, when I used to not care about things like bills, where I wanted to live, parenting, and such like that.

Right now, I have less to worry about than I used to, but most of the things that are really making me happy I can’t talk about.  Such is the society we live in.

So, I will say that I will always remember the 80s with a passion and love that just cannot be replaced.  The world gets better and worse, and things change.  But one thing doesn’t change.

No one can take away your right to fight and to never surrender.


Google Play: Never Surrender – Corey Hart


Loudwire Music Festival

Well, this sucks.  I need your help.

I am in a position where I may have to sell up to four (4) VIP tickets, VIP Camping, and a few Skybox seats to Weezer and Halestorm to the Loudwire Music Festival in Grand Junction, Co. The event is on June 26-28th.  You would have to get to the event and provide your own camping gear, but it is a pretty sweet concert.

Details on the concert are here:

There is a majorly cool line-up of bands, and I *really* wish I could go, but it is becoming increasingly clear that I probably will not.  I’d like to sell these tickets, and take my daughter to Rush, instead.

If you want these tickets, in whole or in part, please email me or IM me on Facebook.  I feel quite moved to make you a deal you cannot refuse.  I don’t want to lose money on these, and I will go if I can’t sell them and try to sell them at the concert, but I would rather just sell them and be done with it.  Multiple folks have dropped out.  Health issue, work issues, etc.  It’s amazing what can get in the way of a concert.

The tickets are being shipped to me as we speak, so I woudl have to mail them out to you.  I would do that with one or two day shipping, as needed.

I will be taking a loss, but you seem like nice and virtuous folks.  Deal.

Details are below Continue reading Loudwire Music Festival

She’s not you

Style: Rock/Country

She’s not what I wanted,
Just the one that still wants me
The moments spent together
seem to be missing something

But, she takes me up
And let’s me fall awhile
And from the ground she’s there
Looking up to smile

But, I can’t take the middle ground
I want shallow, I want deep
And this is what works for now
Because she’s everything I need [pause]
But she’s not you

I have a silly tendency
I fall in love too fast
The feeling is so strong
as if a spell is cast

And I run like a child
with a kite upon a string
I always find myself standing
with it wound around a tree.



I must abandon you forever, a faithless unbeliever
and the days will fuse together, cause I know I’ll never

[Chorus, modified]
Never take the middle ground
Don’t want shallow, only deep
And this is what works for now
Because she’s everything I need [pause, slower]
But she’s not you

She’s not you… [fade with guitar]

(c) 2015 Chris Colbath, All rights reserved.

If you want to record this, and want my permission, contact me below.  I would prefer to sing it, but we can work out another arrangement.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Request to Record – She%26#039;s Not You’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]