Category Archives: Journeys

Closing the Facebook for a time

It’s been a rough few years for me, with a fatal car crash, jail, losing my job, starting a new job, my first poly relationship, my girlfriend’s health issues and largely not living where and how I want to.  On top of that, the Interweb is unbearable with the election, religious/sexist/racist crap and outright murder in the streets.  I am done.

tl;dr I’m broken, but I appear to be fixable. I’m dropping out of sight for awhile and I’ll be back. I don’t know when.

For those that want more, read on.

It’s time for some changes and the first step is to reduce the inputs that are plaguing my life. To this end. I have unfollowed everyone on Facebook. I will still use it for event planning and communicator via messenger, but I won’t be checking it and if I do, I am not likely to see anyone’s posts. If you need me to see something, you can tag me and I’ll see it, but if its political, religious, or capable of inciting intense emotion, I’d appreciate you leaving me off the list for now.  I will remove the tag, and I will not look at it.  Uplifting, non-religious things are fine, as are nerdy things.  Bring those on.

I will be cataloging the experiences somewhat, as I work through the issues, but I’m not responding to personal requests for clarification, as I Just Don’t Have The Strength. I’m seeing a counselor and I’m on medication, so I expect I’ll get through it. I sincerely tried to just deal with it all, but I need a break. I am not on the verge of a breakdown yet, and I’d like to keep it that way.

I love you folks, and I know you want to help. If I need it from you, I’ll reach out to you. If I don’t, please don’t be offended. I’m in my cocoon and I’ll need specific things to get through it. You might not be one of them right now, but you can do your part by giving me space. If this changes, I will let you know.  I sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding.

I will be back. See ya later, ‘bookers.

Serenity Always,


Mayo Clinic Adventures – Jun26

A few days of travelling and we are in a hotel near the Mall of America.  I will have an entry in a few days about that adventure, but for now the minor Trek Adventure.

If was not nearly as interesting as I thought.  A small town, made famous by a cult TV show because its (arguably) most iconic character will be born there in a few hundred years.  I learned that it was specifically requested to be the birthplace in ’83 of Roddenberry, and was added into canon.

We wandered through town, but not much was happening yet. We stopped at the birthplace and took a bunch of pictures AND signed the Geocache that Princess found.  It was pretty cool. The actual birthplace is marked by a monument, thus:

I got some pictures in the Voyage Home Museum, and I will close out the blog with those.  The museum was cool, and I got a hat, T-shirt, coin, and a refrigerator magnet.  We passed on the Vulcan ears.  Cow did manage to sneak into a few pictures.  I have had massive shoulder pain for a week or so, and with all the driving, I overslept the next morning and missed the parade.  🙁

So, on that depressing note, I leave you with a few of the pictures that I did get. On to the Mall of America!

Live Long and Prosper.

TrekFest003 TrekFest002
TrekFest001 FBoJTK02 FBoJTK DonationBox

Mayo Clinic Adventures – June22

Very soon, I will depart on an adventure to the Mayo Clinic for my girlfriend. She has a neurological disorder that cannot be figured out with local doctors.  At the advice of said doctors, we are travelling to Rochester, MN to the Mayo clinic which specializes in neurological disorders.

UPDATE:  You can link to just these updates here. (

NOTE: She desires to remain anonymous, so I will just call her by her nickname, Princess, for these writings. I cannot completely explain the reasons for why this is the case, so please respect our wishes.  If you know who she is, please refrain from using her real name if you comment.  I will do my best to explain what is going on as we discover things, but I cannot guarantee any frequency of updates.  

We both have things we want to do on this trip, as it has lined up nicely with some places we want visit.  The Princess wants to see the Mall of America, which is but an hour away from Rochester.  I have been wanting to see the Future Birthplace of James T. Kirk.  It happens that this year is the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, and Trekfest is happening this weekend, when we will be there. I expect that it will be entertaining.

Here is our *tentative* itinerary, as we know it:

Thursday 6/23:  Leave in the evening for Kansas City and sleep.

Friday 6/24: Leave for Riverside, IA, enjoy the Trekkie fun, and sleep.

Saturday 6/25:  Leave for the Mall of America hotel and sleep.

Sunday-Tuesday 6/26 – 6/28: Enjoy the mall, then drive to Rochester.

Wednesday 6/29 – Friday 8/8: Get checked out at the Mayo Clinic.  Start the drive home on Friday afternoon/evening and stop in Des Moines to sleep.

Saturday 8/9: Enjoy Des Moines for a bit, and then head south for home.

Sunday 8/10:  Relax.

So, I will keep you informed, as we go.  In the mean time, wish us luck!

Walking the path,
