Memory Catalogue: Kashmir

This is one I’ve agonized over posting. A very few of you know why and a few less know who. No one else gets to know who, for the record.

CW: references to sex

You see, I got my first blowjob to this song. And, for those who wonder, yes, it was amazing. So, every time I here the song, I smile. Here it is, if you’re not familiar.

Kashmir, by Led Zeppelin

What I agonized about is that I might alienate some folks by posting it because they won’t read past that last paragraph. And if that’s you, you’re missing the story, and I respect your choice to stop. No hard feelings.

The rest of you, listen and read on.

We began with me coming over to her house while her parents were out of town. We chatted for a long time, cuddled on the couch and watched Dumbo. I was the happiest 5 year old in that moment.

I was certain there would be no sex, because we had talked earlier about her having a boyfriend and…other complications. Their relationship wouldn’t have explicitly allowed us to do anything, so I shut it down in my mind. I wanted her company, so other than a momentary disappointment, I was very happy with my evening.

We chatted and cuddled after the movie for awhile until it was time for me to go. As I was saying goodnight, she took my hand and asked me to follow her. I complied and went to her father’s den. In there was a very high quality collection of vinyl and books. Among those albums was Physical Graffiti, which has the song Kashmir. She asked me to lie down on the floor and started that album, starting with Kashmir.

The next seven minutes was spent with a minute of negotiating, as I wanted to be sure she wanted to, considering. She did and then did.

It was the unexpected capstone of what I consider my favorite date. I’ve had some amazing dates and spent time with some amazing people and I don’t diminish any of those experiences by calling this my favorite. It wasn’t the best sex I’ve ever had; it was my favorite experience I’ve ever had with a woman.

And that is why I love this song. Thank you for listening and I hope y’all stick around.

Walking the Path,


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