GM Idea: GM Inspiration

There is a rule in 5E D&D called Inspiration. In short, it gives you a greater chance of success, and can be given to each other through roleplay and you regain it by playing your character. It promotes teamwork and party success, and is the first actual roleplaying rule in D&D. I love this rule.

As a GM, however, we have no specific rule for us to give similar things to players. We can fudge dice rolls, and move story however we want, so it can be said that we don’t need it.

I disagree.

When the player is about to lose out on something that is big to their story because of a die roll or other stupid sort of circumstance we sometimes feel like we cannot intervene. I mean, the dice have spoken, right? I understand, I have been there. There are many ways to handle this, but I have a suggestion.

What if you suddenly decree, GM Inspiration! You then give them a boon from the GM, in whatever way it matters to move the story forward. Not much, but a clue or a puzzle to figure out that they somehow missed. In their moment of lost hope, they notice something overlooked, and are back on track again.

Fuck The Rules. Just make it Fun, Important and Meaningful because YOU are the Game Master. You already have the power, but this is a fun way to show it to the players.

The really fun question? How do they give it back to you as “Player Inspiration” so YOU can be inspired by them? I will leave this as an exercise for the reader.

You see how this might enhance the fun? You can have multiple player points, or just one that gets moved back and forth. Whatever you want.

I just gave you inspiration, from one GM to another. Use it or not, as you wish. Go forth to adventure, Epic Maker.

You’re Welcome

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