All posts by Chris Colbath

GM Idea: Cinematic Combat in RPGs

I have thought for years about why I have slowly gravitated towards more narrative RPG systems (like Dungeon World) from complex ones (like GURPS) and I struggled to put it into words. And then, it hit me.

I like narrative, cinematic combat in my games.

– Chris Colbath

I absolutely love GURPS, so please don’t think this is a slight against that system. I still think in GURPS terms when I describe the physical world and, oddly enough, try to understand things that are complex. Trying to create an understanding of how it would work in GURPS helps he process some things easier. No other system is as useful for describing the physical.

I have found, at least for more casual gamers, both the complexity of the system and the deadly nature of its combat, tend to make narrative cinematic combat less possible.

I used GURPS early on because it allowed me to say something like,

“I draw my sword and thrust it into his left eye” or

“I backflip over the wall away from his kick.” or

“I roll forward under his blow and come up with a thrust to his heart.”

In GURPS, these all have a real mechanical action associated with them, but the execution of them can take minutes to resolve. The first example, “I draw my sword and thrust it into his left eye” will take two actions to complete, which would take 2 seconds (2 game turns) to actually accomplish (assuming you don’t have the Fast-Draw skill, but let’s reduce the complexity a little).

In Turn 1, I draw my sword… Now, the first turn, there are no rolls, but I don’t get to do anything else, except perhaps, move or speak. NOTE: This turn would be absorbed into the next, if you had points in Fast-Draw for that weapon.

In Turn 2, I thrust it at my opponent aiming for the left eye. I have to calculate my thrust into the opponent. There are two rolls that will get done here; one by me to hit the eye and one by my opponent to dodge/block/parry the blow. In order to hit the eye, I also have to adjust my skill downwards for the complexity of striking such a small target and calculate another factors that will reduce or increase my skill for this particular strike.

If I hit, then the GM will roll for my opponent to defend. They can choose a dodge, parry or block – to get out of the way, stop the blow with a weapon, or interpose a shield respectively – and if they succeed, my attack will not hit. There are optional rules here to deal with damage to the weapon or shield as well, but we will skip those for this example.

Assuming we both make our rolls, I have failed to do any damage, and most of the time was spent calculating my chances. The exception to this is if I roll really well and critically succeed. That will negate my opponent’s ability to defend, and I will get what I wanted. Assuming I hit, I now have to calculate damage.

That will take a moment as well, as I need to factor in the anatomy and armour of my enemy, the weapon I used, and whether it was a critical hit – that requires a table look up and another roll. Once all those have been factored in, I roll the weapon’s damage and apply it against any armour. If any bypasses armour, any modifiers for the weapon type (impaling, slashing, or piercing) are applied to get the final damage. If this exceeds the subject’s HP, they get a set of rolls to determine if they are unconscious, or perhaps even dead.

All of that, for people that are focused on the event, can take a few minutes to resolve for those that know the rules well. For those that don’t, it can take longer.

It is still fun, for a certain style of play, but truly narrative cinematic combat is not that style of play. At least not for me.

Let’s do a Dungeon World example of the same action. This will all be decided in one turn, as ” I draw my sword and thrust it into his left eye” activates the “Hack & Slash” move, which requires one roll against your STR or DEX (plus any temporary modifiers) depending on your weapon.

You will have three possible results from this roll; you will not get what you want (and mark XP), you will get some of what you want or what you want with a hard choice, or you will get exactly what you want. On anything but a complete failure, you will do damage.

If you succeed well, you can optionally do more damage, but suffer damage from your enemy as you do. You roll your damage and the GM let’s you know what happens to the opponent from there.

Regardless, in two rolls, it is all over and you are on to the next player’s awesomeness. The fiction activates the game mechanics beautifully, flowing from one player to the next without effort.

This allows very fast, cinematic action from one moment to the next, without delay. This last point – without delay – is the most important thing, and here is why.

In today’s gaming environment, there are many distractions away from the table. The GM now has to deal with cell phones, TV’s, what happened on the latest binged show, etc. These things will leap into dull moments of play where you are looking things up in a book, or calculating the results of the latest sword hit, or whatever. The faster and easier you can move the action on from one moment to the next, the less of these distractions the GM will need to contend with.

A game like Dungeon World just might give you what you are looking for, if you are anything at all like me. I still use other systems for different styles of play, but this works best for the fantasy RPG I want to run.

This is my 2 cents, for what its worth.

A thought for today

I have been playing Elite:Dangerous lately, and it is a really wonderful game. I have also been playing in a Vampire: The Masquerade game online with a few friends. The game is intended to be a long running game, and it begins in Ancient Greece about 403 BC, with the PCs as humans who are not yet embraced.

During the initial encounters with the first actual vampires the players meet, their powers were staggering and mysterious. As one of the PCs dealt with it, he was trying to describe the bewilderment. It wasn’t appropriate to say it then, as it would kind of break immersion but I was again reminded of this exchange between G’kar and Catherine Sakai, in Babylon 5:

Catherine Sakai : Ambassador! While I was out there, I saw something. What was it?
G’Kar : [points to a flower with a bug crawling on it]  What is this?
Catherine Sakai : An ant.
G’Kar : Ant.
Catherine Sakai : So much gets shipped up from Earth on commercial transports it’s hard to keep them out.
G’Kar : Yeah, I have just picked it up on the tip of my glove. If I put it down again, and it asks another ant, “what was that?”,
G’Kar : How would it explain? There are things in the universe billions of years older than either of our races. They’re vast, timeless, and if they’re aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants, and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know, we’ve tried, and we’ve learned that we can either stay out from underfoot or be stepped on.
Catherine Sakai : That’s it? That’s all you know?
G’Kar : Yes, they are a mystery. And I am both terrified and reassured to know that there are still wonders in the universe, that we have not yet explained everything. Whatever they are, Miss Sakai, they walk near Sigma 957, and they must walk there alone.

Traveling out in the void in space ships and dealing with mysterious supernatural folks had me reflecting on the great mystery that is life.

Walking the Path,


My Opinion on Spoilers

I am not sure my opinion is popular, but I feel that there is that the limit for spoilers is in the eye of the spoilee. Let me explain.

If you don’t want a show to be spoiled, it is up to you to remain unspoiled. However, it is still recommended to those who can spoil things to avoid it if they can. That’s just common courtesy.

There are really two places to encounter spoilers; in the media (social, news, trailers, etc.) and in person (that dick, Jim*, who won’t stop talking). In the latter case, it is simple. Jim just needs to shut the fuck up. Getting Jim to do that is an exercise for the reader.

Online, it gets trickier. As you will encounter spoilers in the media, you can either shut yourself down from it until you can watch said show. Or you can accept you might see some spoilers and surf carefully. The real trick is educating folks not to post them in the first place, but that is nigh impossible.

Here is how I post spoilers, if I do at all (in order of preference).

  1. If the site I am posting on as a “spoiler” tag, like some sites provide (like BBG, and reddit), I use that.
  2. If they do not, I use ROT13 encryption for the spoiler text and provide a link to decrypt. There are others, but this one is simple. For some history on why I use this, check the Wikipedia article on ROT13.
  3. I post a huge “SPOILER ALERT” and then many newlines to scroll the actual spoiler out of view.
  4. I obfuscate the spoiler so that only someone who as seen the show will understand it.

And that is my take on spoilers. I hope it helps.


* I don’t know any Jim’s that are dicks like this, currently. It was just the first name out of my head. Sorry, Jim.

The Long Road to Mother

A character backstory, for a D&D game I am in.  I wanted to tie the personality traits of the character into a long term goal.  The character sheet is at the end. It was a fun little bit to create. I hope you enjoy!

Walking the Path,


In the early days of my life, I spent my time looking for things. Now, as an adult, it seems I am doomed to continue, but now I look for people. Usually bad people, but really just anyone that folks will pay for me to bring back – or down. I don’t really care if they are dead or alive as long as I get paid.

I am not about the money, really, as it is just a means to an end. I am working my way towards a larger goal – my mother’s necklace. Many years ago, I lost it in a discussion with some humans over the lost City of Palindja – its a real place, I tell you – and it got bad. We ended up fighting, and they stole everything I had on me, including the necklace. I know what you are saying, it’s just a thing, right? Why get so bent?

Well, its really several things. First, it’s fucking mine. That should be enough. But, as you clearly don’t think so, then let me give you a little more, my friend.

You see my mother told me about the City of Palindja, the ancient city of my people, when I was just a kit.  I used to listen to the stories and I believe that is how the Great One gave me my gift of wandering. When I finally decided to leave home, she gave me the necklace as a token of her love and remembrance.

Seek,” she said, “keep this with you always, as it is a reminder of my love for you and the Great One’s guidance over your steps. May it one day lead you to the City of our ancestors.

I have kept it in a place of reverence every since.  In the many days that followed up to the day it was taken from me, I learned another small fact about this token of love from my mother. It was an actual map to the City! Granted, there were several things I needed to get there, like a divining rod of some sort, and “6 hands to open the door,” but those are easy once I get the necklace back.  I have been tracking those thieves for months and when I find them, I won’t be my usual jovial self.

In the meantime, I am hunting folks for money, in the hopes that I can find a clue about those that took my necklace. I know their faces and names, but the names were fake, of course.  Still, I will find them.

Seek will find them.

Seeker of the Old City (Seek), Mastermind Rogue

 I cannot find who made this picture, so if it is yours, please let me know so I may credit you.


…incoming transmission…

My schedule while I am here, as I am pressed for time and won’t be able to answer individual questions:

Sunday: Working and seeing my parents and the Foster family
Monday – Wednesday: Working in Dallas. A weird alignment of planets has made this week’s schedule strange. If you care about this, ask me at PCC. Which leads me to…
Thursday – Sunday: PCC! This will be when most of you will see me. I will be trying to connect with people as much as I can, walking the dealer’s room floor, maybe see a celeb or two, and play some games.  I will spend down time in the gaming area, most likely.
Monday: Travelling back to Arkansas.

Thank you.  That is all.


Freeport, Free City of Thane

Located on the Jonin continent, Freeport has but one law. “No killing without a contract outside of the Blood Zone.”

This has created a truly free city that is run by thieves.  You can get anything, have anything, and steal anything as long as you don’t kill anyone. For that, you need a contract with the Assassin’s Guild. If someone steals from you, find them and take it back.

The guards answer to the White Wing (the Thieve’s guild) and will not arrest anyone, but will act as impartial negotiators to help resolve issues that arise. They will stop any currently active violence, but will not take sides.  Everyone involved will be put down and then they will start a conversation – when you wake up.

For example, if someone steals a thing from you and won’t give it back you can a) beat them up and take it, b) offer a trade of money/items for it or c) live with the loss. You can also hire someone else to do any of these things for you, including kill them.  But for that, you must talk to the Black Wing – the Assassin’s Guild.

Here is my first map of Freeport. Enjoy.

A thought to ponder


This is NSFW, has harsh language and is not my opinion. I only post this because I agree with some of what he is saying.  I know some of you will be upset by it, but I hope you can get past that and hear the core message.  This message will likely hurt if you are already upset about President-Elect Trump, so wait until you are emotionally prepared.

PRESIDENT-Elect Trump. Get used to that.

For the record: I do feel that safe spaces are a good idea (some people are in real danger) and that calling people on racism, sexism, and similar things is the right thing to do. I am not certain we have been doing it correctly any more, so I am evaluating sources that I don’t normally evaluate. Please realize – just like everyone else – he is ranting because he is upset.  I am not asking you to agree, but to evaluate the message in the rant.  If you can’t, fine. I bear you no ill will.

I agree with his core argument:

  • We need MORE debate, MORE discussion, and LESS silence and shutting people down because their views differ from ours. We must be more persuasive.
  • I agree that I am part of why this happened.
  • I agree that I have done nothing, and for that I am ashamed.

I speak for me, and me alone. Don’t think I am talking about your behaviour specifically. If you have been speaking up, good for you.  I would encourage you to both continue to do so AND to evaluate how you have been doing it.  No one is perfect, and everyone can get better.

I will not insult a President before they act. I did not vote for him, and I do not agree with most of what he plans to do.  Still, he has real information about our country’s State of Affairs now, and it is possible he may change some of the positions he has held.  That is a reasonable action for someone to take and I am waiting on judgement until I see what he does with the power. I will not say I am hopeful, but I am waiting.

I would be happy to discuss this with anyone in person or over the phone. Feel free to PM, call or email me if you want to chat. I will not be engaging on Social Media publicly about this.

Thank you for listening.

