Category Archives: Gaming

This is a general gaming category. There are sub categories related to specific gaming items.

All the games!

RP Games I have run (as GM):

  • All of the flavors of D&D (including Pathfinder but excluding 4e)
  • Rolemaster, Spacemaster, MERP
  • Palladium, and TMNT (same system)
  • Star Frontiers
  • Top Secret
  • Star Wars (West End)
  • GURPS (All the Genres!)
  • Fate (Dresden, Vanilla)
  • Spirit of the Century (Early Fate)
  • Cortex (old and new)
  • Ars Magica
  • Traveller (original)
  • Houses of the Blooded, both Tabletop and LARP
  • Dungeon and Apocalypse World
  • John Wick’s mini-games (Eldritch High, Cat)
  • Houses of the Blooded (TTRPG and LARP)
  • Shadowrun (4th and 5th Ed)
  • Savage Worlds
  • 7th Sea Second Edition
  • Flashing Blades
  • Mutants and Masterminds


GlitchCon 2014 Gaming

If you are planning on running a game at Gl!tchCon, I will need you to fill out this form.  For the paranoid, a tinyurl preview.

If you are looking to run a Demo table for your game or for a game company at Gl!tchCon, I will need you to fill out this form. For the paranoid, a tinyurl preview.

Both of these forms lead to google forms that will capture information to a spreadsheet that only I have access to.

Some of the feedback I received last year is that a schedule was not posted early enough. With that in mind, please don’t wait until the last minute.  I want to get a schedule up by July 1st.  I will need you to fill these out by June 15th, in order to make that deadline.  If you come in later, we can still add you to the schedule, but you may not have the benefit of advertising that we do on the website, meaning folks may not know you will be there.

Remember, to get a free pass into the convention, we require 16 hours of total volunteer time.  

If you have any questions, please send them to me, at rockstar at glitchcon dot com and I will do my best to answer them as quickly as possible.

Chris Colbath

Master of Games at Gl!tchCon


A mixed bag (of dicks) – 2013

I have to say, that this year was a mixed bag for me. As I write this,  I considered one of these statements to open with:

I have to say, this year sucked. It can eat a bad of dicks.
I think this was a pretty decent year, despite the setbacks.
I think this year was rather Meh.

None of those captured it.  So, I think I will go with this opener.

This year was pretty much a wash. I think it only needs to nibble on a bag of dicks, but it still needs the bag. I really does.

I did some fun stuff this year, and had some changes that just sucked. Still, I am physically ok, even though I am challenged by body maintenance due to a profound of NOT taking care of it for awhile. So, let’s get that out of the way, shall we?

The Bad Stuff


I was in the hospital twice and called 911 several times to deal with an atrial flutter ( I was in the hospital for four (4) days and was eventually rebooted* and discharged. That was an ok experience, as I was coached by my doctor in front of my manager, saw some damn sexy nurses – I was not able to do anything about it. Mixed bag, right? – and had decent food for a hospital. I then had to lie on my ass for a week to recover from the reboot*.

* re·boot [v. ree-boot; n. ree-boot, ree-boot]
verb (used with object)
1. to restart (a computer) by loading the operating system; boot again.
verb (used without object)
2. (of a computer) to be restarted.
3. an act or instance of restarting a computer.

In this case, I, or rather, my heart, was the computer.  They gave love a bad name, and hit me with 70 Jules, and then with 150 Jules right in the kicker.  I would tell you what it was like, but the last thing I remember after they got set up was saying, “I think the Demorol is kicking in…”  I woke up some time later in my bed with my CPAP machine on.  They insist that I was hilarious through the process, and I am sure they weren’t lying.  One of the nurses told me when she came in when I asked what happened while I was out,  “Congratulations on your engagement!  I think you will love the kids!”  I didn’t bite on that, because marriage and me aren’t even friends on Myspace, no what I mean?

Anyway, that was the highlight of that experience until I read the discharge notes.  I was to stop drinking alcohol and start on a low sodium diet.  I keep it under around 1200-1500 mg per day and I will tell you this is one of the hardest things I have ever done.  But, I am discovering how to cook again and an amazing amount of new foods.  I am not going to be that guy, so I will just go to whatever restaurant folks want to go to and order low sodium stuff – like water – and make it through.  In fact, I have been for over a month and I think I am doing ok.  I will get better over time.  My heart is strong, but the reboot takes some recovery time.

The downside of all this was getting hit with hospital bills


I couldn’t drive all year, which made most of the year difficult at best.  I missed out on lots of things and it put certain plans I had so far on the back burner, I had to turn it off.  I am hoping, now that I can get my license back (just coordinating to get the logistics done, as I still can’t drive – the irony), that I will be getting some traction on plans that I have been putting off for a long while. I will keep you posted.

The Passing of Friends

I had several friends pass along this year.  Cheryl O’Connor, Steve Bue, and Ricky Lindroos.  Although I was not close with them recently, I knew them long ago and they will be missed.

The Good Stuff


I was able to attend/work Gencon, Glitchcon, and Arkcon this year.  I will be attending DarkCon in the next few weeks, as well.  I missed Dragon*Con, which I am mildly sad about, but I *might* hit it next year.

Gencon was overwhelming.  I enjoyed it immensely, as I was able to see some great friends there, and meet some new ones.  I spent much of my time in the gaming and vendor rooms, and then just chilling with those friends at night.  It was a great time.

Glitchcon was a lot of work (not nearly enough, though – this year will better), as I tried to do to much of the work alone.  I will be forming a team for this year, so that won’t be an issue, but this year was not up to my standards for work.  Still, people had fun, I was party to a really fun game that was written there, and it was a success. Lots of fun was had.

Arkcon:  Drunken Artemis.  ‘Nuff said.  Ok, not really.  It was a really well run game room and I hope it will be the same this coming year.  I am really looking forward to it.


I met some really cool people this year and will hopefully have the opportunity to do some really cool things.  We shall see.  I also plan to reconnect with folks with the license obtaining thing happening soon.  Now just to deal with the fear of driving…


I spent too much money on games this year, as I was spending too much time at home alone.  So, games.  I have been playing some fun ones, but I am not used to spending this much time with them, and I feel guilty I haven’t been writing enough.


I took a class on writing and it has helped me to understand some of the ways to frame a story.  I am hoping to more writing in this next year, as I think I will do a much better job.  I have 3 or 4 books I started writing, but without a good outline, I never finished.  Now that know how to create an outline for a novel, I am hoping to get them done this year.  So, less games/TV and more writing.  Wish me luck!


I am in the Walmart Associate Choir.  We perform at various company events throughout the year and it has given me the opportunity to get my singing muscles back in shape.  I have recorded a few songs this year, just to see how my voice sounded on them, but due to the copyright laws, I am not supposed to share them.   /sadface

Next year, I want to record some of my original songs, and I am looking for folks to help.  I tried learning guitar this year, but I have come to the realization that I just suck at it.  I bought a bass guitar, as I seem to be forever stuck in bass clef.  I will let you know how it goes.  Being a singer/bass player/drummer can’t hurt my chances in the long run.

This is the end

And so, as I close out the year – and this blog – I just have to say it wasn’t a great year, but I have certainly had far worse ones.  I hope your Holiday Season has been fabulous and that you made it through as well.  Hears to a better 2014!

I will leave you with the immortal words of Barry Manilow, as performed by John Barrowman, Captain Jack Harkness himself:

I made it through the rain, I kept my world protected
I made it throught the rain, I kept my point of view
I made it through the rain, And found myself respected
By the others who got rained on too
And made it through

Walking the Path,


Houses LARP – October 2013

Houses of the Blooded LARP!!!

Based on feedback from the GlitchCon LARPs, we will be starting a local Houses of the Blooded LARP at Galaxy Games on the first Saturday of every month.  It will last from 6 PM until midnight (or until we all decide to stop).  Chris has graciously offered us the space, so we would love it if you would all come out and play!

The plan:

We would like to have a simple, sit down dinner and start the LARP during the meal.  We’d like  everyone to gather by 6 PM to get characters made and get into character by 7 PM when we sit down to dinner.  The initial game will be a party at the end of the Season, given by the Leader of the House of the Serpent, played by Jordan Vickers. We will be providing a small amount of food, most likely roasted chicken, some cheese and crackers, and perhaps other snacks.  We love it if someone would make more food, sort of potluck.  In lieu of making food, please bring a few dollars to help us pay for the food we bring.

We will need (and will award style for it!):

You!  Preferably in costume.

  • If you wear any costume, you will get 2 extra style.
  • If your costume is complete, you will get 3 style.
  • If you have a fully accessorized, complete costume that everyone thinks is fabulous, you will get 5 style.

Food! Beyond what we bring

  • If you bring extra snacks/drinks or plates/napkins/utensils, I will give you 2 extra style.  
  • If you bring an entree to share , you will get 3 style.
  • If you bring enough food for everyone, you will get 5 style!

Extra Costuming!

  • If you bring extra costuming materials for others to share, you will get a flat 3 style for helping.
  • We like prop swords and daggers (non-sharpened, preferably plastic or resin),  costume jewelry, general male/female clothing.

The schedule will be as follows:

  • 5:00 PM    GMs/Helpers arrive to setup/prepare for game.
  • 6:00 PM    Gather for conversation and character building/set up dinner/get into costume
  • 7:00 PM    Serve Dinner and LARP begins
  • 11:o0 PM   (At latest) start LARP wrap up and bookeeping
  • 12:00 PM  Site Closed

Character: Petyr Goodfellow


I was startled from my sleep by my Grandmother’s voice, a shrill overly loud bellow that I had heard way too many times since my Father left.


“What, Nama?  I was sleeeping!”

“You are supposed to be at the south woods hunting with the others!  You must do your part along with the others. There is no better archer in the wood than you! Get off your hinds and help!”

“I forgot, Nama!  I’m going!”

My nature was one of fun and adventure, and the drollery of hunting for food was never that exciting.  The prey never had a chance once I got them in my sights.  With a few seconds of focus with my Father’s bow, there has yet to be an animal that could move fast enough to avoid my arrow.  Add to that my skills as a scout, it was usually me talking them all down and the others dragging back the meat.

That was the way of the Faun. Hunt and play.  Isn’t there something else?  I have to find something better.


I sometimes miss my Nama and the others as I travel into the Human lands, but I am fascinated by all of the new things I have learned.  I don’t understand their worth, but I love the shiny things they call “gems” and “coins” and I am collecting as many as I can.  I was also able to trade some of them for a new quiver that creates arrows!  It weighs less and I never run out of arrows now.

I get some strange looks from folks as I am the only Faun in the area, but no matter.  My father taught me how to deal with folks like that.  I can still hear his words:

“Drinking and Love, Sword and Arrow, son.  These are the only ways to deal with trouble.  Try the First, and end with the Second if they won’t have any.”

So, that is how I live.  I go from town to town, looking for work to get more shiny toys, and maybe a little Elven or Human “alone” time.  I really love the Elven women.  They know the meaning of time in bed.  They aren’t in a hurry like the Humans; slow and steady, as only an immortal can do it.  I’ve spent a week in bed with an Elven woman and it was over too soon.

Well, I think I am hungry, so I’d best hunt something down.  I seem to have forgotten enough rations after leaving that last town.    It’s only a few hours out, though.  I might be able to boost a few coins and get a meal there.  We’ll see how it goes.


Meeting Dareos has been life-changing.  Beyond the obvious benefit of having a Healer about, he has started to change my way of thinking.  I haven’t stolen from anyone in nearly a month and I never forget rations or supplies anymore.  Well, I forget them, but he always seems to remember for me.

I have to admit, I took a few shiny stones from the last group of Orcs we killed out in the wild, and I haven’t told him.  Before, I never would have thought twice about it.  Now, he’s got me thinking that I might have been wrong for hiding it.  And what’s worse, if I tell him now, he’ll shake his head in that disapproving manner and then just forgive me!  He won’t even be angry at me.

I am not sure if I can stay around him and not become someone else.  He goes after causes and such, and helps folks that deserve an arrow in the head.  Lately, I have been pausing before finishing off creatures that are down after we fight something.  It hasn’t stopped me yet, unless Dareos tell me to, but I don’t appear to be as wild as I once was.

I don’t yet know if I like it, but I know he has my back and won’t desert me, even if I steal from him.  I think I might stick around for awhile yet, just to see how things pan out.  Those caves we went into were really too much for us without some tougher folks along for the ride.  Now that we are headed back to town, I need to make a decision.

Should I stay or should I go?


GURPS Stats: Petyr Goodfellow (261 points)

ST 13 [30]; DX 14* [60]; IQ 11† [20]; HT 12* [10].
HP 13 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 14‡ [5]; FP 12 [0].
5’8″; 185#

Templates and Meta-Traits

Faun (Dungeon Fantasy; p. DF3:8) [20].


Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Enhanced Tracking 1 (Multiple Lock-on) [6]; Heroic Archer [20]; Outdoorsman 2 [20]; Signature Gear $3,500 (Elven Longbow) [7]; Trading Character Points for Money $1,000 [2]; Weapon Master (Bow; one specific weapon) [20].
Perks: Fast-Draw (Arrow); Fast-Draw (Shortsword); Quick-Sheathe (Shortsword); Strongbow; Unique Technique (Double-Draw); Weapon Adaptation (Smallsword to Shortsword); Weapon Bond (Bow). [7]


Absent-Mindedness [-15]; Curious (12 or less) [-5]; Delusion (Mother was a Nymph; Minor) [-5]; Greed (15 or less) [-7]; Overconfidence (9 or less) [-7]; Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5].
Quirks: Bowlegged; Code of Honor ((Steal a little less, Help folks a little more)); Incompetence (Dancing); Minor Handicap (Bad Shoulder); Sings when bored. [-5]

Melee Attacks

Brawling * Punch (14): 1d-1 cr.  Reach C.
Brawling * Bite (14): 1d-1 cr.  Reach C.
Brawling * Kick (12): 1d+1 cr.  Reach C,1.
Shortsword * Swing (14): 2d-1 cut.  Reach 1.
Shortsword * Thrust (14): 1d+1 imp.  Reach 1.

Ranged Attacks

Longbow ST 19, Elven (19): 1d-2 imp.  Acc 3.  Range 0 in / 0 in.  RoF 1.  Shots 1(2).


Acrobatics (H) DX [4]-14; Bow (A) DX+4 [16]-18§; Brawling (E) DX [1]-14; Camouflage (E) IQ+4 [3]-15¶; Carousing (E) HT [1]-12; Cartography/TL3 (A) IQ [2]-11; Climbing (A) DX [2]-14; First Aid/TL3 (Humanoid) (E) IQ+1 [2]-12††; Gesture (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Hidden Lore (Faerie Lore) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10; Hiking (A) HT [2]-12; Jumping (E) DX [1]-14; Knife (E) DX [1]-14; Knot-Tying (E) DX [1]-14; Lockpicking/TL3 (A) IQ [2]-11; Merchant (A) IQ [2]-11; Mimicry (Bird Calls) (H) IQ+1 [2]-12¶; Naturalist (Earth) (H) IQ+1 [2]-12¶; Navigation/TL3 (Land) (A) IQ+1 [1]-12¶; Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-13; Pickpocket (H) DX [4]-14; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-14; Sex Appeal (Elf) (A) HT [1]-12‡‡; Sex Appeal (Human) (A) HT [1]-12‡‡; Shadowing (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; Shortsword (A) DX [2]-14; Singing (E) HT+2 [1]-14§§; Stealth (A) DX [2]-14; Survival (Mountain) (A) Per+1 [1]-15¶; Survival (Woodlands) (A) Per+1 [1]-15¶; Tracking (A) Per+1 [1]-15¶; Traps/TL3 (A) IQ+2 [8]-13.
Techniques: Double-Draw (Bow) (H) [0]-18; Dual-Weapon Attack (Bow) (H) [3]-18**.

* Includes +1 from ‘Faun (Dungeon Fantasy)’.
† Conditional -5 from ‘Absent-Mindedness’ when concentrating on another task.
‡ Includes +2 from ‘Faun (Dungeon Fantasy)’.
§ Conditional +1 from ‘Weapon Bond (Bow)’.
¶ Includes +2 from ‘Outdoorsman’.
** Includes +2 from ‘Heroic Archer’.
†† Conditional +1 from ‘First Aid Kit’.
‡‡ Includes +1 from ‘Appearance’.
§§ Includes +2 from ‘Musical Ability’.

GenCon 2013: A long time coming

In one short week, I will be at GenCon to play games and see the greatest gaming convention in the world.  Or so I have been assured.  This will be my first time to attend.

Most of you know that I have taken an irrational dislike to Gary Gygax.  Some of you know why.  Even fewer of you know this is the reason I have never gone to GenCon.  The Mecca of gaming and I am a GenCon virgin over a stupid Vow I made as a rash young boy.

Granted, I still don’t like him.  Given what he has done for the hobby, regardless of what I think of him, I will accept him as a Founder of what I love.  I will not accept him as the great and wonderful Oz.  Oh wait, that term actually fits him, at least the character’s charlatan origins, but he was a 3rd level magician, at best.

But, that’s not what I am writing about here, even though it is related.  That story is written here, for those that are interested.    Now on to GenCon.

I am really, really, excited about going to GenCon.  It is a little overwhelming, even for a veteran congoer like me.  I have been to several *really* large conventions and the atmosphere is staggering at first.  Most conventions are a mix of many things and gaming, although usually pretty cool, gets a side seat to all of the other events.  Like screen and voice actor signings and such, HUGE raves, and cosplay.  The merchant rooms might have one or two gaming vendors, if that.  Especially at the “Comiccon” type events.  Those are largely comics (duh), artists, and writers, with general nerd culture items thrown in.  These things take over a convention and gaming is just part of the crowd.

But *this* one is all gaming, all the time.   Most of the vendor room, I am told, is gaming vendors.  All of the food groups are represented.  Here is a link to the announcements for games being premiered at Gencon. I am sure there will be more, but this is all I could find.  Assuming I can afford it, I will bring home as many as I can!

I will be playing in a Houses of the the Blooded LARP, run by Rob Justice and attended by the creator, John Wick.  I generally have a blast with this crew and am excited to see that happens.  Most of this group will also be at GlitchCon, a week later.  I expect to have a great time.

I plan to play a 2 hour Artemis mission called Ship of the Line, and I dread that they will make me Captain, even though they know not my skills. I rarely get to play any role but captain, so it might be nice to run another station.  Anything but Comms, though.  I will do it, so the mission will succeed, but I really don’t like Comms.  The new version will be out there, as well, so I will be one of the first to try it outside of the Beta Testers.  I am excited.

I will also spend time with some of my friends, although most of them have had plans for GenCon for many moons and I doubt we will spend much time together.  So, as I am wont to do, I will meet many new gamers and drink with new friends while they are about their business.  I absolutely love meeting new people.  They all have stories, as Kaylee would say.

I look forward to what is to come and I will report as soon as I can when I get back.  Expect FB updates and such, as I go.

So, wish me luck and I will see you upon my return. Play more games!

Serenity Always,


GenCon Gaming Dreams

Games I want from GenCon.  I am sure I won’t get them all (unless I can), but WANT!
Name (manufacturer) 
Galaxy Defenders (Ares games)
Mage Wars: Druid vs. Necromancer (Arcane Wonders)
Maximum Throwdown (AEG)
Inkognito (Ares games)
Sails of Glory (Ares games)
Consequential (Asmadi)
Ultimate Werewolf: Inquisition (Bezier games)
Leviathans: Ship Quirks & Crew Abilities Card Deck (Catalyst Game Labs)
Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension (Crytozoic Entertainment)
Death Cup (Drunkassgames)
BloodBound (Fantasy Flight)
Dead Panic (Fireside games)
Firefly: the game (Gale force nine)
Galactic Strike Force (Greater than Games)
Zombie, 25′ (Iello)
Dixit 4, and 2 & 3 (Libellud)
Fluxx, the board game (Looney Labs)
Shitenno (Ludonaute)
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (Paizo)
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Character Add-On Deck.  (Paizo)
 Mice and Mystics: Heart of Glorm ( Plaid Hat Games)
Space Cadets: Dice Duel (Stronghold Games)
Pandemic: In the lab (z-man games)
Pandemic: On the brink (z-man games)

My hatred for Gary Gygax: Explained.

Some have asked my why I am the least of fans for Gygax and why I had once vowed to punch him in the nose if I met him.  It may also explain why the only version of D&D I have enjoyed is Pathfinder, and even then, by house ruling the shit out of it.


I do regret slightly that I never met him, so I could punch him, but I guess that is for the best.  I am largely over the whole thing, since he is now gone, but it has made me unpopular in some nerd circles and others have been straight up hostile with me for it.  Whatever.  And since I know that most gamers don’t study martial arts as I have,  I say this,

“Come at me, bro.”

Anyway, here is that story, if you still care.

My disdain for all things Gygaxian began when I read an article he wrote back in the mid 80s in Best of Dragon I.  Somewhere, I still have that article, but it is available online somewhere if you want to validate what I say is true.  His damning statements were (paraphrased):  “I was not influenced by Tolkien in writing D&D” and “Gandalf was a 3rd level Magician, at best.”

He claimed he took everything that he wrote from the same sources that Tolkien did (older mythological works) and apparently came to the same conclusions and mostly the same names as Tolkien did.  I am not prepared to refute this, even though it is clearly bullshit.  Orcs. Orcs, coming from the Quenya “Yrch” that elves called them in disgust.  And Halflings?  Really? The society Gygax writes about just SCREAMS Hobbits.  Gorramit, Gary!

Anyway, I digress.

The second statement was the one that made me think perhaps he really hadn’t read the books or was jsut trying to pretend he hadn’t to make his point.  Like, the original Troll, he got me.

Gandalf was a frakkin’ Maia.  A saint, by Catholic terms, and the second most powerful one at that.  Only Sauron held more raw power than Gandalf.  Even Saruman, head of the Wizard order, was seduced by Sauron and led to the Dark Side (if you will pardon my cross-referencing Star Wars).  Saying he was a 3rd level magician, at best, because he didn’t SHOW his power is about as ignorant as the idea that AS WRITTEN, any version of D&D is a role-playing game. But, that last part is a discussion for another time.

Gandalf said, in the passes headed through the Misty Mountains when he used a small spell to start the campfire, that now he has shown himself  “in signs that could be read as far as the mouth of Anduin, ‘Gandalf is here!'”.  Again, paraphrased.  Any use of immortal power, as Gandalf had, was visible to anyone else that could wield that kind of power, namely Saruman and Sauron.

So, to keep everyone safe, he could not use any real power and every time he did, it risked the Fellowship.  Imagine what a beacon the fight with the Balrog must have been! All of the Maia in Middle Earth, and all of the Elven  Ring Bearers, were likely aware of the fight and its outcome.  Only when “naked, I was sent back until my task was done” did he have the ability to openly show himself, as he no longer had to protect the Ringbearer. 

In short, Gygax was an idiot and, through folks that knew him, I am informed he took credit for things that were not his creation.  I cannot confirm or deny this, so it will remain rumour until evidence presents itself.

Still, I won’t start liking him or give him respect now that he is dead.  I will revere Dave Arneson, as the real father of roleplaying, as he truly deserves it much more.  But Gygax?  As a desert person, I waste water to show my disdain for him.


That is all.


This has been around the net several times, but I like it and what it says about my particular set of folks that I associate with.


We believe in acceptance of others, because we ourselves need it. We have been through it and we are willing to add *anyone* into our fold, whatever they are.  Race, gender, sexual orientation, religious preference, Browncoats, Jedi, whatever.  We are a diverse group of people through gaming and nerd culture and we don’t care who you are.   If you want to be one of us, you are in.

Unless you are Sith.  Fuck those guys.

Just kidding, as long as you don’t touch the younglings.  Srlsy.

In small ways, every day, we seek to be better than we are. And if someone is in need, we generally love and *seek* to help others.  and this photo is proof of it.  I know all of my friends that Cosplay would make sure this kid found his parents, regardless of what it cost them.  Because we know that with great power comes great responsibility.

We don’t just read comics or watch movies or play games.  We become them.  We are nerds, and we are proud.

So, what does that make us?

Big Damn Heroes.