Category Archives: Rambling

GM Idea: Free your mind…

I see being a game master as very similar to the path that Neo took in the Matrix. He started on the top of his game (pardon the pun) and eventually learned that his reality was a lie.

Morpheus tried to “wake him up” multiple times, starting with the Jump Program.

As Cipher mentioned, however, “everyone falls the first time.” Neo was not an exception to this. He began getting better when they started loading programs into his brain, as he finally felt like he knew something.

“I know Kung Fu.”


Morpheus knew better and responded:

As much as I want to just watch that scene again and again, I will summarize and get the point of this post.

Being a game master (or GM) is a responsibility that many don’t understand when they start, myself included. It takes many games (and many mistakes) to learn the one truth of being a GM:

We are all here to play a game together and have fun.

It took several things to show this to me. The most important was that *I* was not having fun, as I felt that this wasn’t my role. I had a job to do and that was run the game for the players and make it fun for them. This let to me wanting to quit, feeling like I was never good enough, or worrying too much about balancing out the game. No effort was put into my enjoyment during the game, as noone was really concerned with it.

Which meant everyone had less fun.

Please don’t read this the wrong way. I love running games more than playing in them now, but back then, my mind was clouded by my own limitations. I was dealing with the Morpheus in my head, while I was learning to be “the One.”

Then one day, it happened.

I was running a game and I stopped caring about the prep, the rules, the system at all and just let things happen. I think I was just tired or not feeling well, but I just gave up on systems.

All of the same things were happening in the game, meaning the players rolled their dice, calculated damage, etc, but *I* stopped all that bookkeeping and focused on when things should happen to move the story forward.

When the player got a really good roll for a character, you could see in their eyes that they felt awesome. So, I simply stepped out of the way and let them.

Listen to that again: I let them be awesome.

Who really cares when the antagonist is defeated as long as it is awesome when they are? Like on TV or in the movies, they are done when it is best for the story.

From that moment onward, my prep for games became all about learning ways to streamline the systems I was forced to use *cough* d20 *cough* and slowly gained reputation among my friends as a homebrewer extreme. It was once said to someone about my game, “Oh, we play D&D in name only, as our GM homebrews the shit out of it.”

I am talking about high levels, improvisational magic, and fast and furious combat, as much as I could. I wanted the game to be exciting, not a math exercise, unless that is what a player wanted. Every action should matter, as much as possible, in every scene.

I wish I could point to one particular thing that made this mental shift occur, but I cannot. I can point to many small examples that prepared me for epiphany, both as a player and a GM, in and out of games, but there is no recipe for enlightenment.

Chop Wood, Carry Water, as it is said.

The reason I am writing this is to help GM’s find this moment in their own games. It may not happen for everyone, and maybe this will be a completely unique experience for my only, but I don’t think so.

I will leave you with this final thought. Remember that as much as it is your role to provide entertainment to the players, it is also your role (and theirs) to ensure you are having fun as well. As they say in Dungeon World, be a fan of your players.

But also, be a fan of yourself. Enjoy watching the players hit milestones for their characters, and remember the real rules for GMing (thanks John):

  1. There are no rules.
  2. Cheat anyway

And one last GIF. Thanks for listening. I hope it helps.

Walking the Path,


A thought for today

I have been playing Elite:Dangerous lately, and it is a really wonderful game. I have also been playing in a Vampire: The Masquerade game online with a few friends. The game is intended to be a long running game, and it begins in Ancient Greece about 403 BC, with the PCs as humans who are not yet embraced.

During the initial encounters with the first actual vampires the players meet, their powers were staggering and mysterious. As one of the PCs dealt with it, he was trying to describe the bewilderment. It wasn’t appropriate to say it then, as it would kind of break immersion but I was again reminded of this exchange between G’kar and Catherine Sakai, in Babylon 5:

Catherine Sakai : Ambassador! While I was out there, I saw something. What was it?
G’Kar : [points to a flower with a bug crawling on it]  What is this?
Catherine Sakai : An ant.
G’Kar : Ant.
Catherine Sakai : So much gets shipped up from Earth on commercial transports it’s hard to keep them out.
G’Kar : Yeah, I have just picked it up on the tip of my glove. If I put it down again, and it asks another ant, “what was that?”,
G’Kar : How would it explain? There are things in the universe billions of years older than either of our races. They’re vast, timeless, and if they’re aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants, and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know, we’ve tried, and we’ve learned that we can either stay out from underfoot or be stepped on.
Catherine Sakai : That’s it? That’s all you know?
G’Kar : Yes, they are a mystery. And I am both terrified and reassured to know that there are still wonders in the universe, that we have not yet explained everything. Whatever they are, Miss Sakai, they walk near Sigma 957, and they must walk there alone.

Traveling out in the void in space ships and dealing with mysterious supernatural folks had me reflecting on the great mystery that is life.

Walking the Path,


Gaming Oath

I love my hobby and encourage everyone to try it. I well  personally defend everyone’s right to play games safely without harassment.  I share this as a service to those abused and as a warning to abusers.

This behaviour is criminal and should be treated as such. I encourage law enforcement and store owners to take these threats seriously.

I recommend store owners post *and enforce* a statement similar to this one in your establishments.

“We are aware that some of our fans have had negative experiences in the community. Let it be known that Company/Store does not stand for any racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted behaviour. We care about providing a healthy and competitive gaming scene for everyone. If we see or hear any abuse, the offending player will be reprimanded, and, if necessary, expelled for an indefinite duration.”

I will not tolerate abuse in my presence.  My games are a safe haven and I encourage everyone to make this same oath at their games.

You have my permission to share this oath. Spread it far and wide. Let them know they will not win.

So do I swear.

Tabletop Gaming has a White Male Terrorism Problem

A mixed bag (of dicks) – 2013

I have to say, that this year was a mixed bag for me. As I write this,  I considered one of these statements to open with:

I have to say, this year sucked. It can eat a bad of dicks.
I think this was a pretty decent year, despite the setbacks.
I think this year was rather Meh.

None of those captured it.  So, I think I will go with this opener.

This year was pretty much a wash. I think it only needs to nibble on a bag of dicks, but it still needs the bag. I really does.

I did some fun stuff this year, and had some changes that just sucked. Still, I am physically ok, even though I am challenged by body maintenance due to a profound of NOT taking care of it for awhile. So, let’s get that out of the way, shall we?

The Bad Stuff


I was in the hospital twice and called 911 several times to deal with an atrial flutter ( I was in the hospital for four (4) days and was eventually rebooted* and discharged. That was an ok experience, as I was coached by my doctor in front of my manager, saw some damn sexy nurses – I was not able to do anything about it. Mixed bag, right? – and had decent food for a hospital. I then had to lie on my ass for a week to recover from the reboot*.

* re·boot [v. ree-boot; n. ree-boot, ree-boot]
verb (used with object)
1. to restart (a computer) by loading the operating system; boot again.
verb (used without object)
2. (of a computer) to be restarted.
3. an act or instance of restarting a computer.

In this case, I, or rather, my heart, was the computer.  They gave love a bad name, and hit me with 70 Jules, and then with 150 Jules right in the kicker.  I would tell you what it was like, but the last thing I remember after they got set up was saying, “I think the Demorol is kicking in…”  I woke up some time later in my bed with my CPAP machine on.  They insist that I was hilarious through the process, and I am sure they weren’t lying.  One of the nurses told me when she came in when I asked what happened while I was out,  “Congratulations on your engagement!  I think you will love the kids!”  I didn’t bite on that, because marriage and me aren’t even friends on Myspace, no what I mean?

Anyway, that was the highlight of that experience until I read the discharge notes.  I was to stop drinking alcohol and start on a low sodium diet.  I keep it under around 1200-1500 mg per day and I will tell you this is one of the hardest things I have ever done.  But, I am discovering how to cook again and an amazing amount of new foods.  I am not going to be that guy, so I will just go to whatever restaurant folks want to go to and order low sodium stuff – like water – and make it through.  In fact, I have been for over a month and I think I am doing ok.  I will get better over time.  My heart is strong, but the reboot takes some recovery time.

The downside of all this was getting hit with hospital bills


I couldn’t drive all year, which made most of the year difficult at best.  I missed out on lots of things and it put certain plans I had so far on the back burner, I had to turn it off.  I am hoping, now that I can get my license back (just coordinating to get the logistics done, as I still can’t drive – the irony), that I will be getting some traction on plans that I have been putting off for a long while. I will keep you posted.

The Passing of Friends

I had several friends pass along this year.  Cheryl O’Connor, Steve Bue, and Ricky Lindroos.  Although I was not close with them recently, I knew them long ago and they will be missed.

The Good Stuff


I was able to attend/work Gencon, Glitchcon, and Arkcon this year.  I will be attending DarkCon in the next few weeks, as well.  I missed Dragon*Con, which I am mildly sad about, but I *might* hit it next year.

Gencon was overwhelming.  I enjoyed it immensely, as I was able to see some great friends there, and meet some new ones.  I spent much of my time in the gaming and vendor rooms, and then just chilling with those friends at night.  It was a great time.

Glitchcon was a lot of work (not nearly enough, though – this year will better), as I tried to do to much of the work alone.  I will be forming a team for this year, so that won’t be an issue, but this year was not up to my standards for work.  Still, people had fun, I was party to a really fun game that was written there, and it was a success. Lots of fun was had.

Arkcon:  Drunken Artemis.  ‘Nuff said.  Ok, not really.  It was a really well run game room and I hope it will be the same this coming year.  I am really looking forward to it.


I met some really cool people this year and will hopefully have the opportunity to do some really cool things.  We shall see.  I also plan to reconnect with folks with the license obtaining thing happening soon.  Now just to deal with the fear of driving…


I spent too much money on games this year, as I was spending too much time at home alone.  So, games.  I have been playing some fun ones, but I am not used to spending this much time with them, and I feel guilty I haven’t been writing enough.


I took a class on writing and it has helped me to understand some of the ways to frame a story.  I am hoping to more writing in this next year, as I think I will do a much better job.  I have 3 or 4 books I started writing, but without a good outline, I never finished.  Now that know how to create an outline for a novel, I am hoping to get them done this year.  So, less games/TV and more writing.  Wish me luck!


I am in the Walmart Associate Choir.  We perform at various company events throughout the year and it has given me the opportunity to get my singing muscles back in shape.  I have recorded a few songs this year, just to see how my voice sounded on them, but due to the copyright laws, I am not supposed to share them.   /sadface

Next year, I want to record some of my original songs, and I am looking for folks to help.  I tried learning guitar this year, but I have come to the realization that I just suck at it.  I bought a bass guitar, as I seem to be forever stuck in bass clef.  I will let you know how it goes.  Being a singer/bass player/drummer can’t hurt my chances in the long run.

This is the end

And so, as I close out the year – and this blog – I just have to say it wasn’t a great year, but I have certainly had far worse ones.  I hope your Holiday Season has been fabulous and that you made it through as well.  Hears to a better 2014!

I will leave you with the immortal words of Barry Manilow, as performed by John Barrowman, Captain Jack Harkness himself:

I made it through the rain, I kept my world protected
I made it throught the rain, I kept my point of view
I made it through the rain, And found myself respected
By the others who got rained on too
And made it through

Walking the Path,


My hatred for Gary Gygax: Explained.

Some have asked my why I am the least of fans for Gygax and why I had once vowed to punch him in the nose if I met him.  It may also explain why the only version of D&D I have enjoyed is Pathfinder, and even then, by house ruling the shit out of it.


I do regret slightly that I never met him, so I could punch him, but I guess that is for the best.  I am largely over the whole thing, since he is now gone, but it has made me unpopular in some nerd circles and others have been straight up hostile with me for it.  Whatever.  And since I know that most gamers don’t study martial arts as I have,  I say this,

“Come at me, bro.”

Anyway, here is that story, if you still care.

My disdain for all things Gygaxian began when I read an article he wrote back in the mid 80s in Best of Dragon I.  Somewhere, I still have that article, but it is available online somewhere if you want to validate what I say is true.  His damning statements were (paraphrased):  “I was not influenced by Tolkien in writing D&D” and “Gandalf was a 3rd level Magician, at best.”

He claimed he took everything that he wrote from the same sources that Tolkien did (older mythological works) and apparently came to the same conclusions and mostly the same names as Tolkien did.  I am not prepared to refute this, even though it is clearly bullshit.  Orcs. Orcs, coming from the Quenya “Yrch” that elves called them in disgust.  And Halflings?  Really? The society Gygax writes about just SCREAMS Hobbits.  Gorramit, Gary!

Anyway, I digress.

The second statement was the one that made me think perhaps he really hadn’t read the books or was jsut trying to pretend he hadn’t to make his point.  Like, the original Troll, he got me.

Gandalf was a frakkin’ Maia.  A saint, by Catholic terms, and the second most powerful one at that.  Only Sauron held more raw power than Gandalf.  Even Saruman, head of the Wizard order, was seduced by Sauron and led to the Dark Side (if you will pardon my cross-referencing Star Wars).  Saying he was a 3rd level magician, at best, because he didn’t SHOW his power is about as ignorant as the idea that AS WRITTEN, any version of D&D is a role-playing game. But, that last part is a discussion for another time.

Gandalf said, in the passes headed through the Misty Mountains when he used a small spell to start the campfire, that now he has shown himself  “in signs that could be read as far as the mouth of Anduin, ‘Gandalf is here!'”.  Again, paraphrased.  Any use of immortal power, as Gandalf had, was visible to anyone else that could wield that kind of power, namely Saruman and Sauron.

So, to keep everyone safe, he could not use any real power and every time he did, it risked the Fellowship.  Imagine what a beacon the fight with the Balrog must have been! All of the Maia in Middle Earth, and all of the Elven  Ring Bearers, were likely aware of the fight and its outcome.  Only when “naked, I was sent back until my task was done” did he have the ability to openly show himself, as he no longer had to protect the Ringbearer. 

In short, Gygax was an idiot and, through folks that knew him, I am informed he took credit for things that were not his creation.  I cannot confirm or deny this, so it will remain rumour until evidence presents itself.

Still, I won’t start liking him or give him respect now that he is dead.  I will revere Dave Arneson, as the real father of roleplaying, as he truly deserves it much more.  But Gygax?  As a desert person, I waste water to show my disdain for him.


That is all.