I have to say, that this year was a mixed bag for me. As I write this, I considered one of these statements to open with:
I have to say, this year sucked. It can eat a bad of dicks.
I think this was a pretty decent year, despite the setbacks.
I think this year was rather Meh.
None of those captured it. So, I think I will go with this opener.
This year was pretty much a wash. I think it only needs to nibble on a bag of dicks, but it still needs the bag. I really does.
I did some fun stuff this year, and had some changes that just sucked. Still, I am physically ok, even though I am challenged by body maintenance due to a profound of NOT taking care of it for awhile. So, let’s get that out of the way, shall we?
The Bad Stuff
I was in the hospital twice and called 911 several times to deal with an atrial flutter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrial_flutter). I was in the hospital for four (4) days and was eventually rebooted* and discharged. That was an ok experience, as I was coached by my doctor in front of my manager, saw some damn sexy nurses – I was not able to do anything about it. Mixed bag, right? – and had decent food for a hospital. I then had to lie on my ass for a week to recover from the reboot*.
* re·boot [v. ree-boot; n. ree-boot, ree-boot]
verb (used with object)
1. to restart (a computer) by loading the operating system; boot again.
verb (used without object)
2. (of a computer) to be restarted.
3. an act or instance of restarting a computer.
In this case, I, or rather, my heart, was the computer. They gave love a bad name, and hit me with 70 Jules, and then with 150 Jules right in the kicker. I would tell you what it was like, but the last thing I remember after they got set up was saying, “I think the Demorol is kicking in…” I woke up some time later in my bed with my CPAP machine on. They insist that I was hilarious through the process, and I am sure they weren’t lying. One of the nurses told me when she came in when I asked what happened while I was out, “Congratulations on your engagement! I think you will love the kids!” I didn’t bite on that, because marriage and me aren’t even friends on Myspace, no what I mean?
Anyway, that was the highlight of that experience until I read the discharge notes. I was to stop drinking alcohol and start on a low sodium diet. I keep it under around 1200-1500 mg per day and I will tell you this is one of the hardest things I have ever done. But, I am discovering how to cook again and an amazing amount of new foods. I am not going to be that guy, so I will just go to whatever restaurant folks want to go to and order low sodium stuff – like water – and make it through. In fact, I have been for over a month and I think I am doing ok. I will get better over time. My heart is strong, but the reboot takes some recovery time.
The downside of all this was getting hit with hospital bills
I couldn’t drive all year, which made most of the year difficult at best. I missed out on lots of things and it put certain plans I had so far on the back burner, I had to turn it off. I am hoping, now that I can get my license back (just coordinating to get the logistics done, as I still can’t drive – the irony), that I will be getting some traction on plans that I have been putting off for a long while. I will keep you posted.
The Passing of Friends
I had several friends pass along this year. Cheryl O’Connor, Steve Bue, and Ricky Lindroos. Although I was not close with them recently, I knew them long ago and they will be missed.
The Good Stuff
I was able to attend/work Gencon, Glitchcon, and Arkcon this year. I will be attending DarkCon in the next few weeks, as well. I missed Dragon*Con, which I am mildly sad about, but I *might* hit it next year.
Gencon was overwhelming. I enjoyed it immensely, as I was able to see some great friends there, and meet some new ones. I spent much of my time in the gaming and vendor rooms, and then just chilling with those friends at night. It was a great time.
Glitchcon was a lot of work (not nearly enough, though – this year will better), as I tried to do to much of the work alone. I will be forming a team for this year, so that won’t be an issue, but this year was not up to my standards for work. Still, people had fun, I was party to a really fun game that was written there, and it was a success. Lots of fun was had.
Arkcon: Drunken Artemis. ‘Nuff said. Ok, not really. It was a really well run game room and I hope it will be the same this coming year. I am really looking forward to it.
I met some really cool people this year and will hopefully have the opportunity to do some really cool things. We shall see. I also plan to reconnect with folks with the license obtaining thing happening soon. Now just to deal with the fear of driving…
I spent too much money on games this year, as I was spending too much time at home alone. So, games. I have been playing some fun ones, but I am not used to spending this much time with them, and I feel guilty I haven’t been writing enough.
I took a class on writing and it has helped me to understand some of the ways to frame a story. I am hoping to more writing in this next year, as I think I will do a much better job. I have 3 or 4 books I started writing, but without a good outline, I never finished. Now that know how to create an outline for a novel, I am hoping to get them done this year. So, less games/TV and more writing. Wish me luck!
I am in the Walmart Associate Choir. We perform at various company events throughout the year and it has given me the opportunity to get my singing muscles back in shape. I have recorded a few songs this year, just to see how my voice sounded on them, but due to the copyright laws, I am not supposed to share them. /sadface
Next year, I want to record some of my original songs, and I am looking for folks to help. I tried learning guitar this year, but I have come to the realization that I just suck at it. I bought a bass guitar, as I seem to be forever stuck in bass clef. I will let you know how it goes. Being a singer/bass player/drummer can’t hurt my chances in the long run.
This is the end
And so, as I close out the year – and this blog – I just have to say it wasn’t a great year, but I have certainly had far worse ones. I hope your Holiday Season has been fabulous and that you made it through as well. Hears to a better 2014!
I will leave you with the immortal words of Barry Manilow, as performed by John Barrowman, Captain Jack Harkness himself:
I made it through the rain, I kept my world protected
I made it throught the rain, I kept my point of view
I made it through the rain, And found myself respected
By the others who got rained on too
And made it through
Walking the Path,